Theme 1 - Issues of Relationships Flashcards
Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse
To legally end a marriage
To live together in a sexual relationship without being married or in a civil partnership
A sense of dedication and obligation to someone or something
Methods used to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant during or following sexual intercourse
Gender equality
People of all genders enjoying the same rights and opportunities in all aspects of their lives
Acts/duties you are expected to carry out
Position, status or function of a person in society, as well as the characteristics and social behaviour expected of them
What is the most common type of family in modern Britain?
The nuclear family
Nuclear family
Consists of two parents and one or more children all living in the same house
Extended family
Consists of different relatives all living together
Reconstituted family
Made up of a mix of step-parents and step-children
Some divorced adults may choose to remarry or live in a co-habiting relationship. This may lead to the creation of a…
reconstituted family
Single parent family
Where one parent raises one or more children alone
The number of single parent families has continued to rise/fall in modern Britain as a result of an increasing/decreasing rate of divorce
rise, increasing
Childless family
Where a married or co-habiting couple are either unable to have children naturally or decide not to have children
What type of couples are often a childless family?
Give 2 examples of roles and responsibilities within a family
Any from caring for children or elderly relatives, maintaining the family home, earning money, cooking, etc
In religious practice, parents can/are expected to take their children to a place of worship
are expected to
For many religious believers, those who share in their faith are regarded as what type of family?
An extended family
True/False: In Christianity, marriage is regarded as god given
What is regarded as the best basis for creating an environment into which children should be born according to Christianity?
In Christianity, marriage is regarded as a lifelong __________
Inter-faith marriage
Where two people of different faiths marry
Give 2 examples of issues raised by inter-faith marriage
Any 2 from dietary rules, expectations about gender roles, religious beliefs about marriage and moral issues for example contraception, what religion should children be raised in and what should they be told about the afterlife, festivals to celebrate, etc
What is the Christian attitude to cohabitation?
It is traditionally prohibited, however, some Christians have become more tolerant and accepting of this. However some still disagree as they believe it devalues the sacred nature of sex which should only take place within marriage
The Catholic Church do/do not accept cohabitation
do not
The Catholic Church do/do not expect a couple to not have sex before marriage
What is the Christian attitude towards adultery?
It is wrong and forbidden in the Ten Commandments
What is reconciliation
When people argue or are in conflict in a marriage and make up
Give 3 examples of pressures on marriage
Any 3 from lack of communication/appreciation, unemployment, alcohol/financial/sexual problems, affairs, religious differences, lack of children, personality differences, etc
The Catholic Church does/does not recognise divorce
does not
How does the Catholic Church regard divorce?
As a lifelong commitment
How do Christians (besides Catholics) regard divorce?
They mostly accept it however not all accept remarriage after divorce
When a court says your marriage os domestic partnership
What is the only acceptable way that a marriage can be dissolved according to the Catholic Church?
Where a person who has previously divorced decides to marry again
Having a number of sexual relationships
Two people being sexually faithful to each other
Christians believe that sex should generally take place within…
Why do Christians believe that sex should generally take place within marriage?
It is a gift from God and is holy and sacred
Casual sex is accepted/not accepted in Christianity
not accepted
The state in which a person does not have sexual relationships until married
When a person decides never to have a sexual relationship
Most Protestants believe/do not believe in the use of different forms of contraception
The Catholic Church agrees with/opposes artificial methods of contraception
Do all Catholics not use contraception?
No, many Catholics find this particular teaching very difficult to follow and will instead follow their conscience
Same-sex marriage can/cannot currently take place in Christian Churches
Why do many Christians oppose same-sex marriage?
On biblical grounds
Why do many Christians support same-sex marriage?
They believe that the passages in the bible that discuss it don’t apply in today’s society
The Catholic Church allow/prohibit same-sex marriage
Why do the Catholic Church prohibit same-sex marriage?
It believes that sexual relationships should only exist between a man and a woman in marriage
Christians believe that all humans are created in the image of God, so…
every human life is equal and sacret
In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus taught that…
you should not discriminate
What did Jesus’ actions show about the roles of women and men in worship and authority?
He respected women and had women amongst his closest followers, which would have been very unusual at the time
In today’s society, men and woman are more _____
In the early Christian Church, the original disciples were all men/women
What does the Bible teach about roles of women and men in worship and authority?
Some parts of the bible indicate that gender is irrelevant as long as you have faith in Jesus, whilst others indicate that women are different to men and should not have authority over them