Connecting Words Flashcards
Aunque + subjunctive
Aunque tengas mucho que hacer, no tienes mucho tiempo = Although you have a lot to do, you don’t have much time
Mientras + subjunctive
Mientras esperen la cena, prepares la mesa, por favor = While they wait for dinner, please set the table
“So that”
Para que + subjunctive
Para que puedas lograr/alcanzar tus objetivos, quiero que te muevas mas rapido = So that you can achieve your objectives, I want you to move faster
“As long as”/”So long as”
Con tal que + subjunctive
Con tal que me dejen en paz, pueden venir = As long as they leave me in peace/alone, they can come
“However much”
Por mas que + subjunctive
Por mas que intentemos, nunca lo haramos = However much we try, we’ll never do it
“By the time”
Para cuando + subjunctive
Para cuando llegues, todos se habran ido = By the time you arrive, everyone will have left
A no ser que/ A menos que + subjunctive
A no ser que lo hayan hecho, victoria sera imposible = Unless they have done it, victory will be impossible
A menos que trates, nunca seras el ganador = Unless you try, you will never be the winner
Hasta que + subjunctive
Hasta que llegue, no hagan nada = Until I arrive, they won’t do anything
Sin que + subjunctive
No puedes invitarla sin que arruines la fiesta = You cannot invite her without ruining the party
“In order to”/”So as to”
Con el fin de que + subjunctive
Con el fin de que completen la tarea, los estudiantes trabajaron juntos = In order to complete the assignment, the students worked together
“In such a way that”/“So that”
De modo que + subjunctive
Me puedes explicar el proceso de modo que lo pueda entender = can you explain the process in such a way that I can understand it
“So much/many that”
Tanto que + subjunctive
Y me alegra tanto que su hermana vaya a casarse bien = And I am so happy that her sister is going to be well married
“The fact that”
El hecho que + subjunctive
El hecho que la frontera este lejos, no significa que no existe = The fact that the border is far, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist
“So that”/”In such a way that”
De manera que + subjunctive
Ha de hacerse de manera que se tengan en cuenta las relaciones y se analicen = It must be done in such a way that relationships are taken into account and analyzed
Sin embargo
Me encanta esa chaqueta, sin embargo, cuesta $600 y no podria comprarlo = I love that jacket, however, it costs $600 and I shouldn’t buy it
Todavia tengo que comprarle un regalo = I still have to buy her a gift
Por lo tanto
Has incurrido en un crimen, por lo tanto, vas a carcel = You have committed a crime, therefore, you are going to jail