THEME 3 Flashcards
Business growth
the increase in company size, revenue, market share and profitblity over time.
Econimies of scale
cost advatage that occours when a company increases their scale of production and becomes more effecaint, resulting in deacreased cost per unit.
Corporate aim
realate to the business as a whole. They are usally set by the top manegment of the bussines and provide the focus for setting more deatailed objectives for the main functional adectives of the business,
Mission statement
– the overriding goal of the bussnes and the reson for it existance. It provides a strategic perspective for the business and a vision for the futer.
Corporate objectives
realate to the business as a whole and are set by the sma of the business. The types of objective are often aimed to satisfy shareholder and act as a frame work for setting more deatailed objectives for the fuction objectives.
Department/functional objectives
go into more deatail of the spesifics to how the corpaate aims will be met.
Niche market
a small segment of a market with distinctive specilised requirements.
Mass markets
where a bussnes sells into the larges part of the market, where there are many similar products on offer
Competitive advantage
an advantage over the competitors gained by offering consumers greater value either by means of lower prices or by providing greater benefits and service that justifys higher price.
Market share
the proportion of the market held by one company or product mesased by value of volume.
Strateigic descion
a long term plan of action to achive business aims and objectives
Tatical descion
a short term response by a business to opportunities and threats
the ability of a bussines to deliver better value t customers than competittios.
Stake holder
anyone or group with an intrest in a compie e.g share holders staff suppliers banks
Share holders
owns shares in the bussines e.g owner of the bussines.