Theme 1 Introduction to the Market Flashcards
Marketing Definition
The department tasked with targeting the right production at the right target market using the right combination of price, promotion and place.
Marketing Objective
Is a marketing target or goal that an orgninistion hope to achieve, such as to boost market share from example 9%-12% within two.
Marketing stratergy
Is the medium to long term plan for how to achieve your marketing objectives.
Marketing Mix
Carefuly combining the four main marketing levers: product, price, promotion and place.
Firms that market their products effectivly in this situation produce a range of products each targeted at a diffrent market segments.
The Market
The market is where buyers meet sellers, either face to face or online.
ecomies of scale
Factors that avaerage cost to decline as the scale of output increases
Product defferantion
The degree to which a product is persived by customers to be diffent from it rivals
When a company with a sucseful business model sells the rights to allow the other business to follow that model
pimary research
Research done first hand e.g. interviewing recent buyers of your product.
secondary research
Second-hand research for general use, not tailored to any company specific.
sample size
the number of people who responded to a survey