The Urban Habitat Flashcards
How do pigeons benefit from the urban habitat?
They get food and shelter
How do robins benefit from the urban habitat?
benefit from lawns which have worms, food and shelter are provided for them.
What are the three most successful urban birds(introduced species)
Rock pigeon, house sparrow, and european starling. None of them are native.
What native birds species benefits from the urban habitat?
Crows, use a communal roost in the city, because the city is warmer
What species of birds feed on the fruit of Mountain ash?
Bohemian and cedar wax wings feed on the fruit, they love crab apples and mountain ash
Why are backyard habitats important?
For diversity in the urban habitat, especially for hummingbirds
What is the benefit of using different sized seeds in bird feeders
small seeds are great for sparrows, tiny seeds are great for small birds like finches (common redpolls). Bigger seeds are better for big billed birds. The birds that feeders do attract are the birds that are already there for natural food
Do birdfeeders have an effect on migratory birds?
Very small effect, except for house finches and cardinals.
House finches
Were introduced to America
When was the first Cardinals nest found in Canada?
1901, first cardinal nest in Canada, found in point pelee in 1974
What phenomenon is occurring to the Red bellied woodpecker?
Expanding northward due to birdfeeders and possibly climate change
Factors that affect birds in the city but not those in the forest
Birds fly into windows, disease such as salmonellosis can spread through dense concentrations of birds (keeping feeders clean can solve this problem). Increased exposure to deadly predators like cats
Which birds use human made nesting sites?
house wren, eastern bluebird, and tree swallows
all cavity adopters
Gray squirrels
Feed on natural foods and planted trees food, like acorns. They spread north with the planting of ornamental nut bearing trees.
How do Eastern cottontails benefit from the urban habitat
benefit from shrubs and gardens.
Cavity adopters
How do Striped skunk Benefit?
Benefit from food and shelter
Which predatory mammal has adopted the urban setting?
Eastern coyote. With the transformation of eastern forests to farmland a new habitat was created free of predators, and they expanded past just the prairies. Hybrids from eastern wolves and coyotes, called eastern coyotes, not coy wolves bc they are not 50/50 in terms of genetics.
What birds eat suet?
attracts birds like woodpeckers (hairy woodpecker), white breasted nuthatch. Peanuts are full of fat as well (Suet=fat= which attracts insect grub eaters)