The Victorian Era - General Preaentation Flashcards
When was the Victorian era?
It sominates most of the 19th century (1830-1901)
Who was the longest reigning monarch in England?
Queen Victoria
What happened during the Victorian Age?
England changed dramatically and it’s also the period it reached its height as world imperial power. The population of London also expanded from 2 million to 6 million, becoming one of the most important town in Europe.
What are the other main changes that occurred during the Victorian Age?
1) the economy switched from ownership of land to modern urban economy
2) industrial revolution : huge impact on everyone’s life style
3) unregulated industrialisation created great disparities
4) created anxiety in the population
5) literature
What’s the link between Queen Victoria and Victorian temper?
Queen Victoria reflected the values if the Victorian age : moral responsibility and domestic propriety.
Were the values of the Victorian age really “proper”?
There was a social dissolurion and moral impropriety
How did the queen Victoria become visually synonymous with the country she ruled?
Probably because she was the first queen that lived during the age of photography.
Can we characterize the Victorian era on a singular way?
No it was too long and it changed too much that we often refer to 3 phases :
1) early (1830-1848)
2) mid (1848-1870)
3) late (1870-1901)
Also the last decade of this period is considered as an important transition between Victorian era and modernism
What are the 2 major non literary events that occurred in the early Victorian period?
1) public railways expanded a lot it changed england’s landscape
2) reform bill that redistributed voting rights to all males owning property
How is the early Victorian period a time of troubles?
The rapid induatrialization caused social troubles (rioting…) Terrible work condition for everyone (men, women and children) and the literature focused on the poor and the new urban reality.
How’s the mid Victorian period?
1) Less tumulutous era than the earlier but still much poverty
2) Time of optimism with the promise if prosperity, England is very proud of its science and technology
3) Debates on religion intensifies.
How did the church of England evolve in the mid-victorian period?
Intro 3 factions :
A low (/envangelical) church
A broad Church
A high church
What also affected religion in the mid-victorian period?
Rationalist thoughts : utilitarism, some thinkers didn’t recognize people’s spiritual needs
New discoveries that changed the way people read Bible : darwin
How’s the late period?
Second reform Bill that extended voting rights to working class citizen.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engela made the working class imagine itself controlling the industry.
What happend in the last decade of the Victorian age?
1) English industry and imperialism were challenged.
2) Breakdown of Victorian values.
3) transitional phase between optimism and modernist movement.
What was the role of women during the Victorian era?
She was supposed to create a place of peace where men could take reuse from the difficulties of modern age
What’s the situation of women’s rights in the V period?
Women’s right were reffered to as “the woman question”
There was only a little progress : limited access to education, they could not own properties before 1870
At the end of the century women could take degrees in 12 universities (before only one)
Were women’s right for every woman?
No only middle class women.
What happened due to bad conditions in factories?
Prostirution increased.
How did media evolved?
Periodicals, books, and newspapers increased a lot due to technological advances
How was the Victorian architecture?
In the mid-victorian period we’re in a time of doubts so it’s the same with architecture : utility? Technology? Beauty?
What are the major genres during the Victorian era?
Short fiction and the novel
Drama and theater
How about short fiction and novel?
Short fiction thrived thanks to robust periodical culture
The novel was the dominant genre of the period : used to represent social world and all the social classes
Realistic novels
Major theme : the place of the individual in society
For the first time women were major writers
How about poetry?
Poets thoughts of new ways of telling stories in verse
Strong influence if the romantics
How about drama and theater?
Popular institution