The Trinity, Gender, Marriage, Sex, and the History of the Entire Universe Flashcards
why are we here?
- according to ________ ________: God ________ ________ to be ________ by ________ ________ who was ________ in ________ from the ________ of ________; he ________ us to be ________ by ________ his ________ which would ________ him ________
- this means that ________ ________ ________: the ________ was, the ________ was ________ ________, the ________ was ________ ________ because it found, ________ ________ in each ________
- we were ________ to ________ in this ________ ________
- jonathan edwards: created man, happy, enjoying God, happy, himself, days, eternity; made, blessed, witnessing, excellence, bring, glory
- before time began: trinity, trinity, perfectly happy, trinity, perfectly happy, eternal joy, other
- created, participate, eternal joy
the biblical picture of gender and marriage is established in which bible passage?
genesis 1-2 (1:26-28, 2:15-25, 2:23-25)
Genesis 1:26-28
making adam
- we are ________ ________ of ________ (________, ________, ________, ________, ________)
- it’s about ________ ________ ________, not ________ ________ ________; thus you have ________ ________ ________
- you can ________ ________ being an ________ of ________
- ________ and ________ are ________ of ________ to be ________ at ________ ________
- ________: ________ are ________ to ________ the ________ and be ________ to the ________
- ________: we are ________ to ________ the ________
- image-bearers, God (moral, intelligent, relational, rational, spiritual)
- who you are, what you do; value despite sin
- never stop, image, God
- male, female, images, God, held, high esteem
- dominion: humans, called, steward, earth, good, world
- procreation: meant, fill, world
Genesis 2:15-25
- very ________
- Genesis 2:15 - “God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it”
- ________
- ________
- ________ ________ (________ is not ________ than and not there to just ________ ________ with his ________)
- ________ to be ________ ________; ________ by ________
- poetic
- complementarity
- companionship
- suitable helper (eve, less, help adam, job)
- created, his equal; side, side
Implications of Genesis 2:15-25
- in Genesis 2, we see the ________ ________ of ________ ________ to ________ ________ the ________ to ________ in ________
- ________; ________ ________ to ________ - the ________ doesn’t ________ a ________ to ________ ________ of the ________
- ________ - a ________ is ________ to put ________ ________ the ________ of a ________ ________
- ________; the ________ ________ is not ________ - the ________ is ________ to ________ ________
- ________, but the ________ is too; they ________ ________ to ________ ________ and ________ - the ________ ________ has ________
- ________ - the ________ ________ and the ________ ________ is the ________ of ________
- ________; ________ are ________ and ________ are ________ ________ - the ________ of the ________ ________ is ________ ________, not a ________ ________ ________
- ________
- first indicators, God’s desire, give man, authority, lead, marriage
- false; not accurate, Genesis - Bible, prohibit, woman, work outside, home
- true - wife, choosing, herself under, leadership, fallen man
- false; word “submit,” there - husband, called, servant leadership
- true, wife; both submit, each other, God - marital relationship, structure
- true - husband’s leading, wife’s helping, shape, marriage
- false; both, leading, both, working together - shape, marital relationship, God’s design, made up idea
- true
Genesis 2:23-25
Implications of Genesis 2:23-25
why was marriage designed?
what two major symbols of marriage bookend the bible?
will we be married in heaven?
to summarize, marriage is:
if marriage foreshadows God’s eternal love for the church, then what must also find its place in this framework?
A Biblical View of Sex
3 Points to Consider about Sex
1. h
2. h
3. h
what is the first biblical purpose of sex?
how can we apply the first biblical purpose of sex?
what is the second biblical purpose of sex?