The Tale of Desperaux Flashcards
What did King Phillp call Despereaux?
He called him a bug.
What did Mig’s dad sell her for?
A handful of cigarettes, a red tablecloth, and a hen.
What soup was made on the day the queen died?
Chicken, watercress, and garlic.
How old was Mig when she saw the princess?
She was seven years old.
Why did King Phillp outlaw soup?
Because Queen Rosemary died from the shock of Roscuro in her soup.
How did Mig end up from Uncle’s house to the castle?
It was against the law to own another person and one of the king’s soliders took her to the castle.
What did Mig want in the end?
She wanted her ma.
Why did Roscuro chew on Gregory’s rope?
So that Gregory wouldn’t find Princess Pea and bring her back upstairs.
What was Mig’s happily ever after?
She got reunited with her dad.
What song did King Phillp play for Despereaux?
A song about deep purple falling over sleeply garden walls.
What did Roscuro love and was amazed by?
Light because he saw light and he was amazed by it.
At the beginning of the story, Despereaux said he heard something that sounded like honey. What was it?
It was the king playing his guitar for the princess.
What did Mig really want before she was taken into the dungeon?
She wanted to be a princess.
When the cook tells Mig to kill Despereaux, what happens?
She chops off his tail, but he didn’t die.
When were the two times that Despereaux’s dad was crying and why?
First, because he felt badly for voting for Despereaux to be sent into the dungeon. Second, because Despereaux forgave him for not stopping him going to the dungeon.
What was Despereaux’s dream and why was it important to the story?
His dream was that he saw a knight in shining armor and the knight took off his helmet and there was nothing there. It was important to the story because Despereaux realized that he needed to be the knight in shining armor.
When Despereaux was born, what made him immediately different from all of the other mice?
He was born with his eyes open, and everybody else thought that was weird.
What makes Despereaux’s brother, Furlough, report Despereaux to the mouse council?
Furlough saw Despereaux with the princess and mice are not supposed to go near humans, so Furlough was shocked and disappointed in his brother.
In Roscuro’s plan to get revenge on the princess, what did Roscuro promise Mig that did not happen?
He promised to make her the princess.
When Roscuro goes out to see the light and gets on the chandelier in the castle, what did the princess say that made Roscuro fall into the queen’s bowl of soup?
The princess said “It’s a RAT” and Roscuro thought that rat was such a nasty word. His disgust in the word made him lose his balance and fall.
Was Despereaux ever expected to return from the dungeon?
No, they said the rats would eat him.
Why did Despereaux so intent n saving the princess?
Because he loved her.
What things were banned after the queens death and why?
Kettles, spoons, bowls, and soup were all banned because it reminded the king of the queen and her death.
At the end was soup allowed again, if so how?
Soup was allowed at the end because the king realized that it was a silly rule, and their was no way to get the queen back, and it was time to stop trying to force the pain out.
why did Despereaux forgive his father?
So the pain wouldn’t break his own heart.
Did Mig miss Despereaux on purpose? Did she get anything?
Yes, she missed him on purpose, but she got his tail.
What did Mig realize she really wanted in the end?
Her mother.
Why was Mig hard of hearing?
Because her “Uncle” had given Her a “good clout to the ear” whenever she did something wrong, which mad her go nearly deaf.
Was the princess nice to Mig even after she had helped the rat try to steal her?
yes, she was kind to everyone.
Why did Roscuro try to steal the princess?
So he could have revenge and so he could even have light in the dungeon.
How did the jailer die?
The rats gnawed through his rope that lead him through the dungeon.
What was the cook making that she fed to Despereaux?
Why did the queen die?
A Rat fell into her soup
What weapon did Mig carry?
A Knife
What was the queen’s favorite food?
What did the rat wear on his head ?
A spoon
Why did Mig capture the princess?
She wanted to be the princess
Where did Mig put the princess?
In the dungeon
What did Despereaux use as a weapon?
A needle
What did Mig cut off Despereaux
His tail
Why did the rat fall into the queen’s soup?
Pea said rat
How many mice made up the mice council?
14, including the most very honored mouse
What was the princess’s name?
Pea, a very loved princess.
what was the rats name
roscuro, a rat that wanted light
what was the girls name?
Mig who ended up as a servant
how did the queen die?
a rat fell in her soup
how did gregory die?
a rat chewed on the rope that helped him back throught the maze of cells
what does red thread around a mouses neck mean?
it means he goes to the dunegeon
why did deparaux go to the dungeon?
he had interacted with humans
whatdid gregory do?
he watched over the prisoners.