The Swaggering Soldier Flashcards
What is an aside?
An aside is a stage convention, where an actor speaks to the audience/another character about what he really thinks about about a character or situation in the play
Why was the swaggering soldier set in a greek town?
The Swaggering Soldier was adapted from a greek play. This also enabled the playwrights to use satire.
Who is Lurcio and where does he work?
Lurcio is the underslave and works in Pyrgopolynices wine cellar
In what centuary was the swaggering soldier written in?
The play could have been written in either the second or third centuary BC. as Platus was an adult in both
How did Pyrgopolynices get power over Philocomasium?
When her mother was distracted and her lover was away, he kidnapped her and brought her to Ephesus
Why is artotrogus referred to as his his satellite?
His is Pyrgopolynices right hand man
Other than Platus name one other Roman writer who adapted greek plays for the roman theatre
What was a scanae frons?
A scanae frons was a permanent backdrop in a roman theatre. In this play is shows the doors of two adjoining houses and a street.
In which modern country would you find Ephesus?
Ephesus is in Turkey
In which ancient city in the play set in?
On what ocasion were plays peformed in ancient rome?
Plays were peformed on religious festival days
What age does Periplectomenus claim to be?
Why did Pleusicles go to Napactus?
On a diplomatic mission
Why was Milphidipa called a dispatch-boat?
She is the go-between in the plot to rescue Philocomasium
What was Lurcios job?
He was in charge of the wine cellar
Who lives next door to Pyrgopolynices?
Periplectomenus, the stock character for the kind old man
When did Platus write his plays?
200 BC
Who wrote the swaggering soldier?
Who is Hornoria?
Philocomasiums ficticous twin sister
Why is Pyrgopolynices referred to as Venus’ grandson?
He think all the women are after him and Venus is the Godess of love
Give one example of an aside in the swaggering soldier
‘What I have to suffer for my stomachs sake’ this aside is said by Artotrogus when he explains that the only reason he stays with Pyrgopolynices is because his cook makes a marvelous olive salad
What is a stock character?
A character that is in many plays e.g clever slave
How is Pyrgopolynices punished for his bad behaviour?
He is flogged, looses his tunic, cloak and sword and has to pay a fine. Most importantly he looses Philocomasium and all the gifts he gave one of them being Palaestrio