The Upper Limb Flashcards
What major vein is on the lateral side of the arm?
What major vein is on the medial side of the arm?
Basiliic (becomes axillary vein in axilla region)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Inflammation of flexor retinaculum from overuse
Compression of median nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve runs on what side of the upper limb?
Musculocutaneous: LATERAL
is the short or long head of the biceps brachii on the medial side?
Short head of biceps is on medial side.
is the short or long head of the biceps brachii on the lateral side?
Long head of biceps is on lateral side
What extensor muscles of the forearm (post compartment)
extend and abduct or adduct the hand at the wrist joint?
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
What extensor muscles of the forearm (post compartment) extend the medial 4 fingers?
Extensor digitorum
Extensor indicis
Extensor digiti minimi
What extensor muscles of the forearm (post compartment) extend or abduct the thumb?
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extensor pollicis longus
What holds the extensor tendons in place and prevents bowstringing of the tendons?
Extensor retinaculum
The brachial plexus is derived from what 2 types of nerves?
Cervical and
Thoracic spinal nerves
What are the 4 parts of the upper limb?
- Pectoral girdle (scapula, clavicle): attachment for limb
- Arm (humerus)
- Forearm (radius, ulna)
- Hand (carpals, metacarpals, phalanges)
Sternal facet of clavicle
Attaches to manubrium of sternum
Acromial facet of clavicle
Attaches to acromion of scapula
What is the shape of the costal surface of the scapula?
Posterior surface shape?
Costal: Concave
Posterior: Convex
Suprascapular notch
notch for blood vessels and nerves to get to scapula
What passes through the intertubercular sulcus?
Where is the intertubercular sulcus located?
Tendon of long head of biceps passes through groove
The groove is on the proximal end of the humerus
Where does the tendon of the long head of the biceps insert?
Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula
Deltoid tuberosity located on what bone?
Greater and lesser tubercles located on what bone?
What do they separate?
Located on humerus
Separate the intertubercular sulcus (bicipital groove)
Trochlea articulates with…
Capitulum articulates with…
Trochlea –> ulna
Capitulum –> radius
Lateral epicondyle is attachment for…
Medial epicondyle is attachment for…
Lateral: extensors (posterior compartment)
Medial: flexors (anterior compartment)
What inserts into the coronoid fossa?
What inserts into the radial fossa?
Coronoid: ulna
Radial: radius
What condyle is visible from anterior?
Anterior: trochlea and capitulum
Posterior: trochlea
What nerve passes over the medial epicondyle of the humerus?
Ulnar nerve
What muscle passes over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus?
Which bone of the forearm has a larger role in the elbow joint?
Head and neck of radius fit into what part of the ulna?
Radial notch
Radial tuberosity is on what bone?
What muscle attaches to the radial tuberosity?
Biceps muscle
Styloid processes on radius and ulna form what kind of joint?
What kind of mvmt does this joint have?
Hinge joint at wrist
Allows for mvmt in 2 directions
End of the radius has depressions for what 2 carpal bones?
What forearm bone does not directly articulate with any of the wrist bones?
There is an articular disk that separates them
Olecranon located on what bone?
When ulna is extended, fits into what fossa?
When flexed?
Extended: olecranon fossa
Flexed: coronoid fossa
Supinate: turn so palm is up
Pronate: turn so palm is down
What kind of muscle is biceps brachii?
How does it work?
Pulls on radius and crosses radius over ulna
Pectoral fascia surrounds…
Pec major
Clavipectoral fascia connects…
Pec minor with clavicle and subclavian muscle
Axillary fascia located…
At the base of the armpit
Costocoracoid membrane
part of the clavipectoral fascia that separates the pec minor and subclavius
costacoracoid membrane is pierced by lateral pectoral nerve
Where is the antebrachial fascia located?
What fascia separates the arm into ant and post compartments?
Brachial fascia
Sections of skin that are territories for sensory cutaneous nerves which are derived from a particular vertebral level
Supraclavicular nerves
(C3, C4) –> above brachial plexus
From outside the upper limb
Cephalic vein on what side?
Basilic vein?
Cephalic: thumb side (radial)
Basilic: pinky side (ulnar)
What is the name of the vein where the cephalic and basilic vein meet?
Median cubital vein
What is the name of the area of the arm where the cephalic and basilic veins meet?
Cubital fossa
What vein do both the cephalic and basilic vein dump into?
Axillary vein
Which vein in the arm runs deeper earlier into the fascia?
Basilic vein (Cephalic vein closer to surface longer)
What is the role of perforating veins?
Form communications between superficial and deep veins
Which vein of the arm enters the clavipectoral triangle?
Cephalic vein
Where is the median antebrachial vein located in relation with other veins of the upper limb?
Starts at thumb and runs up the forearm between the cephalic and basilic veins
Cubital lymph nodes
Near cubital fossa, medial to basilic vein
What systems are highly variable?
Venous and lymphatic
Vessels from cubital lymph nodes end where?
Deep lymph vessesl that accompany the deep veins (radial, ulnar, and brachial) also enter here.
Humeral (lateral) axillary lymph nodes
Most superficial lymph vessels accompanying the cephalic vein enter what lymph nodes?
Some, however, previously enter what lymph node?
Most enter Apical axillary lymph nodes
Some enter the deltopectoral lymph nodes
What are the parts of the pec major?
Clavicular head (top) Sternocostal head (middle and largest part) Abdominal part (bottom)
Damage of the serratus anterior results in…
Winging of the scapula
Anterior muscles of the shoulder include:
Pec major
Pec minor
Serratus anterior
Posterior muscles of the shoulder include:
Lats dorsi
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
Lats and pecs allow for what movement of the humerus?
Adduction and
Medial rotation
What are the 3 heads of the deltoid?
What actions do they produce?
Clavicular (anterior) –> flexor
Middle –> abductor
Spinal (posterior) –> extensor (spinal b/c attached to spine of scapula)
What muscles make up the rotator cuff?
Which ones are located ant or post?
Supraspinatus (post) Infraspinatus (post) Teres minor (post) Subscapularis (ant) (SITS)
What muscles are located on: Medial wall of axilla Anterior wall of axilla Posterior wall of axilla Lateral wall of axilla
Medial: serratus anterior
Anterior: Pec major and minor
Posterior: lats, subscapularis, teres major
Lateral: tendon for long head of biceps
What important structures are bundled together in the axilla, surrounded by axillary fat?
Axillary artery and vein
Brachial plexus
Central axillary lymph nodes
Arch of aorta originates from…
Left ventricle
Brachiocephalic trunk
Located on which side?
Splits into…?
Right side
Splits into:
1. Common carotid
2. Subclavian artery
Subclavian artery becomes the … artery when it passes behind the clavicle
Axillary artery
What is the branch off of the first part of the axillary artery?
Superior thoracic artery
1 branch
What is the branch off of the second part of the axillary artery?
Thoraco-acromial artery
Lateral thoracic artery
(2 branches)
What is the branch off the third part of the axillary artery?
Anterior and posterior circumflex humeral arteries
Subscapular artery
(3 branches)
Diff branches of axillary artery divided by location in their relation to what structure?
Pectoralis minor
2 branches of the subscapular artery
Circumflex scapular artery
Thoracordorsal artery
The axillary artery becomes what artery in the arm?
Brachial artery
Circumflex scapular branches anastamose with what vessels?
Intercostal arteries
The suprascapular and dorsal scapular arteries originate from what artery?
Subclavian artery
Brachial plexus are what kind of rami?
Ventral primary rami of C5-T1
Spinal nerves are a combo of …
They split into what kind of rami?
Motor and sensory nerves
Split into dorsal and ventral rami
What are the sections of the brachial plexus?
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Terminal branches
What are the locations of the suprascapular nerve and artery in relation to the ligament that covers the suprascapular notch?
Nerve is under ligament
Artery is above ligament
Ventral rami are bounded by what 2 muscles?
Anterior and middle scalene
Funny bone
Compress ulnar nerve against medial epicondyle
What muscle is the major supinator of the arm?
Biceps brachii
What muscle is the major flexor of the arm?
Musculocutaneous nerve innervates what muscles?
Anterior compartment of the arm
What are the 3 muscles, 1 nerve, and 1 blood vessel of the ant compartment of the arm?
Biceps brachii Brachialis Coracobrachialis Musculocutaneous nerve Brachial artery
What are the 2 muscles, 1 nerve, and 1 blood vessel of the post compartment of the arm?
Triceps brachii (lateral, medial, and long heads)
Radial nerve
Profunda brachii artery
What structures make the borders of the quadrangular space?
Teres major
Teres minor
What blood vessel runs through the quadrangular space?
Posterior circumflex humeral artery (which is a branch of the axillary artery)
Collateral arteries
Run down and around elbow joint
Anastamose with recurrent arteries around elbow joint
1. Superior and inferior ulnar collateral artery
2. Radial collateral
What structures make up the borders of the cubital fossa?
What structures run through the cubital fossa?
Pronator teres
Median nerve
Brachial artery and brachial veins
Biceps tendon
Where does the brachial artery divide into 2 branches?
What are these branches?
Divides in cubital fossa
Divides into:
Radial artery
Ulnar artery
Anterior compartment of the forearm is innervated by…
Median nerve (mostly) Ulnar nerve (flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, ulnar half of FDP)
The tendon of palmaris brevis extends down and becomes continuous with…
Palmar aponeurosis
What are the middle muscles in the ant compartment of the forearm?
Flexor digitorum superficialis: tendons run to middle phalanges
Flexor digitorum profundus: tendons run to ends of fingers
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
Where do most of the muscles of the ant compartment of the forearm originate?
Medial epicondyle
Superficial muscles of the post compartment of the forearm is innervated by…
Deep muscles…
Superficial: Radial
Deep: post interosseous nerve
What are the superficial muscles of the post compartment of the forearm?
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Extensor retinaculum (thick band of fascia that holds tendons in place)
What makes the roof of the carpal tunnel?
Flexor retinaculum
What are the deep muscles of the post compartment of the forearm?
Extensor indicis
Outcropping muscles
- Abductor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis brevis
The hand is innervated by what nerves?
Potential spaces in the hand
Thenar space
Midpalmar space
What are the 3 muscles of the thenar eminence?
Abductor pollicis brevis
Flexor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis
What muscle is the webbing between the index finger and the thumb?
Adductor pollicis
What are the 3 muscles of the hypothenar eminence?
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor brevis digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi
(Notice that the pinky does NOT have an aDductor)
Muscles ORIGINATE ON TENDONS and insert on lateral sides of 1st phalanges
Located between metacarpals
(4) dorsal –> DAB
(3) palmar –> PAD
Interossei are muscles that are between the metacarpals and ORIGINATE ON METACARPALS
What structures are in the carpal tunnel?
Flexor retinaculum
Tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus (share common flexor sheath)
Tendon of flexor carpi radialis (tendonous sheath)
Tendon of flexor pollicis longus (tendonous sheath)
Median nerve
How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?
Cut flexor retinaculum
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when inflamed tissue presses against the median nerve
Extensor expansion originates from…
Extensor digitorum tendon
The Median Nerve runs on what side of the upper limb?
What are the SUPERFICIAL muscles of the ANT compartment of the FOREARM?
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
What are the INTERMEDIATE muscles of the ANT compartment of the FOREARM?
Flexor digitorum superficialis
What are the DEEP muscles of the ANT compartment of the forearm?
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
What are the SUPERFICIAL MUSCLES of the POST compartment of the FOREARM?
Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extensor digitorum Extensor digiti minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris
What are the DEEP MUSCLES of the POST compartment of the FOREARM?
Extensor indicis
What are the outcropping muscles of the post compartment of the forearm?
Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Anatomical snuff box bounded by…
Tendon of extensor pollicis longus and tendons of extensor pollicis brevis
What artery passes though the anatomical snuff box?
Radial artery
What are the thenar muscles?
- Opponens pollicis
- Abductor pollicis brevis
- Flexor pollicis brevis
(Adductor pollicis)
What are the hypothenar muscles?
Abductor digiti minimi
Flexor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti
(Does not have an ADductor)
What nerve innervates the 3 thenar muscles (opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis, and flexor pollicis)?
Median nerve
What nerve innervates the adductor pollicis
Ulnar nerve
What nerves innervate thenar muscles?
Median and Ulnar
What nerve innervates the hypothenar muscles?
Ulnar nerve
The 1st and 2nd lumbricals are innervated by…
Median nerve
The 3rd and 4th lumbricals are innervated by…
Ulnar nerve
Both dorsal and palmar interossei are innervated by…
Ulnar nerve
Abductor pollicis longus is a … muscle, but
Abductor pollicis brevis is a … muscle
Flexor pollicis longus is a … muscle, but
Flexor pollicis brevis is a … muscle
Longus – forearm muscle
Brevis – hand muscle
Adductor pollicis is the…
webbing b/w the hand and thumb
How many dorsal interossei?
Dorsal: 4
Palmar: 3
What hand muscles does the ulnar nerve innervate?
All interossei
All hypothenar muscles
2 lumbricals
What hand muscles does the median nerve innervate?
Thumb muscles
Other lumbricals
What kind of innervation is the radial nerve responsible for in the hand?
What nerves innervate MUSCLES of the hand?
What nerves do CUTANEOUS innervation in the hand?
Muscles: median or ulnar (primarily ulnar)
Cutaneous: median, ulnar, and radial
What nerves innervate the palm?
Median and ulnar (a little bit of radial)
What nerves innervate the dorsal side of the hand?
Median, ulnar, and radial
What joint is very shallow?
Glenohumeral joint
Long head of biceps passes through the shoulder joint capsule to attach to the…
supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
The triceps attaches to … of scapula
the infraglenoid tubercule of scapula
What are the 2 parts of the coracoclavicular ligament?
Trapezoid ligament
Conoid ligament
Acromioclavicular ligament
Between clavicle and acromion of the scapula
Movable synovial joint
Coracoacromial ligament
Between the corocoid process and acromion of scapula
What are the functions of the rotator cuff?
Keep humerus in its socket (b/c glenoid cavity is so shallow)
Rotate arm
When you lift your arm to raise your hand.
Half of the movement is due to elevation of scapula
Ways the pectoral girdle can move (due to SC and AC joints)
Protract (move fwd)
Retract (move back)
What are the ligaments of the Shoulder area?
Glenohumeral ligaments
Coracoclavicular ligament
Acromioclavicular ligament
Coracoacromial ligament
What are the joints of the shoulder area?
Glenohumeral joint
Sternoclavicular joint
Acromioclavicular joint
The trapezoid and conoid ligaments are the 2 parts of what ligament?
What are the ligaments of the elbow joint?
Ulnar collateral
Radial collateral
Anular ligament
connects radius and humerus – circular ring around head of humerus
Holds head of radius in against radial notch of ulna
Describe the relative position of the radius and ulna during…
Supination: radius and ulna parallel to each other
Pronation: radius crosses over ulna
What kind of joint is the elbow joint?
Glenohumeral joint?
Elbow: hinge – 1 direction
Glenohumeral: ball and socket
What muscles are involved in pronation?
Pronator teres
Pronator quadratus
Which bone of the forearm articulates with the carpals?
Radius articulates with carpals
There is an articular disc separating the ulna and wrist joint
What joint of the hand allows for most movement?
Midcarpal joint
Where is the midcarpal joint located?
Between the proximal and distal row of carpals
What are possible movements of the radiocarpal (wrist) joint?
Flexion, extesion
Abduction, adduction (more restricted than flex/extend)
Carpometacarpal joint
b/w carpals and metacarpals – do not allow for much movement
Metacarpophalangeal joints
What kinds of joints are the proximal and distal interphalangeal joints?
Hinge joints
If break arm mid-humerus, what nerve would be damaged?
Radial – b/c runs right along the back of the humerus
Other nerves of the arm are buffered by muscles