Gods of the Machine - Major Arcana Flashcards

The Gods show you: Gates of Opportunity - What gifts do this card offer me now, what dangers attend it, & what might I be missing? Gear-Change: What changes are involved, how can I facilitate them, and how can I balance those changes in my life? Blockages to Clear: What is stuck or blocked, what am i missing or avoiding, & how can I clear the way forward?


0 Apprentice

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Zero: Denotes freedom from limitations of the material world. The number of the God force & Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Zero encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’.

“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, for this is the edge where experience grows. What possibilities are calling you to follow?”

Opportunity * Gear-Change * Blockages

  • beginnings, new journeys
  • trust, hope, optimism, innocence
  • spontaneity, eccentricity

Gate of Opportunity: The chance to try things out for yourself is offered to you. By trusting your vision, you experience carefree enthusiasm and youthful energy; by questioning the process, uyou learn your skills. Follow your dream or your heart’s desire with enthusiasm.

Gear-Change: Prepare to play with the possibilities that present themselves. You are able to strike out into new areas. A sense of optimism & adventure will see you through. Whatever you are starting out upon, follow the promise of your potential.

Blockages to clear: Youlack the spontaneity or curiosity to go deeper. Seeking your heart’s desire is not yet on the agenda. Blessed ignorance protects you, but don’t push your luck. Life is a serious business for you, so try to work playfully, and play with enthusiasm.

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I Technomancer

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Aces: IPPHONE - Initiate, Priorities, Potential, Honor, Opportunities, New Beginnings, Essentials

“The magic of life sparkels in your hands. How do you take the initiative?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Creative Power, Energy
  • Vision, Transforming Dreams into Reality
  • Mastery, Focus, Conrol, Self-discipline
  • Organization

Gate of Opportunity: Stepping up to the footplate, you can use all your talents and skills, make an impace and innovate with every ounce of your potential.

Gear Change: Engage with the task in hand. Learn and practice a skill

Blockages to Clear: You and your mind are one. Whatever you conceive there will manifest around you.

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II Aviatrix

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Twos: PAIReD - Partnership (Diplomatic Communication), Alternate/Options, Introspection, Reflection, Duality/Balance

“Behind the veil of consciousness lies a deeper knowing. What do your dreams, intuition, and innate intelligence show you?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Instinct, Intuition
  • Dreams
  • Mysteries
  • Deep Emotions
  • Greater Powers at Work

Gate of Opportunity: An opportunity to go deeper and consult the innate knowledge of your soul.

Gear Change: Your mood is more introspective,in preparation for a transition. After a time of expansion, you enter a period of restraint, quietness or consideration. Slow down to honor what emerges.

Blockages to Clear: You stand in need of soul-guidance; find a wise friend or expert to help you.

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III The Empress

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Threes – Complete Cycle (Beginning, Middle & End)

CA/CG/CU: Combining groups, Administrating, Creativity, Growth, Completion/fulfillment, Understanding.

“Everything you ever needed is at your command. How can your potential best be expressed or fostered?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Fruitfulness, Fertility
  • Fulfillment
  • Sensuality, Beauty
  • Nurturing, Motherhood

Gate of Opportunity: Creativity is a pleasure, allowing you to concentrate on the growth or fulfilment of things dear to your heart.

Gear-Change: You appreciate beauty after a phase of being surrounded by the mundane, the plain or the unadorned.

Blockages to Clear: Spending your resources on creating a good impression is time-consuming.

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IV Emperor

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Fours: ABODES - Assembling, Boundaries, Ordering, Defining, Exibit/manifest, Stabilizing.

“The power to be authentic lies in your hand. What clear patterns and boundaries help you find and keep that authenticity?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Power, Authority
  • Assertion
  • Control
  • Order, Structure, Logic
  • Father Figure
  • Worldly Success, Possible Promotion

Gate of Opportunity: Your leadership qualities enable you to turn ideas into reality, lead the field or bring a plan through to its goal.

Gear Change: You may find yourself holding power or securing boundaries for the benefit of all, rather than just serving yourself. Prepare to take charge.

Blockages to Clear: Allowing things to be administrated or organized fairly frees things up. Check your fatherly qualities dont become to domineering and restrict the authority or liberty of others.

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V Horologer

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Fives: Chaos Cresc: a) Conflict Instability, Strife 2) Reality Check, Bringing Awareness, 3) Change, Breaking out.

“Individuals have to live together in society by mutual agreement. How do you bridge what you have to offer and what the world needs?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Education, Higher Learning, Mentor/Teacher
  • Spirituality
  • Seeking Guidance
  • Social Groups, Belonging
  • Roles Defined

Gate of Opportunity: Inspired by excellence, you can add something of value to tradition, re-enthusing conventionally held codes with powerfully supportive concepts.

Gear Change: By transforming the mundane into the spiritual, you life the whole way people live.

Blockages to Clear: Being spiritually or morally coercie, you can limit the blessing.

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VI The Explorers

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Sixes: Harmony with self and others. CCHCC

(Return to) Center, Confidence/self-worth, Harmony, Communication/Cooperation.

“When love strikes, no one can predict the result. Where is your love bestowed? Where is it reciprocated or wither is it winging?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Love, Passion, Relationships
  • Shared Values, Balance
  • Choices, Decisions
  • Love for Oneself
  • Staying True to Oneself

Gate of Opportunity: Unions, Mergers, contracts and agreements have a special magic. Look forward to the fulfillment of desire or the satisfaction of passion.

Gear Change: You have your hands on the magical attractor which holds things together or make them work. The opportunity to test how things or people gel is here.

Blockages to Clear: The way you explore or fail to register loyalty and commitment defines the relationships you will have. Issues of trust may need to be renegotiated

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VII Triumph

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Sevens: Action on Insight. CREMa

finding Courage to Re-order, Experiment, & Make space. reflection, assessment, knowledge.

“Your Magnum Opus moves closer to fulfillment when you have faith in yourself and know who you areally are. Where is your will directed? What keeps you on the road?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Energy, Drive, Ambition
  • Moving Forward, Travel
  • Victory, Triumph against the odds
  • Reward
  • News
  • Opportunities

Gate of Opportunity: Mastery brings victory. Self-confidence and self-discipline enable you to harness your abilities towards a great purpose. Harness your resources to help you attain your goals.

Gear Change: You are making a great leap forward and getting your hands upon the reinsor steering wheel.

Blockages to Clear: Admoration and influence keep you on the road: have you enough interest to continue without these to propel you?

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VIII The Engineer

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Eights: Reassessing & recognizing, grappling with consolodation, accomplishing, mastery, action.

“Fortitude arises from the power within. Where can the courage of your convictions follow through?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Strength from within, ability
  • Faith, bravery
  • Patience
  • Self-control
  • anamalistic
  • negativity Overpowered
  • Befriending an animal.

Gate of Opportunity: Having the strength of mind or moral courage to engage with things opens the valves. Ypu have the confidence there’s enough fuel to keep you going.

Gear Change: You are in the build-up to something that will change your life. Inner conviction will help you navigate

Blockages to Clear: Taming the beast takes resolution and careful handling. Check up on the health of your mind, body and spirit.

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IX Inventor

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Nines: seeking self-fulfillment, creative completion, contentment, satisfaction, fruition, attainment.

“Returning to your center brings wisdom. When you close your eyes and still yourself, what arises from the silence?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Introspection, meditation
  • Solitary endeavors, withdrawing from society
  • Hunting for knowledge, Study and learning
  • Teacher
  • Wisdom Found

Gate of Opportunity: Searching for guidance, spiritual truth, illumination or wosdom, you can find a mentor, idea or role model. A good time for a necessary period of reassessment or introspection.

Gear Change: As your plans mature, you will need a fallow period to allow further creation to flow. Prepare to withdraw, rest or recover.

Blockages to Clear: Giving listening space to a friend or giving room to an idea can provide clearance in the present impasse.

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X Time Machine

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Tens: Engaged in finalization, the restatement of principles, pasing thing on, bringing things home, completion, end of a cycle, renewal.

“The Wisdom of Experience is an everyday opportunity. What have you set in motion? What are you learning about it?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Good Luck, Other Worldly Assistance
  • Destiny, Karma
  • Serendipidy
  • Chance Meetings
  • New Relationships

Gate of Opportunity: Fateful encounters and experiences await your timely discovery.

Gear Change: Ideas, projects or relationships pass into thier next phase. Taking the chance while it’s offered means never regretting

Blockages to Clear: The ripples resulting from your actions, words or decisions are already stirring and changing things. Consider what you are setting in motion and it’s effects.

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XI Brazen Head

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Elevens: Higher intuition & spiritual insight, supernatural abilities, increased sensitivity, increased empathy and natural intelligence. A sign of enormous mental & physical power.

“The challenge to be authentic and honest comes every day, as you learn the value of self-knowledge. What is the purest course of action for you now?

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Universal equilibrium
  • Justice, Fairness, Legal Dealings
  • Honor
  • Dispute Resolution, Reconciliation

Gate of Opportunity: Making a fair assessment or account of a project is necessary. You mediate or arbitrate between two disaffected parties.

Gear Change: Gear up for negotiation of contracts or the arbitration of legal matters. Measuring up to the situation or percieving your motives is required.

Blockages to Clear: A legal case tribunal or examination means you have to account for yourself. Where do you have to be true to your nature?

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XII Suspension Tank

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Twelves: completion, perfection. Expect to start a new chapter or cycle. Be ready for transition, prosperity and taking action. Renewal, refreshing. Positivity, faithfulness, optimism, and growth.

“Entering deeply into the progress requires calm surrender. How does your devotion help you to realize the gifts of life?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Sacrifice, letting go, detatchment
  • Suspension
  • Understanding
  • A Crucible

Gate of Opportunity: Trusting the process or entering into rapport, you gain insight. Let something go in order to heal.

Gear Change: Consider looking at things from a different perspective during this period of your life

Blockages to Clear: Getting hung up on illusions or suspicions weaves a web in which you get stuck. Sitting on the fnece is nouse – only total engagement will get you through.

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XIII Spring-Heeled Jack

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Thirteens: Metamorphosis, beginning of a new era, start of a transition. An initiatory death leading to rebirth.

“Without change and evolution, things stultify and stagnate. What outworn principles are you clinging to? Do they give you life or death?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Sacrifice, Letting Go, Detatchment, Suspension
  • Understanding
  • A crucible

Gate of Opportunity: Endings bring change and transformation. The overturn or outworn ideas or situations or the disruption of old patterns brings you relief from worry.

Gear Change: The dismemberment or temporary overthrow of your ordered life ensures decisions are taken out of your hands. You may have to take ruthless yet compassionate action.

Blockages to Clear: If you are hanging ontp things rather than letting go of what is fading or ending, how can you make space for renewal? Try eliminating some old attitudes that have been shoring you up.

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XIV Spirit Gauge

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Fourteens: Cosmic debt. Tread carefully as actions have far reaching consequences. Boundless energy and zeal for life inspires and encourages others.

“The duality of opposition and competition is a continual spur to find synthesis. Where do you need to adapt? What comes together when you blend or optimize your resources?”

Opportunity * Gear change * Blockages

  • Moderation, Balance
  • Harmony, Blending, Partnership
  • Resolution
  • Excellent Cooperation
  • New Ideas, Creative Work

Gate of Opportunity: Your chance to bring the harmonious fusion of complementary forces helps you adapt or moderate your plans. Find creative solutions that lead to compatibility and balanced living.

Gear Change: By mediation, arbitration, or blending different ideas, you can create a united front out of a disparate group of people. This requires delicacy of touch and the ability to respect contrasting views.

Blockages to Clear: Self-Indulgence and addictive behaviour can take your physical, mental and spiritual health out of balance. Merging with every new/popular idea scatters your potential. Find your balance point or create your ow gauge of personal warning signs that herald the path to excess.

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XV Cyborg

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Fifteen: Leadership, decision maker (good or bad…). Family, harmony, idealism. Balance vs. Habit forming. Seek harmony over forging rituals.

“The loss or lessening of humanity in any situation is also the loss of common sense. What are the chains that bind you? What does your humor have to say about this?”

Opportunity * Gear-Change * Blockages

  • bondage, unable to sever ties
  • obsession
  • money/power/sex, materialism
  • imbalanced relationships
  • debauchery
  • lust, kinkiness

Gate of Opportunity: When you allow the limitation of fear or the colonization of obsession, you enter into an indulgnt captivity. Inflexibility is leading to stagnation, imprisonment or bondage. Ignorance, pessimism or self-limitation is dominant. You fell limited by being in the shadow of something fearful.

Gear Change: With only a slight bending of the rules to your personal requirement, you can become ruled by your demons and habits. Addictive gratification is just the neglect of creative possibilities. Being caught up in appearances, you can neglect what really matters.

Blockages to clear: Obstacles which need to be overcome take on gigantic stature. Past traumas may be dictating your reactions. finding a scapegoat for your blame ignores your part in the matter. A fatal attraction is sapping your forces. What wisdom do you reclaim as yours from the sea of fear?


XVI Stricken Tower

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Sixteen: Seeks enough wisdom to help others and teach. Right action (analytical/factual) with right reasons (spiritual). Great change, likely a great change of faith or beliefs. It could also be a physical change with something like location or relationships.

“Revelation strikes when least expected, making everything spin apart. What is strugging to emerge within?”

  • Disruptive or extreme changes
  • Unexpected thoughts & feelings
  • anger
  • disaster, ruin
  • becoming humbled

Gate of Opportunity” Sudden & unexpected change is here. You experience a breakdown of the system or natureal forces at work that bring things down. You may be lucky to anicipate this, but be vigilant, as it strikes as fast as lightning You receive a flash of revelation that changes everything. The transfiguration of your hopes or plans cleanses the way. Pretense is stripped away to reveal reality. Cultivate humility in the face of great changes.

Gear-change: A reversal of energies is coming quickly. You may be subliminally aware of the changes to come but are still ignoring them. Loss of cosy security or routine, or the realization of your limitations brings you to an unknown land. Around you institutions or empires fall. A physical collapse or economic crash means you have to approach things differently.

Blockages to clear: Painful self-awareness or sudden news may leave you petrified by shock. Whatever you’ve been shoring up finds it’s downfall, and no amount of hubris will maintain it. Reputations are tarnished or masks fall away.


XVII Comet

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Seventeen: The Comet is an oasis of spirituality rejuvenating & restoreing the weary traveler on the journey of life. Indicates a need to find balance in your personality.

“Reconnection to sources of refreshment refloats your boat after the storm. Where are you being guided? What shimmers on the horizon for you?”

  • hope
  • goals within reach
  • inspiration
  • healing
  • a new approach
  • spending time with nature
  • working for the benefit of all

Gate of Opportunity: Hope & inspritation bestow their peace and promise. Popular consciousness is raised to suport a new vision in which everyone can share. You are invited to respond with altruistic compassion. Things come around to a better place. Your expectations and aspirations are confident.

Gear-changer: The beginning of a new-cycle & brighter tomorrows. Prepare to perceive the bigger picture. Emotional expansiveness enables you to enjoy refreshement. Things go with ease and grace. With faith in the future, you can see your way.

Blockages to clear: You scour the sky for omens of a change for the better and yet fail to welcome them. Self-esteem is at a low ebb, & the prospect of being recognized is overwhelming. Find a place of sancutary, and allow time for recovery. What is the hope that you keep ever before you?


XVIII Moon Voyage

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Eighteen: The Moon Voyage points the possible negative outcome, or upcoming a state of confusion that is nearly impossible to reconcile in your life path.

“Exploring intuitive inscapes reveals the depths of the unconsious tides that flow through you. What unknown terrain is revealed by your dreams & waking visions?”

  • Concealed changes, secrets, trickery
  • dreams/nightmares
  • intuition
  • omens, portents
  • growth of mental faculties

Gate of Opportunity: Dreams & visions are reflected & enhanced by your imagination in this cycle. Validate your intuition or psychic intimations by testing the information through trial and error. You may need a period of fallowness or introspection . By observing the cyclic patterns of growth, your plans can land in a creative medium.

Gear-change: Cycles of birth & generation are turning, and something is trying to be born. A strong synchronicity shows you the way forward. This is a time to indulge your speculations & imaginings creatively. the seasonal round and the tides of time gear you into new activities or plans.

Blockages to clear: Fantasies or nightmares have you in their grip. Being under the influence of a strong compulstion or powerful, inchoate emotion, you are unable to see forward. A sense of bewilderment or confusion makes you step warily. Fluctuation of mind is coulding your judgement.


XIX Solarium

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Nineteen: A amalgamation of positive traits of all numbers. Shines light and positively influences all other numbers and cards around it. Reconciling karmic debt around you involving independance and indiviuality. You may be pushed into leadership even if you don’t want to.

“Finding life’s simple pleasures & allowing yourself to enjoy them without guilt is one of the delights of your existence. With whom can you share your joy? For what do you give thanks?”

  • positivity, happiness,
  • vitality, lifeblood
  • warmth
  • success
  • vacation
  • children

Gate of Opportunity: Health & energy are abroad, shedding radiance on everything. Your true vocation is realized at last. Clarity & directness enter into your dealings. You experience joy, freedom or happiness. Recovery after illness or reconciliation after diapute also means the return of pleasure.

Gear-Change: Prepare to receive a radiant vitality in your life. A sense of enlightnment & wholeness expands your views. Your generous sharing of good fortune gives joy to others. You enjoy recreation or holiday. A sense of accomplishment is yours. Doing things naturally brings satisfaction.

Blockages to clear: things come to light in ways that expose you. The good fortune of others puts you into the shadow. You are unable to be transparent in your dealings. You long to have your innocence restored, or to enjoy things with simplicity. What brings you into a healthier communication with life?


XX Regeneration Machine

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Twenty: Infinite diplomatic or relationship potential. Bringing projects to completion, attending to all the details. A strong need to learn patience while attending to all the details.

“The cumulative investment of the ages is always waiting to be achieved & manifested in your lifetime. Which of your lifelong visions is approaching? How does it manifest through you?”

  • awakening, fresh start
  • replenishment, rebirth, renewal
  • forgiveness, clean slate

Gate of Opportunity: The regenerative influences around you bring renewal or transformation. After laying aside the past, you make a great leap forward. You are fulfilling what your ancestral heritage has invested in you. Awakening to new possibilities or re-evaluating your options.

Gear-Change: The impulse to change or reform your life is coming. You experience a recapitulation of events or ideas in a new form. A vision that changes society completely is under way and you are a part of it. You recover something you’ve lost sight of. You can stop checking your tally and forgive or let go.

Blockages to clear: Forgiveness or adjustment are difficult when you feed the grudge. You are now reaping what you once sowed. Someone digs up your past and you are exposed. You need to reprogramme your outlook or ideas in order to move on.


XXI Cosmic Blueprint

Major: Big Picture, Long Term Meaning

Twenty-One: Ultimate fulfillment, completion and success of desires or a long & arderous process of spiritual transformation. Rebirth of the soul into Cosmic Consciousness.

“The opportunity to bring everything together to completion is something offered rarely but yet also available every day. Where are you called to bring your ideas home & ground them?”

  • completion, conclusion
  • full circle
  • success, recognition
  • next level, new era of life
  • atonement, new beginnings

Gate of Opportnity: Things reach their culmination, attainment or perfection in this cycle. You are moving into the center of things where the recognition of rewards and honors is extended. The integration of your potential with the needs of the world creates the perfect medium of your talents.

Gear-Change: The right time and place is here. By pushing back the limits, you enter a wider areana. The possibility of perfect alignments or meetings is dancing all about you. By becoming toally engaged with the essence of your plans, you can reach a satifactory conclusion.

Blockages to clear: Your triumph over challenges, fears or limitations seems very distant. It is time to choose action rather than inertia or stagnation. comtemplate your heart’s desire and make one practical step towards it. Don’t be afraid of combining with ohers in order to achieve what you want.


III The Empress