The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963 Flashcards
why does Kenny cry when he looked in the mirror?
He has not looked in a mirror in a while and he thinks his face looks sad and he has a lazy eye.
why do the Watsons go to Alabama?
Bryon is a bad kid and they think that he will learn his lesson because grandma Sands is strict.
what happens at the sunday school that Joey goes to?
someone drops a bomb on it and four little girls get killed.
why does Joey think she is the laughingstock of the morning kindergarten?
her mom makes her wear so many jackets and she has to get them off in the morning.
what does Bryon tell Joey to make her stop complaining about wearing so many jackets?
he says that garbage trucks are for picking up frozen southern people who did not wear enough jackets.
why did they come up with the name lipless wonder for Bryon?
his lips got stuck to the brown bomber when they were supposed to be scraping the ice off the car.
what does kenny love to play?
dinosaur wars with little plastic dinosaurs
what does mama try to do to bryon when he played with matches?
she try’s to burn his hand.
why does Rufus get mad at Kenny?
Larry says I noticed how you and the little flake switch of them pants and i know Fridays is your day to wear them but i was wondering if the same person who wears the pants gets to wear the drawers too and Kenny laughed.
why doesn’t mama burn Bryon’s hand?
Joey kept spitting on the matches and she was tired of getting slobber all over her hand.
Why does Bryon get stuck to the car window?
He kissed his reflection on the frozen car window.
why does mama bang into the door?
because she knew that bryon wasplaying with matches
what was the name that bryon and kenny give the giant fish?
winnie the pooh’s evil brother, wool the pooh
why was kenny so freaked out about the bombing of the church?
because joey, kenny’s little sister was at church
what happened to joey?
she was drawn outside by a person waving at her and escaped unharmed
why did grandma sands tell kenny and his siblings not to swim at colliers landing?
because a kid has already drowned there
how did kenny almost drown?
wool the pooh was trying to drag him under water
what did the sign say on the colliers landing?
why did dad have to shave off bryon’s head?
because bryon dyed it red and had it stick up
what is the name of the car the watsons have?
the Brown Bomber
what was mama writing in her notebook?
she was writing all her calculations for the trip
How old is Byron?
What is wrong with Kenny’s eye?
He has a lazy eye.
What do people call the Watsons?
The weird Watsons.
What do the Watsons call their car?
The Brown Bomber
Why do the Watsons leave sooner than they were going to?
Because someone dropped a bomb.
Why was Joetta unharmed by the bomb?
Because she thought she saw Kenny waving and she went to him.
How many people died from the bomb?
4 little girls.
Why do the parents want to leave Byron at Grandma Sand’s house?
So that she can make him behave.
How do Byron’s lips get stuck on the rearview mirror?
He was trying to kiss his reflection, but it was cold and his lips got stuck.
Is Byron nice to other kids in the beginning of the book?
No. He is a bully.
True or False: Kenny is bad at reading.
False. He is a great reader.
why did mrs. watson almost set fire to byron?
she was trying to punish him for playing with matches
what was their car named?
the brown bomber, winged car
what did byron put in his hair?
he put special hair spray on that didnt come off
what was added to the car
a special record player built for cars
what hyperbole was used often?
he may as well tied me to a tree and said, ready, aim, fire!
why was mrs. watson mad when joey commented on her drawing
she ha misintupurted a bird for a bee
what did byron kill?
he killed a bird with a cookie.
what was byron called?
he was nicknamed daddy cool.