Theme 1 Lines Of Analysis Flashcards
Mass Markets Benefit
Mass Market Drawback
Niche Markets Benefit
Niche Markets Drawback
Online Retail Benefit
Online Retail Drawback
Dynamic Benefit
Dynamic Drawback
Product Orientation Benefit
Product Orientation Drawback
Market orientation Benefit
Market orientation Drawback
Primary Research Benefit
Primary Research Drawback
Secondary Research Benefit
Secondary Research Drawback
Quantitative Data Benefit
Quantitative Data Drawback
Qualitative Data Benefit
Qualitative Data Drawback
Market Segmentation Benefit
Market Segmentation Drawback
Factors leading to change in supply
The amount of a product that firms are willing and able to produce at a particular price during a specific
time period.
Changes in the cost of production (raw materials, legislation, wages etc.)
Introduction of technology
Indirect taxes (additional cost to pay)
Government subsidies (money given to cover some costs of production)
Line of analysis for reduced costs of production in relation to a factor affecting supply
Line of analysis for external factors in relation to a factor affecting supply
Decrease in Supply diagram
Increase in Supply diagram
Decrease in Price DIagram
Increase in Price Diagram
Benefit of using a market map
Drawback of using a market map
Importance of design mix – aesthetic/function
Drawback of prioritising element of the design mix – aesthetic/function
Importance of design mix – economic manufacture
Drawback of prioritising economic manufacture
Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends – must adapt to relevant social trend from
extract - Benefit
Changes in the elements of the design mix to reflect social trends – must adapt to relevant social trend from
extract - Drawback
Concern over resource depletion: designing for waste minimisation, re-use and recycling, ethical sourcing
Types of promotion – Above the line
Drawback of above the Line
Ways to build a brand – USP through language NOT product
Ways to build a brand – Advertising
Ways to build a brand – Sponsorship
Changes in Brading and promotion to reflect social trends
Emotional branding
Price Skimming Benefit
Price Skimming Drawback
Penetration Pricing Benefit
Penetration Pricing Drawback
Cost Plus Pricing Benefit
Cost Plus Pricing Drawback
Predatory pricing Benefit
Predatory pricing Drawback
Psychological Benefit
Psychological Drawback
Competitive Pricing Benefit
Competitive pricing Drawback
The product life cycle - Development/Introduction stage
Growth stage
Maturity stage
Decline stage
However, in the decline stage
Extension strategy
However Extension strategy
Question Marks
Dogs However
Dog products as a source of finance
Cash Cow
Product life cycle, Boston Matrix and a balanced product portfolio
Product life cycle, Boston Matrix and a balanced product portfolio- However
Marketing strategies for b2b businesses - benefit
Marketing strategies for b2b businesses – drawback
Marketing strategies for b2c businesses - benefit
Marketing strategies for b2c businesses - Drawback
Treating staff as an asset – benefit
Treating staff as an asset - drawback
Viewing staff as a cost – benefit
Viewing staff as a cost – drawback
Flexible workforce – benefit
Flexible workforce – drawback (if task culture not suitable to business, link to weak culture)
Collective bargaining - benefit
Collective bargaining - drawback
Benefit of internal recruitment
Drawback of internal recruitment
Benefit of external recruitment
Drawback of external recruitment
Benefit of on-the-job
Drawback of on-the-job
Benefit of off-the-job
Drawback of off-the-job
Centralised organisational structure - benefit
Centralisation - drawback
De -centralisation Benefit
De -centralisation Drawback
Tall structure benefit
Tall structure drawback
Flat structure benefit
Flat structure drawback
Matrix structure benefit
Matrix structure drawback
Entrepreneurial Motives and Characteristics - example paragraph creativity
Entrepreneurial Motives and Characteristics
Profit maximisation
Profit maximisation
Social objectives
Market share
Cost efficiency
Employee welfare
Customer satisfaction
Sole Trader Benefit
- Sole trader are Only owners of a Business
- Therefore they can maintain full control over day to day running
- Able to establish a strong power culture
- Maintain consistency throughout Business
- Build strong Brand
- Differentiate from competitors
- Price Inelastic
- Increase price without sign fall in demand
- Increase Revenue
- Increase Gross profit margin
- Increase Retained profit to reinvest in…
Sole Trader Drawback
- Unlimited Liability
- Increased Risk of Investment
- If Business debt Exceeds Buisness Assets
- May need to sell personal Assets
- Increased Risk makes it less attractive for Investment
- Reduced Investment
- Less Capital
- Reduced Asset
Partnership - Benefit
- Knowledge + Experience from Partners
- Look in case + input knowledge + experience
- Improved Innovation
- Differentiation ( specifiy how)
- Price InElastic
- Increase Price
- Without SiG Fall in Demand
- Increased Gross profit
- Increased Operating Profit
Partnership - Drawback
- Unlimited Liability
- Increased Risk of Investment
- If Business debt Exceeds Buisness Assets
- May need to sell personal Assets
- Increased Risk makes it less attractive for Investment
- Reduced Investment
- Less Capital
- Reduced Asset
Private Limited Company (Ltd) Benefit
- LTD comapnies can choose their Own Shareholders
- Choose people who match their objective e.g. Passion for Innovation
- Means Less focus on Short term results as they share goals on R&D + Long term Investment
- Can Reinvest more capital into R&D / Growth rather than being Pressured to pay Dividends
- Able to Innovate + Pursue Objectives
- Differentaite from Competitors in Long term
Private Limited Company (Ltd) Drawback
LTD unable to sell shares on Stock Market
Makes it Difficult to raise large amount of Capital
Business may find it Difficult to build Scale
Limit amount of R&D
Less innovation
Less Differentiated product
Benefit of Franchisor
- Franchisor means allowing Independant businesses to use your Brand name
- Means Franchisee provides Capital to open new Branches / Stores
- Reducing Capital required for Expansion
- Franchisor being able to Expand much Quicker
- Able to Benefit from Marketing EOS
- Fixed costs of Advertising spread over More units
- Lower Fixed cost per units = Advertising More Affordable
- Able to Increase Marketing Budget + Advertise More
- Build Stronger Brand
Drawback Franchisor
- Franschisor Risk at damaging Brand Reputation
- As Franchisor not responsible for day to day running of outlet
- Franchisee may fail to uphold High level of Customer Service
- Due to lack of Supervison from Franchisor
- Poor Customer Service in 1 outlet affects Reuptation of others
- Customers may Switch to Rival Businesses
- Reducing Sales Revenue
- Reducing Gross Profit
Benefit of Franchisee
- Franchisee means paying to use another Businesses Brand
- Means they already have access to well known brand
- Meaning there are already customers who have Brand Loyalty
- Business More Price InElastic
- Franchisee can charge Higher prices than independant Businesses as customer willing to pay them
- Increased Revenue + Profit Margins
- More Retained Profit to Reinvest to open furhter Franchises
Drawback Franchisee
- Franchisee means paying to use another Businesses Brand name
- Leads to Higher Costs as Fees and Royalties will need to be Paid
- Leading to Increased Cash outflows
- Lower Net Cash Flow
- Reducing Cash Reserves
- Lower Liquidity ( Acid test Ratio)
- Unable to pay day to day bills such as rent / suppliers
- Forced to sell Non current assets in order to pay bills
- Unable to Operate
Opportunity costs
Choices and potential trade-offs
Marketing strategies for b2c businesses - Drawback
Entrepreneurial Motives and Characteristics - example paragraph creativity
Public Limited Company (PLC) Benefit
- Have gone through Stock Market Flotation
- Therefore their shares are advertised to and
accessible to the Public - Due to this they can Sell large Volume of Shares =
Sig Amount of capital being Generated - Increased Cash Available to Invest in Non Current
Assets so Business can Build Scale
Paternalistic Leadership - Drawback
- Means Leaders will consider Employee welfare
when Making Decisions - Employee input may be listened to but decision
making still controlled by Leader - May mean that ideas ( be specific) suggested by
Subordinates Ignored by Leader - Reduction in Innovation
- Product less Differentiated
- Loss of Competitive Advantage
- Explain Drawback
Public Limited Company (PLC) Drawback
- PLC companies shares Sold to the Public
- Therefore, there is More pressure From
Shareholders for Short Term Profits - So Business may neglect Long Term Objectives for
Short term Returns - To satisfy shareholders by using Profits to pay
regular Dividends - Neglecting Investment into R&D to develop
innovative Products - Product becomes less Differentiated in Long Term
Autocratic Leadership - Benefit
- Autocratic leadership means that all decisions
made by Leader - No delegation or Consultation
- Ensures Quick Decision Making
- Business able to quickly adapt to changes in Trend
- Identify Example
- Increased Differentiation / Low Costs - Explain how this links to Business
Paternalistic Leadership - Benefit
- Means Leaders will consider Employee welfare
when Making Decisions - Whilst still maintaining full control of Decision
making Process - Employees Esteems needs Met ( Maslow)
- As their Welfare is Important to Leader, employees
will feel valued by organisation - Increased Employee Motivation
- Explain Importance of Motivated Work Force
- Link to Relevant Benefit to Business
Autocratic Leadership - Drawback
- Autocratic leadership means that all decisions
made by Leader - No delegation or Consultation
- Employees don’t feel valued by Organisation
- As they are not included in Decision making Process
- Esteem needs not Met ( Maslow)
- May become Demotivated
- Explain Drawback of Demotivated Workforce,
reference Case
Democratic Leadership - Benefit
- Means that leader involves Employees in decision
making Process - Means employees will have Greater level of
Responsibility and Authority - Increased responsibility will Means employees fell
recognised By leader - Meeting Esteem Needs Maslow
- Increased Motivation
- Explain Importance of this
- Link to Benefit of Business
Democratic Leadership - Drawback
- Means that leader involves Employees in decision
making Process - May delay Decision Making Process
- Business fails to adapt to changing trends
- Loss of First mover Advantage
- Product Less differentiated
- Loss of Competitive Advantage
- Explain Drawback of this
Laissez Faire Leadership - Benefit
- Delegates full responsibility for decision Making to
employees - Means employees will have Greater Level of
Responsibility + Authority - Increased Responsibility will mean employee’s feel
recognized by leader - Meeting Esteem Needs ( Maslow)
- Increasing Employee Motivation
- Explain importance of Motivated Workforce
Laissez Faire Leadership - Drawback
- Delegates full responsibility for decision Making to
employees - Means employees will have Greater Level of
Responsibility + Authority - To ensure effective Decision Making Employees
must Posses Necessary Skills - If not Employees may feel overwhelmed with lack of direction
- Hygiene Factors not Present ( Herzberg)
- Employees become Demotivated
- Explain Drawback of Demotivated Workforce
- Believing your approach will carry over into any Marker
- Often case in UK businesses for companies who have brands built around “being British” e.g. Burberry
- Adapting your marketing strategy for every Market
- Case for Less differentiation therefore less unique selling point = need to adapt to be competitive
Mixed approach that takes advantage of transferable marketing approach, also adapting certain parts of Marketing mix where appropriate
E.g Apple make changes + coco cola changing size of packaging
- Market Penetration – The concept of increasing sales of existing products into an existing market
- Least risky
- Increasing marketing efforts or streamlining
distribution processes - Decreasing prices to attract new customers
within the market segment - Acquiring a competitor in the same market
- Market Development – Focuses on selling existing products into new markets
- 2nd least risky
- Catering to a different customer segment or
target demographic - Entering a new domestic market (regional
expansion) - Entering into a foreign market (international
- Product Development – Focuses on introducing new products to an existing market
- Investing in R&D to develop an altogether new
product(s). - Acquiring the rights to produce and sell another
firm’s product(s). - Creating a new offering by branding a white-label
product that’s actually produced by a third party.
- Investing in R&D to develop an altogether new
- Diversification – The concept of entering a new market with altogether new products
- Highest risk endeavor
- Both product development and market
development are required