THE SYNAPSE Flashcards
what is a synapse
The junction between one neuron and another neuron/muscle/gland
electrical synapse
• Direct connection between two neurons • Conduct electrical signals faster • Bi-directional
it is found in the neural system that requires the fastest possible response such as defensive reflexes
there are gap junctions that directly allow the movement of ions from one neuron to another
rarely in humans
chemical synapse
• Chemical messenger transmits
information across space
separating the 2 neurons
• Axon terminal form part of the
pre-synaptic neuron
• Dendrites form part of the postsynaptic neuron
separated by a synaptic cleft
common in humans
presynaptic terminal
- Voltage-gated
Na+ channel - Voltage-gated
Ca2+ channel - synaptic vesicle with neurotransmitter
postsynaptic terminal
- receptors for neurotransmitter, which are a ligand-gated channel for Na, K, Cl, Ca
what happens at the presynaptic terminal
- action potential reaches the axonal knob and causes voltage-gated Na channel to open, the influx of Na occurs which cause the membrane to be more positive thus depolarizing it
- Depolarisation triggers
opening of Ca2+ voltage-gated
channels and Ca2+ enters the cell - Ca2+ entry triggers exocytosis
of synaptic vesicle content
what happens at the synaptic cleft
- Neurotransmitter diffuses
across the synaptic cleft and
binds with the receptors on the
postsynaptic terminal
what happens at the postsynaptic terminal
- Depolarising/hyperpolarising
postsynaptic (graded) potentials
allows the influx/efflux of certain
presynaptic terminal is made up of
the terminal axon of one neuron
the postsynaptic terminal is made up of
dendrite or cell body of one neuron
Excitatory postsynaptic potential
• Neurotransmitter binding
to receptor causes
opening of ligand-gated
Na+ or Ca2+ channels
• Net movement of
positive ions into the cell
• Depolarisation
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
• Neurotransmitter binding to
receptor causes opening of
ligand-gated K+ and Cl channels
• K+
flows out of the cell, Clflows
into the cell (down a concentration
• Hyperpolarisation
summation- Subthreshold
If EPSP input is stimulated and it is stimulated a second time after the first EPSP has died off, no summation occurs
summation- temporal summation
Summation of several
EPSPs occurring close
together from the same
spatial summation
Summation of several EPSPs originating simultaneously from several presynaptic inputs