The US Legal System Flashcards
Implies imposition by a sovereign authority (congress)
A law enacted by a legislative body
Prescription by an administrative agency to carry out their statutory responsibilities
Agencies make
the regulations based on the law
Applies more restricted or more specific laws than statutes
Suggest something advisory rather than binding
Applies to an order enforced by a local unit government (like a city)
Prevention: The Cornerstone
- Comprehensive preventive controls
- Produce safety standards (Produce Safety Rule)
- International Adulteration Standards
- Transportation
Importance to Public Health
- Foodborne illness is a significant burden
- Immune-compromised individuals more susceptible
- Foodborne illness is not just a stomach ache
Need for the FSMA
Food supply more high-tech complex
Shifting demographics
What’s so historic about FSMA
- Involves creation of a new food safety system
- Broad prevention mandate and accountability
- New system of import oversight
- Emphasizes partnerships
- Emphasizes farm-to-table responsibility
Enhanced Partnerships: Vital to Success
- Reliance on inspection by other agencies
- State/local and international capacity building
- Improve foodborne illness surveillance (CDC)
- National agriculture and food defense strategy
- Consortium of laboratory networks
- Easier to find recall information
Examples of Compliance with Prevention Standards
- Sanitation (removal of microorganism)
- Training for supervisors and employees
- Environmental controls and monitoring
- Food allergen controls
- Recall Contingency Plan
- GMPs and Supplier Verification Activities
Prevention Standards Mandates (developed under FSMA)
Sec. 105 Standard for Produce Safety
- Established science-based minimum standards for the safe production and harvesting of fruits and vegetables
- Applies to raw agricultural commodities (RAC) for which FDA determines that such standards minimize the risk of serious adverse health consequences or death
General Approach to Preventive Controls
1) Identify Hazard
2) Understand Cause
3) Implement Preventive Controls
4) Monitor Effectiveness
5) Review & Adjust
Prevention Standards Mandates: Sec. 103. Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls - Requires humans and animals food facilities to
- Evaluate hazards that could effect food safety
- Identify and implement preventive controls to prevent hazards
- Monitor controls and maintain monitoring records
- Conduct verification activities
Intentional Contamination: Sec. 106. Protection against International Adulteration
- Issue final rule and guidance
- Conduct vulnerability assessments
Intentional Contamination: Sec. 111. Sanitary Transportation of Food
- Addresses implementation of the Sanitary Food Transportation Act of 2005, which requires persons engaged in food transportation to use sanitary transportation practices to ensure that food is not transported under conditions that may render it adulterated