Theme 1 R And P Flashcards
An affair, sexual relationship with someone your not married to
Age of consent
Age at which someone is considered old enough to have sec according to state law
Cancellation of marriage
Civil marriage
Non-religious marriage ceremony
Civil partnership
Marriage of two people from same sex
Act of making a promise
Not having sexual relations
Living together asa couple
Keeping sexually pure . Waiting til marriage to have sex
Actions to prevent pregnancy and STDs
Agreement based on promises between two sides , linked to religion so includes agreement with god
Ending of marriage
Extended family
Nuclear family plus other relatives , eg (grandparents, aunts and cousins) living together
Parents and child
Family planning
Planning when to have a family (birth control/contraceptives)
Gender discrimination
Acting on prejudice against a gender
Gender equality
The idea that mean and women are of equal worth
Gender prejudice
Idea that women and men aren’t equal
Someone physically attracted to opposite sex
Nuclear family
Mum + dad + children
Practice of a man having more than one wife at same time
A biological process of a couple producing children
Marriage for a Second time after divorce
Duty , something we have to do , looking after a young brother or sister
Sex before marriage
Sexual relations prior to being married
Single parent family
A family either a mum or dad looking after a child
Promises made in wedding ceremony
Roman Catholic beliefs on contraception
- all sexual acts must be open to procreation (natural law)
- pope said “any act which deliberately prevents procreation is evil”
- artificial contraception is a sin (catholics shouldn’t use contraception)
- anything to prevent natural law is wrong
Anglican views on contraception
- contraception not a sin or against gods teaching
- Lambeth 1968 conference - “sexual love is good in itself “ and “ good reasons for limiting or delaying parenthood”
Sex before marriage (Anglican)
- can be Within permanent loving relationships (allows sex before marriage )
Quaker (sex pre marriage)
- accepts changing society
- couple can be faithful in loving , non - explorative relationships
Christianity generally (sex pre marriage)
- sex should only be experienced within marriage (sex before marriage wrong)
- sex is a gift from god ( for procreation) also seen as a gift to a married couple
- “if they cannot control themselves then they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion “ (corthians 7:9)
Buddishm (sex pre marriage )
- marriage is not rite of passage
- can take place in the confines of a loving relationship
Homosexual relationship (roman catholic )
- does not except
- homesexualality “objective disorder” ( sin)
Homosexual relationships “moral disorder “
Quakers (homo relationship)
- fully except homos into community and do not condem
- “ quality and depth of feeling between two people is most important of a loving relationship, not gender or sexual oreintation”
- “all people created in God’s Image “ (must include homos )
Buddishm (homo)
- do not condemn
- short relationships based on lust (craving) - one of the three poisons , not allowed as its unskillful living
Buddishm (gender equality)
- if a man Denies a woman of enlightenment, then his own is impossible (lotus sutra)
- no legal basis to deny a woman the right to full ordination (vinya)
- practice of buddism , same for men and women , no inequality
Christianity (gender equality)
- earliest converts , church leaders were women (Pricilla at Ephesus)
“There is no Jew nor gentile , neither slave nor free , nor is there male and female , you are all one on Jesus Christ “ (galantians 3:28)
- “god created man kind in own image , male and female he created them” (genesis 1:27)
Buddishm (divorce)
- vows are serious , shouldn’t be broken easily
- marriage keeps society stable , divorce discouraged
Teachings - keep 5 precepts
- be compassionate
- thoughts / feelings should be positive , or will have karmic value
- if people are creating suffering by staying together , then this is against the precepts and goes against compassion
Christianity (divorce)
Roman Catholic - always wrong, marriage a sacrament , divorce always wrong , promises have been made to god , possibility of annulment is allowed. Generally - accepted as last resort - lesser of two evils Teaching - god hates divorce (Old Testament) -whoever divorces and marries another has committed adultery (Jesus)
Sexual matters (buddishm)
- is about craving , must be put aside in order to achieve enlightenment
- celibate tradition , energy from sex channeled into spiritual activity
- Chasity is encouraged , sex is seen as something that is naturally part of a loving relationship
- couples should use contraception and practise family planning , prevents suffering of new life
Sexual matters buddshm 2
- people should follow precepts , should avoid adultery
- breaking that precept leads to suffering and karma
Non- condemnation of sex pre marriage or homosexuality
Christianity on sexual matters
- only married couples should have sex
- celibate tradition in Christianity
- most important reason of sex is to have children, a chance of pregnancy through every act
- masturbation is also a sin as it prevents pregnancy
- contraception is against catholic teaching
- homosexuality is seen as unatural and is a sin because it prevents pregnancy
Christianity on sexual matters
- some Christians except sex before marriage , if it’s showing love in a loving relationship
- responsible parenthood ( only the amount of children you can handle )
- many Christians disagree with sterilisation
- “ do not commit adultery” - Jesus
- committing adultery means you are breaking the promises you have made before god when marrying