The Takings Clause Flashcards
General Rule and sources
Gov may property for public use, but must pay just compensation
Fed: 5th
State: 14th
What kinds of property is protected?
Personal property, real property, and certain intangibles (but not welfare benefits)
Doesn’t need to be the whole bundle. Just one stick is sufficient.
What constitutes a taking?
1) Physical conficsation
2) Permanent regular occupation
Temporary occupation is a case by case basis - multifactor test
1) Development exception
2) Public emergency
Development Exception
Gov can require private developers to set aside land for public streets and easements for water and electricity
—–geneerally aren’t takings
Public emergency exception
Less likeley to be a taking, even for a complete taking, if its pursuant to a public emergency.
Regulatory takings
If Regulation leaves no economically viable use = taking
If regulation decreases economic value = apply balancing test and consider
—-economic impact; investment backed expectations; public interest sought to be promoted
“Public use”
Rationally related to public health, safety, or welfare
Liberally construed
Taking for purpose of a sale to a private company as part of a city’s economic redevleopment plan is OK! Constitutes public use
“Just compensation”
Fair market value WHEN TAKEN