Theme 2A neurobiological development Flashcards
- Motor cortex
- Auditory cortex,
- Somatosensory cortex
- Visual cortex
- Prefrontal: executive functions, attention
- Temporal: language, hippocampus (memory)
- Parietal: (touch), spatial functions
- Occipital: object recognition
Brain development: 2 periods
- Growth (proliferation) and migration
- Reorganization of the human cortex. Includes growth of dentrites and axons, synapse production and elimination (pruning), myelination
→ Related to functional/cognitive development
Postnatal development 4 steps
At 2 years: 80% of adult brain size/weight
• But: developmental processes continue throughout childhood and adolescence:
- Dentritic/axonal growth
- Synapse production (synaptogenesis)
- Pruning
- Myelination
- Dendritic/axonal growth (postnatal)
• Axons and dendrites are formed after migration of neurons to the correct location
• Axons migrate to synaptic targets guided by chemical cues
> Often several cm
> Axons of motor neurons:
even up to 1 meter!
–> Initial overproduction of axons and dendrites
- Synaptogenesis (postnatal)
> Why is there an initial overproduction of synapses.
> Why is it important for functional development!
Initial overproduction of synapses.
• If damage occurs early in life: others may replace them • Provides the opportunity for a rich variety of experience
(e.g. sensory input) to affect development
Important for functional development!
• Period of overproduction important for onset (cognitive) function: synaptic density peaks coincide with onset function
- Pruning (postnatal)
Pruning = loss of synapses in absence of cell death
• Follows synaptogenesis
• Competitive and adaptive:
> Stabilization/strengthening of synapses that are most often used: depends on experience!
> Elimination of synapses that are not stabilized/ strengthened
–> Use it or lose it!!
Use it or lose it: bilingualism
Language development monolinguals: ability disappears to perceive speech sounds/contrasts that do not exist in mother tongue
• Example: Contrast “L” en “R” in Chinese monolinguals
• Not used: these connections are pruned (eliminated)
Bilinguals: in Chinese children that are also exposed to a Western language, L/R contrast is conserved
• The connections are being used, and thus not lost!
Synaptic peaks
• Synaptogenesis: MORE synaptic density in cortex (more gray matter)
• Pruning: LESS synaptic density in cortex (less gray matter)
• Peak in synaptic density coincides with onset cognitive
• Experience-dependent
• Regional differences
- Structural MRI
- Functional MRI
- Structural MRI: anatomical studies (gray/white matter density)
- DTI: connectivity between structures
- Functional MRI: activity patterns
Development of structure & function
What did researchers find in DTI scans, the maturity of connections and reading ability?
Less mature: pruning adaptive to reading instruction
More mature: pruning less flexible to experience
So children with less white matter between Broca’s and Wernicke’s became better readers!
Fatty sheath insulating axons for more rapid impulse conduction
• Speeding up neural activity
Give a summary developmental processes
• Axonal/dendritic growth, synaptogenesis: overproduction of axons, dendrites and synapses
> Gray matter increase
• Pruning: competitive synapse elimination. Experience- dependent, onset pruning related to onset function
> Gray matter decrease
• Myelination: formation of myelin sheath, increases conduction velocity
> White matter increase
• Different time-course of these developmental processes in different brain regions
Experience-Expectant vs Experience-Dependent?
Child brain: experience-expectant
Adult-brain: experience-dependent
- Due to surplus of synapses in child brain
- Adult brain: half the connections of a 3-year-old
- Loss of synapses = loss of plasticity…?
Critical Period
a limited time during which a child is biologically prepared to acquire certain capacities. Appropriate support is required within this window.
Lorenz’ imprinting studies
• Goslings form a picture (imprint) of the
object they should follow
• Imprinting during early & restricted
• Irreversible process.
–> Later research shows: periods of learning/plasticity do not end abruptly
Sensitive Period
a time that is optimal for certain capacities to emerge because the individual is especially responsive to environmental influences. Development can occur later, but it is hard to induce.