Connecting Words Flashcards
Aunque + subjunctive
Aunque tengas mucho que hacer, no tienes mucho tiempo = Although you have a lot to do, you don’t have much time
Mientras + subjunctive
Mientras esperen la cena, prepares la mesa, por favor = While they wait for dinner, please set the table
“So that”
Para que + subjunctive
Para que puedas lograr/alcanzar tus objetivos, quiero que te muevas mas rapido = So that you can achieve your objectives, I want you to move faster
“As long as”/”So long as”
Con tal que + subjunctive
Con tal que me dejen en paz, pueden venir = As long as they leave me in peace/alone, they can come
“However much”
Por mas que + subjunctive
Por mas que intentemos, nunca lo haramos = However much we try, we’ll never do it
“By the time”
Para cuando + subjunctive
Para cuando llegues, todos se habran ido = By the time you arrive, everyone will have left
A no ser que/ A menos que + subjunctive
A no ser que lo hayan hecho, victoria sera imposible = Unless they have done it, victory will be impossible
A menos que trates, nunca seras el ganador = Unless you try, you will never be the winner
Hasta que + subjunctive
Hasta que llegue, no hagan nada = Until I arrive, they won’t do anything
Sin que + subjunctive
No puedes invitarla sin que arruines la fiesta = You cannot invite her without ruining the party
“In order to”/”So as to”
Con el fin de que + subjunctive
Con el fin de que completen la tarea, los estudiantes trabajaron juntos = In order to complete the assignment, the students worked together
“In such a way that”/“So that”
De modo que + subjunctive
Me puedes explicar el proceso de modo que lo pueda entender = can you explain the process in such a way that I can understand it
“So much/many that”
Tanto que + subjunctive
Y me alegra tanto que su hermana vaya a casarse bien = And I am so happy that her sister is going to be well married
“The fact that”
El hecho que + subjunctive
El hecho que la frontera este lejos, no significa que no existe = The fact that the border is far, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist
“So that”/”In such a way that”
De manera que + subjunctive
Ha de hacerse de manera que se tengan en cuenta las relaciones y se analicen = It must be done in such a way that relationships are taken into account and analyzed
Sin embargo
Me encanta esa chaqueta, sin embargo, cuesta $600 y no podria comprarlo = I love that jacket, however, it costs $600 and I shouldn’t buy it
Todavia tengo que comprarle un regalo = I still have to buy her a gift
Por lo tanto
Has incurrido en un crimen, por lo tanto, vas a carcel = You have committed a crime, therefore, you are going to jail
Y, ademas, no tiene ningun interes = And, besides, he has no interest
“Given that”
Dado que
Dado que trabajaste particularmente duro hoy, puedes irte temprano = Given that you worked particularly hard today, you can leave early
“In light of”
En vista que
No podemos aceptarlo en vista que tenemos las normas mas estrictas del mundo = We cannot accept it in light of our having the strictest rules in the world
“As such”
Como tal
El presidente de la nacion, como tal, tiene poder para vetar el proyecto de ley = The president of the country, as such, has the power to veto the bill
“Even so”
Aun asi
“Regarding”/”With regard to”
En cuanto a
En cuanto a la reunion, creo que es mejor que la pospongamos = Regarding the meeting, I believe that it is better that we postpone it
No obstante
Es un negocio arriesgado, no obstante, tengo que intentarlo = It is a risky business, nevertheless, I have to try it
“On the contrary”
Al contrario
Creiamos que ibamos a la ciudad pero, al contrario, ibamos al compo = We believed that we were going to the city but, to the contrary, we were going to the country
“On the other hand”
Por otro lado/ Por otra parte
Por otro lado, deberiamos considerar los perspectivos de la minoria = On the other hand, we should consider the perspectives of the minority
“Despite”/”In spite of”
A pesar de
Pero, a pesar de todo, nuestra nacion esta fuerte = Despite everything, our nation is strong
“At the expense of”
A expensas de
Lograramos nuestros objetivos a expensas de nuestras almas = We will achieve our objectives at the expense of our sould
“However you do it”
Como quiera que sea
Como quiera que sea, lo debes hacer con la precaucion/cautela = However you do it, you must do it with caution
“In pursuit of”
En pos de
Hemos trabajado en pos de este objetivo durante muchos anos = We have worked in pursuit of this objective for many years
Me encanta todas mascotas menos gatos
“According to”
Segun la directora, no hay clases este lunes = According to the director, there are no clases this Monday
“Due to”
Debido a (que)
Debido a perder su pasaporte, Juan no podia acompanarnos en el viaje = Due to losing his passport, Juan couldn’t join us on the trip
Sin decir nada, fui al frente del tren = Without saying anything, I went to the front of the train
Me quedo hasta manana = I’m staying until tomorrow
“That’s why”
Por eso
Esta lloviendo. Por eso todo el mundo anda con paraguas = It’s raining. That’s why everyone is walking with umbrellas
“Let’s say that”
Digamos que
Digamos que quieres ir a la playa manana, necesitaras una toalla y un traje de bano = Let’s say that you want to go to the beach tomorrow, you wil need a towel and a bathing suit
“Had it [not] been for X”
De [no] haber sido por X
De no haber sido por tu hermana, no podriamos permitirselo = Had it not been for your sister, we couldn’t have allowed it
“If it weren’t for”
Si no fuera por
Si no fuera por tu amigo, ya estariamos ahi = If it weren’t for your friend, we would already be there
“It doesn’t mean”
No quiere decir
(literally, it doesn’t want to say)
Cuando digo que “no puedo venir”, no quiere decir que no tengo la capacidad, solo que no tengo el interes = When I say that I cannot come, it doesn’t mean that I don’t have the ability, just that I don’t have the interest
Ya que
Ya que no funciona el horno, tendremos que preparar la cena en la estufa = since the oven doesn’t work, we will have to prepare the dinner on the stove.
Asi que
To “Even”/“Not Even”
Siquiera/Ni Siquiera