Theme 2 - Issues of Life and Death Flashcards
Life after death; the belief that existence continues after physical death
Environmental sustainability
Ensuring that the demands placed on natural resources can be met without reducing capacity to allow all people and other species of animals, as well as plant life, to live well, now and in the future
The act of killing or permitting the death of person who is suffering from a serious illness
The process by which different living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier less complex forms during the history of the earth
When a pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child
Quality of life
The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is precious, or sacred. For many religious believers, only human life holds this special status
The spiritual aspect of a being, that which connects someone to god. The soul is often regarded as non-physical and as living on after physical death, in afterlife
The idea that the universe was planned and brought into being by a divine power
The ‘energy’ stored in your soul reflecting good and bad deeds
What do most religious believers say about life?
There is a divine mind behind all life
What does the Bible tell us about the purpose of life?
God knows all people before their birth and has a plan and purpose for all living beings
What do atheists and humanists believe about life?
It is a result of blind chance
Evolution by natural selection
The idea that the species that flourish are those which are best suited to their environment
The Big Bang Theory
A scientific explanation as to how the world was created, instead of saying it was made by God
The belief that all life was made by God
What do Christians believe about the creation of the world?
Either that God created the world over 6 days or God made Adam and Eve
What do Humanists believe about the creation of the world?
We can understand the world through science and that religious explanations of the world are unreliable
Many religious believers say that the fact that the world is so beautiful and well ordered gives us strong evidence for…
the existence of a creator God
Intelligent design
The idea that certain features of life are best explained by an intelligent cause, rather than an undirected process, such as natural selection
Evangelical Christians believe that where science seems to contradict the Bible, what seems to be at fault?
Caring for the planet and managing its resources
Humans have a ______________ to care for the planet
Global citizenship
The idea that we should see ourselves as part of a world community
What are the Christian attitudes to stewardship?
Life is a gift from God and that God has given humans the role of stewards in the world
Medical ethics
The process of deciding what is good and acceptable in medicine
What do Christians believe about the sanctity of life?
That life is created by God, protected by God and valued by God.
Christians believe that God has created each individual person and made them…
unique in their own right
Because of the belief in the sanctity of life, many Christians also accept that only God should…
take life away
Christians believe that only ___ should choose when life begins
Many people believe that what is more important than whether life is special or sacred?
Quality of life
If he degree of pain and suffering that we endure exceeds the pleasure that we gain from other areas of our life, we would be considered to have a…
poor quality of life
Why do some people believe that life begins at conception?
Because the egg and sperm are a living source of life
Some people believe that when the first movements in the womb can be felt, what has begun?
What do some people believe happens at around 19 weeks that marks the start of life?
What does it mean when a foetus reaches viability?
It could survive outside the womb
Many believe that life properly starts at what point? (about 9 months after conception)
A term used to talk about people who believe that abortion is always wrong and that every human being has a right to life
A term used to talk about people who believe that every woman should be able to choose what happens to her body
What do many people who oppose abortion argue that the unborn child has?
Rights - more specifically a right to life
Catholics accept/forbid abortion in all circumstances
Why do Catholic forbid abortion?
They say that life is sacred and God given
What is the Church of England’s view on abortion?
If the mother’s life is in danger or for ‘quality of life’ reasons, it is permitted but not encouraged
Voluntary euthanasia
When a person explicitly asks for help to die. Often this would be due to a life-limiting or terminal illness
Active euthanasia
When a person takes a specific course of action to end their own life, for example taking an overdose
Passive euthanasia
When life-sustaining treatment is removed, for example a feeding tube or respirator. Often this would be because it is believed that the patient would have wished for ‘dignified death’ or if there is no hope of recovery
Involuntary euthanasia
Where death is forced upon a person, for example during ethnic cleansing or the death penalty
Living will
A legal document which outlines what a person wants to happen if they find themselves critically or terminally ill
Euthanasia is currently legal/illegal in the UK
Why do many people want euthanasia to be legalised?
They want to control when and how they die
A place where people with terminal illnesses can go to die with dignity
Palliative care
Care that focuses on relieving pain and suffering
Most Christians agree that euthanasia is acceptable/not acceptable
not acceptable
Give 2 reasons why most Christians agree that euthanasia is not acceptable?
Any 2 from all life is sacred, taking any life is wrong, those who assist are involved in murder, life is a gift from God, suffering can have purpose and should be endured and hospices can offer an alternative
The belief that we are made of two separate parts: a physical body and a spiritual soul. Dualists believe that our soul lives in our physical body and will live on after our material body dies
The view that nothing else exists apart from matter. All we have, as human beings, is a physical body; there is no soul or spirit
The moment when the human soul is said to enter the baby’s body (usually thought to happen in the womb, at an early point in pregnancy)
What do Christians believe about the soul?
It is the inner part of our being, and the body is the home of the soul. It gives us are sense of ‘aliveness’ and forms our personality and individuality
True/False: All Christians are dualists
False, only some
What do non-dualist Christians say?
That the body and soul are one and cannot be separated. They agree that we have a soul, but believe it is an integral part of us, which is indistinguishable from the body
Humanists are dualists/materialists
What is ‘original sin’ in Christianity?
The fact that as human beings we are born with a sinful nature - because Adam and Eve sinned by eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden, all generations to follow will inherit this sin.
How do Christians believe that humans can go to heaven?
We must be reconciled with God; we need to be ‘saved’ and forgiven. This can only happen through believing that Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us from our sins
Do Liberal Christians accept the concept of ‘original sin’?
No - they argue that we need to take responsibility for our own ‘sin’, it is nothing to do with a mythical Adam!
What do atheists and humanists believe about the afterlife?
Nothing survives death - humans do not have a soul, we are just physical, material beings, so when we die that is the end
What do Sikhs believe about the afterlife?
There is a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, with the form of our next life being determined by our karma
True/False: Sikhs believe in reincarnation
What do Christians believe about the afterlife?
We only live one earthly existence, followed by eternal life in the world to come
Do Christians believe that death is the end?
No, they believe in resurrection and eternal life
What do Christians believe about death?
It is not the end, but a gateway to a perfect existence
How do Christians feel about heaven?
It is a goal to go there and some Christians say that heaven is our true home and our lives here on earth are the testing ground for life ineternity
Christians believe that just as Jesus rose again after death, so will…
What does the Bible teach about God being the Divine Judge?
On Judgement Day God will decide who will be rewarded with eternal life in paradise and who will be punished
In Christianity, those who believe in Jesus and have lived a good life will be taken to ______
In Christianity, those who have rejected God’s love and caused harm to others will be sent to ____
Christians believe that to be in heaven is to be in God’s presence, existing in a state of…
pure beauty and kindness
A ritual or solemn ceremony
Where are Christian funerals usually held?
In a church
In Christianity, when someone is close to death, if it is possible, a priest is called to say the…
last rites
In Christianity, prayers are said for a dying person when they are close to death and they can ask God for…
forgiveness of their sins
The last rites is a Catholic/CoE practice, which may also involve the priest giving Holy Communion
In Christianity, what words are people buried with?
‘Ashes to ashes, dust to dust’
Today, many Christians prefer to be ________ instead of buried
Why are non-religious funeral ceremonies becoming increasingly popular?
Many people today are uncomfortable with religious ceremonies and want a more informal, personal ceremony where they can choose the songs and readings and where there is no mention of God
At a humanist funeral, those present will remember…
the life of the person who has died, reflecting on their contribution to the world and others. they will be remembered for their special,, unique qualities, the life they led and the achievements they made
List 3 things that a humanist funeral may include
Any 3 from music, a non-religious reflection on death, readings of poetry, reminiscences about the person, a eulogy, lighting candles, moments of quiet reflection, etc