The Trinity Flashcards
What is praise?
An expression of respect , honour and thanks to God.
What is mass?
Ceremony , also called Eucharist , in which the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bred and wine
What are the psalms?
A book in the old testamenr containing pieces of poetry that are sometimes set to music
What is divine office?
A collection of psalms and readings that every priest , monk and nun has to say at least for times per day.
What is the liturgy?
The practices and rituals that make up the communal worship of God.
What is plainchant?
An ancient for, of song usually unaccompanied , which uses a limited range of notes
What are traditional hymns?
Religious songs that have been used by believers over generations
What are contemporary worship songs?
Religious songs that have been written recently for the praise of god , often using modern instruments
What is mass settings?
Music thta enables people to sing certain parts of the mass.
What is the eucharist?
Meaning ‘thanksgiving’ it is eespecially used about the mass as a thanksgiving sacrifice to God.
What is the acclamation?
Praising with great enthusiasm
What is gloria?
A hymn of praise of gods glory and goodness which is sung early in the mass
What is alleluia?
Meaning ‘praise God’ it is the easter proclamation(announcement of the resurrection) and is used before the reading of the gospel at mass
What is the gospel?
A reading from one of the four gospels(matthew, mark, luke and john) which tells of the life and teachings of Jesus
What is the sanctus?
A hymn of praise to three fold holy God , which is used before the eucharist prayer in mass
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
Prayer of thanksgiving that is the central part of the mass , during which Jesus’ words from the last supper are said over bread and wine.
What is the consecration?
When the bread and the wine are blessed and become Jesus’ body and blood.
What is the mystery of faith?
The acclamation after the consecration ,when people recognised what Jesus had done for them
What is the triune God?
Within one God there is a threeness
What is the trinity?
The belief that there are three persons in one God; the holy father , son and holy spirit are separate, but also one being
What is the shema?
A jewish prayer affirming beleif in one god found in the torah
What is a mystery?
A belief that cannot ne filly understood by the human mind.
What is the creed?
A statement of faith
What does consubstantial mean?
Literally ‘of one being ‘showing the father, son and holy spirit are separate entities but one God.
What is a witness?
When someone shows their faith in their words and actions.
What is mission?
‘Sending out’ people with a job or function to perform
What is evangelism?
Preaching the good news about Jesus to other people.
What is preaching?
Publicly announcing a message
What is the gospel?
Good news of the teaching of jesus and the message that god loves all people.
What are the epistles?
Ltters written by the apostles to the early churches.
What does aramaic mean?
Language jesus spoke
What is a theologian?
A person that studies things related to god and religion.
What does relational mean?
Having a personal , direct link with another pwrson or with other people.
What is immanent theology
Study of the eternal life of God.
What is self revelation?
Idea that humans can only know god through what god has chosen to show about himself.
What is the laying of hands?
Symbolic gesture that passes on the power of the apostles, as leaders of the early church , that is passed on to the bishops
What are magisterial teachings
Decisions made by the magisterium that should be accepted by catholics
What is a council?
A gathering of bishops to make decisions about important issues for the church
What is heresy?
Belief that goes against accepted teaching of the church
What is baptism?
Sacrament in which a person becomes a child of god
What is totally immersed?
Being under the water at baptism so the whole body and head are covered
What is the sign of initiation?
An action to show that a person has become a formal member of the church
What is prayer?
Raising of the heart and mind to God
What is traditional prayer?
Forms of prayer that have been used by generation of believers
What is spontaneous prayer?
Prayer that does not have a set structure, where the words are made up on the spur of the moment.
What are postures?
Particular positions of the body
What is kneeling?
Being on both knees as a sign of humility
What is genuflecting?
Going down on one knee as a sign of respect
What is prostration?
Lying flat as a sign of total submission.
What is bowing?
Bending from the waist as a sign of respect
Books of psalms?
150 poems written by King David e.g. the Lord is my
What is divine office?
Also known as the Liturgy Of Hours are a set of psalms, prayers and readings which priests, monks,nuns and religious people pledge to pray fives times a day everyday.
What is consubstantial?
The god and son are one substance
Who is st augustine of hippo ?
Argues for there to be love there must be 3 things: a lover, the person they love and the love that unites. This love of God is not just contained within God but pours outward into the hearts and lives of believers.
Who is catherine lacugna?
Only possible to experience and understand what God is through his actions in peoples lives. Act of
incarnation and redemption shows how the son as love comes put from god to save man. Holy spirit guides believers to complete work of redemption.
What is apolistic authority
Apostles chose individual believers to lead the church in an area, performed by the laying on of hands. When bishops are chosen, the laying on of hands passes on the apostolic authority.
What are magisterial teachings?
Catholics believe the holy spirit guides the whole church in the truth which is clearly expressed in the magisterial teachings