The Teaching Process Flashcards
What are the different types of lectures?
I - illustrated talk
B - briefing
F - formal lecture
I - informal lecture
T - teaching lecture
What elements make a good question during guided discussions?
H - have a specific purpose
I - is clear in meaning
C - contain single idea
S - stimulate thought
R - requires a definite answer
R - relates to previously covered info
What are the types of problem based learning?
Scenario Based Training
Collaborative Problem Solving
Case Study
What makes a good scenario?
S - situational awareness
W - will not have one right answer
I - it is not a test
S - should not promote errors
D - does not offer obvious answer
What are the guidelines when using visual aids?
C - clearly establish lesson objective
G - gather necessary data by researching support material
O - organize training aid into lesson plan
S - select ideas that will use the training aid