The Structures of Spanish Flashcards
To memorize the patterns of conversation to the point of reflex.
“Have to X”
Purpose: To talk about what one has to do.
- Tener + que + unchanged action word ending in -ir, -er, -ar.
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: Tener can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Tengo que hablar = I have to talk
Tenemos que ir = We have to go
“Going to X”
Purpose: To talk about what one is going to do.
- Ir + a + unchaged action word ending in -ir, -er, -ar.
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: Ir can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Van a hablar = They are going to talk.
Vas a hablar = You are going to talk.
“When X”/”Upon X”
Purpose: To talk about when or upon doing something.
- Al + unchanged action word ending in -ir, -ar, -er.
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: This conversation pattern does not refer to anyone, because the verb is unchanged.
For example:
- Al + salir = When leaving/Upon leaving
Al + llegar = When arriving/Upon arriving
“Desire to do something” or “Does something”
Purpose: When 1 person DESIRES to do something or DOES something
- A word expressing desire + unchanged action
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: Anyone.
For example:
- Quiero ir = I want to go
Necesitamos venir = We need to come
Esperas salir = You hope to leave
Puedo hacerlo = I can do it
“Person A wants Person B to X”
Purpose: When Person A desires something of Person B.
- Action word expressing desire + que + a word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure.
Note: Action words that express desire: Querer (to want), Esperar (to hope), Necesitar (to need), Desear (to desire), Ojala (hopefully), Preferir (to prefer), Sugerir (to suggest), Decir (to say), Exigir (to demand), Pedir (to ask for), Rogar (to beg)
- Q: Who does this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Quiero que duermas = I want you to sleep
Preferimos que sepas = We prefer that you know
Esperas que tengan = You hope that they have
Necesitan que comas = They need you to eat.
“It is Xed”
Purpose: To say that something was, is, would/could, or will be done.
- Estar OR Ser + a completed action, normally ending in -ADO for action words that end in AR (ex. hablar becomes hablado) or -IDO for action words ending in ER/IR (ex. comer and salir become comido and salido)
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can only refer to IT.
For example:
- Es completado = It’s finished
Es terminado = It is finished.
“It’s necessary to X”/ “One must X”
Purpose: To talk about about necessary actions in a general way, without refering to WHO does the action.
- Hay + que + unchanged verb
- Q: Who does this conversation pattern refer to?
A: To one who in particular. It is general and passive.
For example:
- Hay que comer = One must eat/It is necessary to eat.
Hay que aprender = One must learn/It is necessary to learn.
“It’s X (describing word) that someone Y”
Purpose: To give a 1-word description of an action someone does.
- Es + describing word + que + an action word that expresses uncertainty, emotion, or pressure.
- Q: Who does this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can only refer to IT.
For example:
- Es bueno que estudies = It’s good that you study.
Es importante que leas = it’s important that you work.
“The X of the Y”
Purpose: To organize our words about people, places and things.
- Article (el or la, los or las) + person, place, or thing + de + article + person, place, or thing.
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: There is no DOER of any action since this pattern is the ONLY one based on people, places, and things.
For example:
- El primero del mes = The first of the month
La reina de inglaterra = The queen of England
Los libros de Maria del barco = Maria´s books
“To be Xing”
Purpose: To talk about what someone was, is, would be, or will be doing.
- Estar + an action word ending in -ando/-iendo (“ing”)
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Ella esta trabajando = She is working.
Estoy comiendo = I am eating
Estas pensando en ir = You are thinking. - Note: ESTAR can be replaced.
For example:
Ir (to make progress) - Voy llegando (I´m in the process of arriving)
Andar (to be busy doing something) - Ando trabajando (I´m busy working)
Terminar (to end up) - Termino estudiando (I end up studying)
Seguir/Continuar (to continue) - Sigo viajando (I continue traveling)
Encontrarse (to find oneself)
Aparecer (to appear to be)
“To have a lot/little to do”
Purpose: To talk about an action being done in terms of how much or how little has to be done.
- Tener or Hay or Es/Son + amount + (person, place, thing) + que + unchanged action word
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: Anyone, and with the word Hay (There is/are), it can be used to speak generally.
For example:
- Hay mucho que hacer = There is a lot to do
Tengo mucho que hacer = I have a lot to do.
Es mucho que hacer = It is a lot to do
“Someone could/should have Xed”
Purpose: To talk about what someone could or should have done.
- Podria or Pude + haber + a completed action ending in -IDO or -ADO
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone,
For example:
- Podrias + haber + salido = You could have left.
Pudieron + haber + estudiado = They could have studied.Note: Podria means ´´I could generally´´ and Pude (Pudiste, Pudo, Pudimos, Pudieron) means ´´I could at a specific time´´
“X person just Yed”
Purpose: To talk about an action someone just did.
- Acabar + de + unchanged action word
- Q:Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Acabo de comer = I just ate
Acabamos de hablar = We just spoke
Acaban de ir = They/you all just went
“To X again”
Purpose: To talk about something that someone does again.
- Volver + a + unchanged action word
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Vuelvo a hablar = I speak again
Volvemos a dormir = We sleep again.
“Because of X”/”Due to X”
Purpose: To show a cause-and-effect relationship.
- Por + an unchanged action word OR a person, place, thing.
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: In itself, it refers to nobody.
For example:
- Por ustedes = Because of you guys….
Por mentir = Because of someone lying…. (Por mentir, vamos a tener problems - Since we lied, we are going to have problems)
“I’m, You’re, He’s X”
Purpose: To describe someone´s personality or the state they are in.
- Estar + a describing word OR a completed action ending in -ADO/-IDO
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Estoy listo = I’m ready
Estas enojado = You’re angry
Esta ocupado = He’s busy
Estan preocupados = They’re worried (note: when you talk about more than one person, the completed action ends in an S).
“Before/After Xing”
“Before/After someone X´´
Purpose: To express before of after doing some action, and to express before or after SOMEMONE does some action.
- Antes/Despues + de + unchanged action word OR
Antes/Despues + de + que + an action word expressing emotion, uncertainty or pressure. - Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It refers to no one, unless you add QUE after the word DE, which allows you to refer to someone.
For example:
- Antes de venir = Before coming
Después de venir = After coming
Antes/Después + de + QUE + vengas = Before you come
Despues de que vuelvas = After you return
“In order to X”
´´For X´´
“So that X”
To express that you are doing X in order to obtain Y.
To express that you are doing something for someone or something else.
To express that X will be done so that Y happens.
- Para + unchanged action word [in order to]
- Q: Who does it refer to?
A: In itself, to no one.
For example:
Para correr en Pamplona, compro zapatos nuevos = In order to run in Pamplona, etc.
- Para + someone OR something [for]
- Who does it refer to? It can refer to anyone. Example:
Voy a comprar el regalo para ti = I’m going to but the gift for you (ti - other options: mi, ti, el, ella, ustedes, ellos, ellas, nosotros) - Para + que + action word that expresses emotion, uncertainty, pressure [so that]
- Vamos a entrenar para que PODAMOS (not podemos) ganar = We are going to train, so that we can win.
´´Who, when, where, how, or whatever X/Somone X´s´´
To express whoever, whenever, wherever, however, or whatever happens or someone does.
- Quien, lo que, cuando, donde, como + sea + que + an action word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure.
- Q: Who does this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone. For examples: - Lo que + sea + que + digas (decir) = Whatever you say.
Donde + sea + que + vayas (ir) = Wherever you go.
Someone X/Wants to X + en, de, a, con
Purpose: To talk about what someone does or wants to do which, for no logical reason, is ALWAYS followed by en, de, a OR con.
- Comenzar a/Disfrutar de/Contar con/Tardar en/Tratar + de + an unchanged action word
- Q: Who can these patterns of conversation refer to?
A: Anyone.
For example:
- Disfrutamos de jugar futbol = We enjoy playing soccer.
Tratan + de + dormir = They try to sleep.
Cuentas conmigo = You rely on me.
´´X looks like, falls into, pretends to be in X condition´´
Purpose: To talk about the state or condition that something or someone falls into.
- Verse + a describing word OR completed action
Quedarse + dormido
Hacerse + el/la/los/las + describing word
Parecerse a + person, place, thing - Q: Who can these patterns of conversation refer to?
A: To anyone.
For example:
- Me veo bien? = Do I look good?
Te ves preocupado = You look worried.
Te quedas dormido siempre = You always (siempre)
fall asleep.
Te haces el tonto = You play dumb.
John se parece a Michael = John looks like Michael.
´´Maybe X´´
Purpose: To express that someone or something might be true.
- Puede + (ser) + que + action word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure.
Note: the word SER is in parenthesis because it´s optional.
- Q: Who can this pattern of speech refer to?
A: The word puede cannot change to the past or future or to another person, but the action word can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Puede que tengas (tener) razon = Maybe you are right.
Puede que sea (ser) la verdad = Maybe it is the truth.
´´X makes Y´´
To say that someone or something made something else happen.
- Hacer + que + action word expressing uncertainty, motion, or pressure.
- Q: Who can this pattern of conversation refer to?
A: The word HACER can change to the past and/or to another person, but the action word can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Hace que yo piense = It makes me think.
Hizo que yo pensara = It made me think.
Haces que se enojen = You make them angry.
´´The act or process of X´´
Purpose: To express, literally, ´´the act or process of doing something´´
- El + unchanged action word.
(Note: if you use THE, which is el in spanish, it must always be singular and masculine. But it is not necessary to use it, you can go straight to the unchanged action word).
- Q: Who can this refer to?
A: Since this pattern is about the act or process of doing something, it does not refer to anyone. - El trabajar es dificil = (The act or process of) working is difficult.
El bailar es parte de la cultura = (The act or process of) dancing is part of the culture.
´´Having done X, etc.´´
Purpose: A transitionaL, incoplete phrase used to quickly introduce a theme or thought.
- Habiendo + an action completed ending in -IDO/-ADO.
- Q: Who can this pattern of conversation refer to?
A: In itself it does not refer to anyone.
For example:
- Habiendo decidido, etc. = Having decided, etc.
Habiendo salido de la casa, etc. = Having left the house, etc.
¨X what/where/when/who X´s¨
Another way to express the idea of whoever, whenever, wherever, however, or whatever happens or someone does.
- Action word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure + Lo que/Donde/Cuando/Quien + action word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure.
- Q: Who can this pattern of speech refer to?
A: It an refer to anyone.
For example:
- Hagas (hacer) + lo que + hagas, etc. = Whatever you do, etc.
Vayas (ir) + donde + vayas, etc = Wherever you go, etc.
´´The X (person place or thing) Y (word describing the person, place, or thing)´´
We use this structure to describe people places and things, making sure that the gender and amount (singular or plural) are ALL in agreement.
- El/lo/las/los + person, place, thing + describing word or completed action (Note: EVERYTHING has to be the same gender AND amount).
- Q: Who can this pattern refer to?
A: It is used only for people, places, and things.
For example:
- La puerta quebrada (everything is SINGULAR and FEMININE) = The broken door
El suelo limpio (everything is PLURAL and MASCULINE) = The cleaned floors.
´´X person is about to do Y´´
To describe what someone is about to do.
- Estar + por + unchanged action word.
- Q: Who can this pattern refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone.
For example:
- Estamos por salir = We are about to leave.
Estoy por llegar = I am about to arrive.
´´The X thing´´
Purpose: The describe things.
- Lo + describing word
- Q: Who can this conversation pattern refer to?
A: It can´t refer to anyone since it exists only to describe things. For example: - Lo bonito de Paris es la cultura = The beautiful thing about Paris is the culture.
Lo interesante de la pelicula es el comienzo. = The interesting thing about the movie is how it begins.
´´What was, is, or will be X´´
Purpose: To summarize long statements.
- A completed action ending in -IDO/-ADO
- Q: Who can this refer to?
A: This pattern of conversation doesn´t refer to anyone, but only to completed actions.
For example:
- What was done will never be forgotten = Lo hecho, etc.
What was said yesterday will be repeated = Lo dicho, etc.
´´How X is Y´´
Purpose: To talk about the degree or extent of something.
- Que + tan + X + ser
- Q: Who can this pattern of conversation refer to?
A: It can refer to anyone. - How crazy is he? = Que tan loco es el?
How tall are they? = Que tan alto son ellos? = How tall are they?
You should see how serious it is = Debes ver que tan serio es.
´´X! Don´t X!´´
Purpose: To command someone, a group, or a group that you are also part of.
- Action word expressing uncertainty, emotion, or pressure EXCEPT the positive TU form.
- Q: Who can this form of speaking refer to?
A: It can refer to you informal, you formal, you all, and us or we.
For example:
- Habla! (Tu), No hables! (Tu) = Speak!, Don´t speak!
Hable! (Usted) No hable! (Usted) = Speak!, Don´t speak!
Hablemos! (Nosotros), No hablemos! (Don´t speak!) = Let´s speak!, Let´s not speak!
Hablen! , No hablen! = Speak! Don´t speak!