the strange situation- Ainsworth 1969 Flashcards
what was the aim?
to be able to observe key attachment behaviors as a means of assessing the quality if a child’s attachment to a carer
what was the experiment?
a controlled observation that measures the security of a child’s attachment towards its carer
what behaviors were judged?
proximity seeking, exploration, secure-base, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, response on reunion
how long did each stage last?
3 mins
what was stage 1?
the mother encouraged the child to explore
what did stage 1 test?
exploration and secure base
what was stage 2?
a stranger enters and tries to interact with the child
what did stage 2 test?
stranger anxiety
what was stage 3?
the carer leaves the infant with the stranger
what did stage 3 test?
stranger and separation anxiety
what was stage 4?
the carer return and the stranger leaves
what did stage 4 test?
reunion behavior
what was stage 5?
the carer leaves
what did stage 5 test?
separation anxiety
what was stage 6?
the stranger returns
what did stage 6 test?
stranger anxiety
what was stage 7?
the stranger left and the carer returned
what did stage 7 test?
behavior on reunion
what type of sampling does the experiment use?
time sampling every 15 seconds
what were the overall finding?
there are 3 types of attachment:
60-75% secure attachment
20-25% insecure-avoidant attachment
3% insecure resistant attachment
which attachment is type A?
what attachment is type B?
which attachment is type C?
what behavior do type B infants demonstrate?
explore and regularly secure base
moderate stranger and separation anxiety
require and accept comfort on reunion
what behavior do type A infants demonstrate?
exploration but no secure-base
little/no separation or stranger anxiety
little/no behavior towards carer on reunion
what behavior do type C infants demonstrate?
no exploration
major separation and stranger anxiety
resist comfort on reunion
why does the concept have good validity?
as babies who have secure attachment go on to have better out comes where those who are insecure-resistant go on to have worse outcomes (Kokkinos) and mental health problems (ward et al)
what about the validity of this observation?
there is good control of extraneous variables, however the may be demand characteristics and participant variables and temperance may be measured instead on anxiety and behavior
what about the ecological reliability?
it is a culture bound test as children from different cultures will respond different
what limitations do Main and Solomon bring up?
a minority of children display disorganized attachment which is of type A,B or C but instead a mix of resistant or aviodent
what implications do the findings have?
the type of attachment a child has to their mother will effect their future life