the tyger Flashcards
regular and rhythmic metre
rhyming couplets
ring compostition
simple sturcute to reflect the fact that the poem is all based around one simple idea
‘burning bright and ‘‘symmetry’
uses oxymoron to question god and to ask what sort of person would create an animal so beautiful, that was capable of doing so much harm.
the word immortal relates to god
the poem is
existensial- questions existance
distant deeps
alliteration used to emphasise the depths of the deeps aka the universe
burnt the fire of thine eyes
reference to fire is a metaphor to humanity. once we as humans were able to stop fearing fire and control it, we could use it for cooking, warmth and scaring animals, we thrived as a race. No other animals can control it like us. However fire also has the capacity to destroy and whilst it can be used for good it can also be used for evil. Represents the free will given by god to humanity.
what the hammer?
comparing god to a blacksmith, creating you and shaping you as a person, however also creates a negative imgage of ‘beatin you’ and forcing you to be a certain way, also hammers are destructive
did he who made the lamb make thee?
lamb= jesus
how could the same being that made jesus create destruction and evil and suffering
when the stars threw down their spears
and water’d heaven with their tears
use of personification to symbolise the well known story of the war between satan and the angels in which hell was formed and questioning why god allowed it to happen and why did he want to create evil
poem hi lights the problems of
the inconsistent triad in christianity
if god is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent, then why did he create evil and why does he allow it to exist.