Schaffer and Emerson: formation of early attachments Flashcards
what was the aim of the experiment?
to investigate the formation of early attachments; in particular the age at which the develop, their emotional intensity and whom they are directed towards
What was the sample?
60 babies, (31 male and 29 female) form Glasgow skilled working class families
what was the procedure?
babies and mothers were visited at home every month for the first year then again at 18 months and mothers were asked about the protest babies showed in everyday separations as they also assessed stranger anxiety, (observations and self-report)
what happened at 25-32 weeks old?
50% of babies showed separation anxiety towards a specific adult , usually the mother
What happened by 40 weeks old?
80% of infants had a specific attachment and 30% displayed multiple attachments
what conclusion did the draw from their findings?
that attachment happens in four stages: the asocial stage, in-discriminant attachment, specific attachment and multiple attachments
when does the asocial stage take place?
the first few weeks
what is the asocial stages?
when the babies behavior towards objects and humans is similar but may show preference towards familiar humans and is happier in the presence of humans
when does the indiscriminant attachment stage take place?
2-7 months old
what is the indiscriminant attachment stage?
when the baby show preference towards humans rather then objects and recognize and prefers familiar adults, although they do not yet show separation or stranger anxiety
When does the specific attachement stage take place?
7-12 months old
what is the specific attachment stage?
when babies start to show stranger and seperation anxiety, and form a primary attachment
when is the multiple attachment stage?
around 3 months after stage 3 at around 1 year old
what is the multiple attachment stage?
when a baby forms multiple attachments to adults they frequently spend time with, secondary attachments
How was the validity?
good as it used a natural environment so demand characteristics were less likely, however its argues that stranger and separation anxiety are to simple to explain attachment
what experimental design did they used and what was its advantage?
they used a longitudinal design which cancels our participant variables
can we genralise the findings?
maybe as the sample size was okay due to the large amount of data collected, however all families were from the same social class, culture and area and the experiment was conducted around 50 years ago.
What are the problems with studying the asocial stage?
babies have poor co-ordinations and are mostly immobile so it is difficult to make judgments about behaviors
How does Bowlby’s work support the Multiple attachment stage?
he demonstrates that most babies form a specific attachment before forming multiple attachments
what conflicting evidence does Ijzendoorn provide against stage 3 & 4?
in collectivist culture some babies formed multiple attachments before forming specific attachments