The Word Flashcards
Core Story or Narrative of the NEW TESTAMENT
the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Old Testament
The Hebrew Scriptures
New Testament
The Christian scriptures; the writing about Jesus and the first Christians
The Bible is arranged….
Canon of the Bible
When the Church officially declared the 46 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament to form the Bible.
The three factors that the church considered in choosing the Canon was :
1) apostolic origin
2) the importance of the community addressed
3) the centrality of the doctrine contained
Jewish Scriptures
39 Books
Protestant Scriptures
66 Books
Refers to God working through the authors of Scripture to communicate religious truth. God is really the author of the Bible.
Contextual Criticism also means…
Core Story or Narrative of the OLD TESTAMENT
Exodus –> God choosing Moses to lead the Hebrew people out of Egypt
Woman made from man’s rib..
Women and mean are EQUAL and SOCIAL
What does the Genesis story reveal?
Religious Truth
What is a literalist?
Does not accept that the Bible is open to interpretation
does not deal with factual understanding
When logic and reason cannot explain something
Does the Catholic faith accept evolution?
Yes, it does not insist we reject the theory of evolution
A collection of book written under God’s inspiration
How many tribes of Israel were there ?
What does Acts of the Apostles tell us about?
Tells us about the life of early questions
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
What does “epistle” mean?
Who was the historian who wrote about the torture of Christians?
Religious Truth
Deals with what God reveals to humans in the historical process;
The deeper meaning that God intends to reveal to people through historic events
What is the most important event in Christianity?
The Resurrection
What does Gospel mean?
Good News OR Glad Tidings
What does the Gospel contain?
Stories that had great meaning
What are the gospels?
Testimonies of Faith
What was the basis of the written gospels?
Oral Taditions
Who was the first gospel?
Who was the last gospel?
What did Luke’s gospel offer?
The “compassionate” portrait of Jesus and the outcasts of society
What does the gospel of John focus on?
The “divinity” of Jesus
What are the 4 major parts of the New Testament?
1) Gospel
2) Acts of the Apostles
3) Letters
4) Revelation
Who was the greatest Greek leader during early Christian times?
Alexander the Great
How long ago was the Bible written?
Over 1100 years ago
How many book in the Old Testament?
How many books in the New Testament?
4 Themes of OT
1) the Pentateuch (THE LAW contained in the first 5 books of the OT)
2) historical books
3) wisdom books
4) prophetic books
3 stages of development of the OT
1) oral accounts - stories passed on by word
2) written accounts - spoken word committed to writing
3) edited accounts - which stories were authentic and which ones were not
3 stages of development for the NT
1) historical accounts - events that actually happened
2) oral accounts - recollections about these historical events
3) written accounts - refined and revised spoken word committed to writing
How many books in the Catholic Bible?
46 HS
27 CS
How many books in the Protestant Bible?
39 HS
27 CS
How many books in the Jewish Bible?
39 HS
What does “Yahweh” mean ?
I am who I am
3 stages in development of the Gospels
1) Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples - had a profound effect on the apostles. The resurrection was the pivotal event.
2) after the Death and Resurrection - the disciples proclaimed the GOOD NEWS and formed communities of faith
3) early community of faith and evangelists - the gospels were written by the evangelists
When was the Gospel of Mark written?
Between 65-70 C.E
When was the Gospel of Luke written?
Sometimes in the 80’s: roughly 85 C.E
When was the Gospel of Matthew written?
Between 80-100 C.E
When was the Gospel of John written?
Earliest 90 C.E and latest 100
Roughly 95 C.E