The Term Infant Flashcards
When is a baby considered to be at ‘term’?
After 37 weeks gestation
When is a baby considered to be post term?
After 41 weeks gestation
What is the ‘normal’ birth weight?
- 5 - 4.0kg
- >4kg is large for gestation age
- <2.5kg is small for gestational age
What is the Apgar score?
Objective measure of perinatal adaptation
Which screening tests are carried out on newborns?
Newborn examination Universal hearing screening Hip screening Cystic fibrosis Haemoglobinopathies Metabolic disease
Which metabolic diseases are screened for in a newborn?
PKU (phenylketonuria) MCADD MSUD (maple syrup urine disease) IVA (isovaleric acidaemia) GA1 (glutaric aciduria type 1) HCU (homocystinuria - pyridoxine unresponsive)
What are you looking for on the head during newborn exam?
Occipito-frontal circumference (OFC) Overlapping sutures Fontanelles Ventouse/forceps marks Moulding Cephalhaematoma Caput succedaneum
What are you looking for in the eyes during the newborn exam?
Size Red reflex Conjunctival haemorrhage Squints Iris abnormality
What are you looking for in the ears during the newborn exam?
External auditory canal
Family history of hearing loss?
What are you looking for in the mouth during the newborn exam?
Shape Philtrum (line from lip to nose) Tongue tie Palate Neonatal teeth Ebsteins pearls (whitish cysts on gums and roof of mouth - harmless) Sucking/rooting reflex
Which abnormalities might you look for in the face during the newborn exam?
Facial palsy
Which respiratory signs are you looking for during the newborn exam?
Chest shape Nasal flaring Grunting Tachypnoea In-drawing Breath sounds
Which cardiovascular signs are you looking for during the newborn exam?
Colour/saturation --> CHD screening Pulses --> femoral Apex Thrills/heaves Heart sounds
Which abdominal signs are you looking for during the newborn exam?
Moves with respiration Distension Hernia Umbilicus Bile stained vomiting Passage of meconium Anus
Which genitourinary signs are you looking for during the newborn exam?
Normal passage of urine
Normal genitalia
Undescended testes
Which musculoskeletal signs are you looking at during the newborn exam?
Movement + posture
Limbs + digits
Hip examination
What are you looking for in the neurological part of the newborn exam?
Alert, responsive Cry Tone Posture Movement Primitive reflexes - suck - rooting - moro - ATNR - stepping - grasp
What is the acronym for the components of the Apgar score?
Appearance (skin colour) Pulse Grimace (reflex irritability) Activity (muscle tone) Respiration
How is Appearance graded in the Apgar score?
2 = no cyanosis 1 = blue in extremities/body pink 0 = blue or pale
How is Pulse graded in the Apgar score?
2 = > 100 1 = < 100 0 = absent
How is Grimace graded in the Apgar score?
2 = cry or pull away when stimulated 1 = grimace/feeble cry when stimulated 0 = no response
How is Activity graded in the Apgar score?
2 = flexed arms + legs that resist extension 1 = some flexion 0 = no tone
How is Respiration graded in the Apgar score?
2 = strong cry 1 = weak, irregular, gasping 0 = absent
What is considered a normal Apgar score?
8 or more