The World Flashcards
What are the literal interpretations of creation
The creation as is described in the texts
Suggests bible is inspired by god
Earth is 4500 years old
“All scripture is god breathed”-2 Timothy 3:16
Literal interpretations of creation (2)
Some believe god brought the universe into being from nothing (called ex nihilo)
Some believe it was created from matter that existed (called ex materia)
What are the liberal interpretations of creation
People free to understand holy books in way they choose. Stories can be parables or symbolic.
Agrees that god made the world but must accept it MUSTVE taken millions of years. The word day meant period of time when bible was written. Compatible with evolution.This fact allows some Christian’s to confirm their beliefs that god caused evolution as it happened over a very long time
What are the Muslim beliefs about creation
Teaches god is the creator and sustainer of all life but there is no creation story
Scattered around the Quran and suggest the world was made over six long periods of time
Humans moulded out of clay-god breathed life into Adam
What are the facts that Muslims believe happened during creation
Allah created heaven and earth over six long periods
Adam made out of clay and had life breathed into him
Wife was made for Adam
Humans given role of knalifas
How did Charles Darwin’s findings about evolution contradict literalist views
Charles Darwin after studying animals and insects form different countries came to the conclusion that all living things evolved over a period of time
Creatures develop characteristics that allow them to survive and breed. Known as “survival of the fittest”
Evolution (2)
Humans share common genetic material with apes indicating we evolved from the
Darwins theory suggests that god did not create all life uniquely but rather it evolved from one source
What is theistic evolution and natural evolution
Theistic guided-believe in evolution but that god guided the process
Natural- believe in evolution but that god started this process
How did the Big Bang theory contradict religion
In 1965 cosmologists using Stephen Hawkins research published evidence showing the universe began from a point of “singularity” which then expanded in a hot and dense environment so matter was formed
From this expansion came the formation of stars and planets
Muslim views of evolution
Many Muslims reject evolution. They refer to passages from quran which imply the instant creation of humans quran 7:54
Quran refers to god as Al Khalistan (creator) and Al Bari (the evolver) therefore some Muslims see no contradictions between creation and evolution
How does industrial design support religion
William paley- argues there’s order and regularity ont ne universe-implies designer
Life is best explained by an intelligent cause to things rather than life being an undirected process. Too much of a chance for all nessacary things to come together for complex life to exist like the human eye
How does industrial design support religion
Michael Bebe came up with the argument of irreducible complexity using example of mousetrap
Function of some things in nature requires all parts to be present in beginning like a mousetrap
Therefore couldn’t have developed over time through evolution but must’ve been made on day one on exactly the same way it exists today
What are christian attitudes to stewardship
View one- dominion- literal Christian’s would interpret “rule over” in genesis 1:28 to mean tht god has given human the right to use worlds natural resources
“Made in the image of god”- humans have special status above the rest of nature. Also shown in genesis 2:7 where god “breathed divine life into Adam”
Genesis 9:3
What are Christian attitudes to stewardship (2)
Liberal Christian’s would argue humans should be stewards rather than exploiters
God places Adam and Eve in th garden of Eden to “cultivate and care” for it - genesis 2:15
As the earth belongs to god- humans must respect it and hand it back to god unsoiled - Pslam 24:1
Humans should look after resources for future generations in a sustainable manner
How does environmental responsibility and global citizenship tie into this?
Humans have responsibility to environment- Christian’s have a duty to do what they can to ensure they are environmentally responsible-Pslam 24:1
Each individual response for their contribution to environment-must act to protect it for example- recycling, using renewable energy and reducing carbon footprint
What are the Muslim views on environmental sustainability
Islam teaches that animals must be respected but unlike human beings they are not uniquely sacred
Muslims like Christian’s see God omnipotent creator and humans have been created with particular responsibilities
Humans are khakis appojted to care for works and rule as good would wish -Quran 7:54
What are the Muslim teachings to environmental sustainability
Balance in the universe (fitrah). Survival and continuation relies on balance being maintained
Role of humans to maintain balance by using world resources fairly
We should care for world because all humans would be judged by Allah as to how we have looked after the natural world