The Supernatural Flashcards
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
Act 1 Scene 1 - the witches
Paradox/juxtaposition - the witches want to create chaos, presents a twisted version of morality
“Fair is ___ and ____ is _____”
“Fair is foul and foul is fair”
“Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more…”
Act 1 Scene 3 - Macbeth (once he’s heard the first prophecies from the witches)
Imperatives - chooses to engage with the supernatural, wants to know more, subverts Jacobean expectations
“_______, you _______ speakers. ____ ____ more…”
“Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more…”
“the instruments of darkness”
Act 1 Scene 3 - Banquo (his reaction to the witches’ prophecies)
Metaphor - witches = agents of evil or sin, shows how Banquo doesn’t trust them, conforms to Jacobean expectations of how to respond to the supernatural
“the __________ of darkness”
“the instruments of darkness”
“security is mortals’ chiefest enemy”
Act 3 Scene 5 - Hecate (queen of the witches, plotting how to trick Macbeth further)
Metaphor - suggests that the supernatural will lead to Macbeth’s downfall by making him feel safe
“________ is mortals’ ________ enemy”
“security is mortals’ chiefest enemy”
“Something wicked this way comes”
Act 4 Scene 1 - the witches (waiting for Macbeth to return for the second prophecies)
“something” - dehumanising language, the supernatural has destroyed Macbeth’s humanity
“Something wicked this way comes”
“Something _______ this way ________”
“I conjure you […] answer me”
Act 4 Scene 1 - Macbeth (returning to the witches for new prophecies so that he can secure his power)
“conjure” (means to summon a spirit) - trying to use magic himself, shows how he’s been corrupted by the supernatural
“answer me” - imperative - trying to command the supernatural again (shows his hubris)
“I ______ you […] ______ me”
“I conjure you […] answer me”
“Though you untie the winds and let them fight / Against the churches”
Act 4 Scene 1 - Macbeth (returning to the witches for new prophecies so that he can secure his power)
Natural imagery - shows Macbeth understands the power, violence and sinful danger of the supernatural
“Though you ______ the ______ and let them _____ / Against the _______”
“Though you untie the winds and let them fight / Against the churches”
“I cannot taint with fear […] The spirits that know / All mortal consequences have pronounc’d me thus”
Act 5 Scene 3 - Macbeth (preparing for battle, after hearing the witches’ second set of prophecies)
“Cannot” and “all” - absolute language, shows how he has been completely convinced by the supernatural
“I _______ taint with _______ […] The spirits that know / ___ _________ ______________ have pronounc’d me thus”
“I cannot taint with fear […] The spirits that know / All mortal consequences have pronounc’d me thus”
“Then fly false thanes”
Act 5 Scene 3 - Macbeth (preparing for battle, after hearing the witches’ second set of prophecies)
Alliteration - dismissive tone, shows his extreme hubris (he’s saying he doesn’t care if the other lords flee to Malcolm’s side because he knows he’s safe)
“Then ____ false _______”
“Then fly false thanes”