The USA in the 1920s and 1930s Flashcards
Why was there a boom in 1920s USA?
Laissez-Faire: leave well alone policy - government doesn’t interfere with businesses
Assembly line: large production of goods
Credit: people can pay in installments
Knowledge: inventions
Position of USA: isolate from Europe after WW1
Advertising: sell products more effectively
New consumer goods: inventions, ideas
Tariff: tax
Shared confidence: the public and businesses were more confident to invest
What was the boom?
and industrial and social explosion where the industry’s output doubled.
wages rose, commercial goods became more available, working conditions imporved
Who didn’t benefit from the boom?
coal miners
demand for coal decreased with new industries like oil and electricity. paid poorly$9-18 a week, minimum living wage was $48 a week
Who didn’t benefit from the boom?
rural banks
relied on the business of farmers. many farms went under so many rural banks lost business and went bankrupt.
Who didn’t benefit from the boom?
growth in industry didn’t mean creation of jobs. new industries used electricity and mechanised production, so while manufacture doubled, unemployment remained at 5%
Who didn’t benefit from the boom?
unskilled labourers
unskilled labourers living rurally depended on farmwork. when farms closed down, they were forced off of the land and into the city. very little demand for unskilled labourers in the city so huge numbers of unemployed, particularly African-Americans
Who didn’t benefit from the boom?
decrease in European exports due to trade tariffs meant less demand for agriculture.
populations of USA falling so less people to feed
improved machinery and fertilisers were improving so farmers were over producing. excess of produce meant the price went down
affected 60 million americans
What is prohibition?
prohibition was the banning of alcohol between 1920 and 1933
Why was prohibition introduced?
prohibition was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.
why was prohibition unsuccessful?
nearly impossible to enforce
prohibition agents were under-funded and under-resourced
bootleggers made fortunes
illegal distilleries
corruption: many police officers were involved in liquor trade
wealthy bootleggers and large breweries could bribe police, judges and government officials
cultural changes
dance became less formal and more energetic
shorter dresses
people realised life was short after the war and decided to live life to the fullest and have more fun
unlawful executions: murder
klu klux klan
a group of white supremacists: people who believe white people to be superior to all other races.
new deal pros
restored trust in banks, farmers able to keep their farms and jobs, decreased bank failure, less strikes,
new deal cons
invasive: gave individuals little choice on how to spend money, almost totally ignored African-Americans, wasted food by paying farmers to discard excess though millions were starving
who didn’t benefit from the boom?
coal miners rural banks unemployment unskilled labourers agriculture
what was the new deal?
The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans.