A serious drama or other literary work in which conflict between a protagonist and a superior force concludes in disaster for the protagonist.
The genre of dramatic literature that deals with a light or the amusing or with the serious and profound in a light, familiar, or static manner.
A drama combining the qualities of tragedy and comedy.
In theatre, a genre characterized by stereotype characters, implausible plots, and emphasis on spectacle
Performance Art
A genre of art comprising a multi-disciplinary, live, theatrical presentation, usually involving audience. Typically involves non-theatre artist and non-theatre environment
The written dialogue an actor/actress uses to bring to life the message contained within it
In theatre, film, and narrative literature, the structure of the work comprising crises, climax, exposition, complications, and denouement, foreshadowing, discovery, and reversals
In theatre, film and literature, the aspect of plot in which necessary background informations, introductions of characters, and current situation are detailed
In visual art, the illusion depicted on a two-dimensional surface, in which figures and objects appear to recede or project sharply into space, often using the rules of linear perspective. In fictional film, theatre, and literature, the something that will occur later.
The realization of what was foreshadowed has reached fruition or has been revealed
The back of a coin- the opposite of what viewer, or reader would have expected to happen
In theatre, the use of light tp enhance the three-dimensionality of the human body or the elements of the scenery
In theatre, film, and literature, the leading actor or personage in a play or narrative work-that is, the major character around whose decisions and actions the plot revolves
The dominant idea of a work of art, music, film, dance, and literature. In music, art music, film,dance, and literature
Visual Elements
A distinguishing scene, piece of scenery or elaborate costume that take a given scene and gives the viewer a vivid picture on which to focus.
Scene Design
Developing the scenery, background, etc. to best fit what the script and the actor/actress requires to deliver the performance to deliver the script