Theme 11 Flashcards
What is legislative authority ?
The power granted to certain organs of stage to enact, amend and repeal rules of law.
Which section providers the legislative authority ?
Section 43
Section 44 for parliament
Section 104 for provincial legislature
Section 156 for municipal councils
Functions of modern parliament
- Representation of the people
- Control over the executive
- Administrative, discipline of members.
- Legislative, amend laws.
Members of NA
Section 46 - 350-400 elected through an electoral system prescribed by national legislation, National common voters roll and provided for minimum voting age.
Members of NCoP
Section 60 - 10; 1 Premier or designated member, 3 other special delegates, 6 permanent delegates
The right to franchise
Protected in section 19 must be general, equal, secret and direct. Can be limited.
Voter registration before citizens can exercise their right to vote is a constitutional requirement and not a limitation on their right to vote. Had to be reevaluated.
Ritcher v Minister of Home Affairs
• 20 SA citizen working in UK did not qualify to vote under section 33(1)(d) of Electoral Act.
• Section 33(1)(e) provides a registered voter unable to vote on polling day had to be allowed a special vote if absence from republic was for holiday, trip, institution or sports event. Had to notify commission 15 days after election of absence and intention.
• HC order declaring section 33(1)(b) unconstitutional and invalid for “temporarily” and “purposes of a holiday”
• CC held that provision preventing vote violated section 19 and has to be justifiable ito section 36.
• Section 33(1)(e) constituted a limitation.
• interpret section 89(2)(c) of Electoral Act
• SMS sent out that Zuma stole money for Nkandla
• Free Speech during elections
• Did not apply to public opinions and appeal was dismissed
New Nation Movement
• Electoral Act 73 of 1998 constitutionality
• Unjustifiably limits right to stand up for public office as independent candidates - thus infringing on political rights and freedom of association
• HC dismissed application
• CC found it unconstitutional
Implications of Electoral Amendment
- Opening up political participation beyond traditional structures
- Enhanced representation without party affiliations
- Challenges for parties increased competition
- Accountability and diversity
Purpose of electoral reform consultation panel
• Broader electoral reform
• Extended election timeline for roll inspection and ballot production
Regional seats
Different provinces are adequately represented.
Compensatory seats
Crucial role in ensuring fairness and balancing representation