The Tens Flashcards
X Time Machine
Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning
Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.
“The Wisdom of Experience is an everyday opportunity. What have you set in motion? What are you learning about it?”
Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages
- Good Luck, Other Worldly Assistance
- Destiny, Karma
- Serendipidy
- Chance Meetings
- New Relationships
Gate of Opportunity: Fateful encounters and experiences await your timely discovery.
Gear Change: Ideas, projects or relationships pass into thier next phase. Taking the chance while it’s offered means never regretting
Blockages to Clear: The ripples resulting from your actions, words or decisions are already stirring and changing things. Consider what you are setting in motion and it’s effects.
Ten of Airships
Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.
Airships: Air - CITT - Communication, Intellect, Truth, Thoughts
“Surviving a tsunami of troubles, you have the clearest understanding of where help lies. From the depths of necessity, what help do you require? Ask the Gods of the Machine for what you need.”
Personal Lifestyle * Interaction * Impact
- betrayal, backstabbing
- slander, gossip
- revealed secrets
- rock bottom
- end of relationships
Personal Lifestyle: You’ve already suffered the worst. A life of death decision leaves you frozen in shock. Troubles reach their height.
Interaction: Giving space for a survivor to vent their sorrow. Coming through a narrow pass or dangerous encounter alive. Attending a death-bed or bereavement.
Impact: A national shock. Grievances that cannot be answered or asuaged just yet. Newsmongers rejoice at the scale of the calamity.
Ten of Engines
Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.
Engines: Fire - IEE - Inspiration, Energy, Enthusiasm
“When responsibilities become too weighty, you need to shift the load. How can you delegate, share or portion out your responsibilities? What do you need to lay down?”
Personal Lifestyle * Interaction * Impact
- Oppression, burden
- Hard work,
- Ambition, drive
- Dream realized
- Vitality
- Workaholic
Personal Lifestyle: Living up to impossible standards. Misusing or over-estimating your own power. Biography becomes biology, as life impacts you.
Interaction: Trying to keep the relationship going against the odds. A sense of victimization or neediness from your partner becomes oppressive. Emotionally overwhelmed by demands.
Impact: The pressures of responsibility or over-commitment. Delegating responsibility to a team or sharing power. Continuously placating others.
Ten of Leviathans
Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.
Leviathans - Earth - CMMM - Career, Manifestation, Material Wealth, Money
“What you inherit is what you can pass down. What is the bequest you recieve? What can you leave to others?”
Personal Lifestyle * Interaction * Impact
- gifts/gains
- family affairs, inheritance,
- family residence
- tax refunds
Personal Lifestyle: Enjoying the blessing & security of home & hearth. Financial security & support. making plans to benefit the next generation.
Interaction: Spending time with blood relations, close friends or professional kindred. Ackknowleding your debt to forebears, innovators & teachers. Ancestral wisdom enriches new generations.
Impact: Archieves & national information become abailable. Valuable incorporation into institutions. Having a sense of belonging to a group.
Ten of Submersibles
Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.
Submersibles: Water - CRIEs - Creativity, Relationships, Intuition, Emotions, Intuition
“When contentment comes your way, how can you share its blessing with others?”
Personal Lifestyle * Interaction * Impact
- Abundant Joy
- Lasting Happiness
- Blossoming Friendships
- Lengthy Romance
- Happy Homes
- Success in all aspects of life
- Dreams Come True
Personal Lifestyle: Contentment & happiness are enjoyed at last. Honour or reputation are recognized and celebrated among your peers. The delight of homecoming & a warm welcome.
Interaction: The blessing of hearth & home warms your heart. Lasing happioness with those you love. Building family values and emotional connections by fostering every member.
Impact: Fellowship & family values embrace everyone. The completion of a shared project. Community well-being fosters contentment.