Theme 2 - Raising finance Flashcards
Why do businesses require finance?
Businesses need finance to buy fixed costs (factories and machinery)
Day-day costs (such as wages ) so that the business can survive
What is a source of finance?
A source of finance is a provider of finance
What is a method of finance?
A method of finance is the way in which the provider gives finance
What is short-term finance?
Short-term finance is for businesses to pay suppliers or cover temporary shortages of cash
Short-term finance is repaid within 1 year
What is long-term finance?
Long-term finance is needed for long term investments
Long-term investment can take awhile for a business to benefit financially from investments so long term finance are due over a long period of time usually 3 years.
What is internal finance?
Internal finance is where the money comes from within the business and can be raised by using the owners money, selling assets or putting profits back into the business
What is owners capital?
Owners capital (sometimes known as owners equity) is money the owner/s invest into the business and is often from their personal savings
Sole traders and partnerships are likely to use this source of finance when they’re starting up or expanding
Usually relatively small businesses that don’t need huge sums of money or they may not be able to access other sources of finance.
What are the pros and cons of owners capital?
- Keep 100% of the business
- In case of personal savings there will be NO interest pay
- No delay in obtaining the finance
- In the case of personal savings the amount raised depends on the owners personal savings
- If the business fails the owner stands to lose their investment
- Could put a strain on family and personal relationships
What is retained profit ?
Retained profit is profit that can be retained and built up over the years for later investment
-can work in the long term and short term
-Not all businesses can use this source of finance especially new businesses who wont be making enough profit to be able to retain much
What are the pros and cons of retained profit?
- Doesnt need to be repaid / no interest payments
- Owners of the business control how the money is reinvested it is therefore a flexible form of finance
- Does not dilute the ownership of the company
- In a smaller business it may take awhile to build up a significant amount of retained profit meaning opportunities could be missed
- In the case of limited companies shareholders may prefer dividends if the business is not achieving sufficiently high returns on investment
What is sale of assets?
Sale of assets is when a business can raise finance by selling their assets ( factories or machinery) to generate capital
This source of finance is only appropriate for businesses with spare capital not suitable for very new businesses or very efficient businesses as they’re unlikely to have assets they don’t us
What are the pros and cons of sale of assets?
- Depending on the asset, a significant amount of money can be raised
- The finance raised does not need to be paid back so therefore is no interest pay
- Does not dilute the ownership of the company
- Limited to businesses with spare/surplus assets
- May take a long time to sell the asset and may need to accept a lower price for a quicker sale
-Businesses lose the future of the asset
What is external finance?
External finance is investment for the business that is obtained from bank, investors and lenders outside of the business
What is a source of finance?
A source of finance is where the finance has come from
What is family and friends as an external source of finance?
Family and friends as an external source of finance is when owners of a small/new business may ask family and friends to help them out financially
Ltds, soletraders and partnerships may ask family and friends for financial contribution
May be for interests of a share of profits or even an interest free loan amongst friends
What are the pros and cons of Family and Friends as an external source of finance?
- Loans from F&F will probably be offered without the need for security and at lower rates and over longer terms than traditional loaners
- They are unlikley to need a business plan- may not even need to write one
- May offer the money as a gift- little to no interest pay
- May cause tension and problems with relationships if the finance is not repaid or the business does not flourish
- May demand money back short notice
What are banks as an external source of finance?
Banks maylend a loan to a business to start up or when a business wants to grow and expand and may also provide a business with an overdraft to help when they have cash-flow problems
All high-street banks have business departments to deal with loans
What are the pros and cons of a bank as an external source of finance?
- Banks will lend a business without asking for a % of the ownership of the business
- Banks will allow the business owner to continue running the business their own way and not interfere so owner remains in control of the business
- Bank loans can be expensive compared to other sources of finance and interest must be paid back on time
- May be hard for a new business owner to obtain a loan as they have no historical sales data to show the bank
- Owner may need to use their own assets as security for the loan ( a house