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The Story Of Scripture Flashcards
Old Testament
5 12 5 5 12
New Testament
4 1 21 1
Pentateuch-History-poetry- Major prophets- Minor prophets
5 books of Pentateuch 12-History 5-Poetry 5-Major Prophets 12-Minor Prophets
4 books of Gospels
1 History
21 Letters
In the beginning God Created
We have a Creator
It’s theology Not Scientific
Gen1 and Gen 2
God created everything
Everything he created was good
Man created in Gods image (male and Female)
Man was caretakers of Gods Garden
The problem
Gen 3
Man rebel against God
Man was told to leave the Garde
A cherubim and flaming sword was place at the entrance to keep man out
So Many Mysteries
Gen 3
The talking snake?
The distortion of God’s word from both Eve herself or both?
The cherubim and the flaming Sword? Why was it needed? Couldn’t God keep them out himself
Was God really lost in his own Garden? Did he really lost man? It’s really irony. It’s done for man to say and know where he is
Where there is sin there is death
The first murder
Gen 4
Cain kills Abel
Where there is sin there is death
Gen 5
And they lived and they died And they lived and they died And they Died And they died They died And Noah begot Sham Ham Japheth God always break the cycle
The Flood
Gen 6
Where there is sin there is death
Noah find Grace
POst Flood Geneology
Gen 10
Sin is present again
The story of Babel
Gen 11
Humanity built a tower> try to make their name great
The solution
The covenant God going to make his great through a people >Israelites >the people would bring a world wide blessings
Genesis ends with Joseph and Israel in Egypt
Exodus> Moses called by God. Let my people go was God message to pharaoh. Moses led the people out of Egypt ( all through out the Torah) to the promise land
Here we have a people without a law and land. God gave the people a proper law. The people commit to the law
Leviticus> was written to the Levi. Very bloody. Focus on the sacrificial laws
Numbers> a bunch of numbers . Two senses of occur >story of Caleb and > 12 man 1 out were to scout out the land and come back and we’re going in
10 says there’s no way > 2 man says let’s go in. The people was judge and told to take another lap > first generation died
Because of their lack of faith except for Caleb and Joshua. 1st senses is the first generation that died and the second senses is the second generation
Deuteronomy> proper law is reintroduce > it’s not a second law> it’s for the second generation of Israel going to the promise land, promise in Gen 12:1-3
Joshua: all about the land > the people going to the land
Judges: a time where there is no kings but judges > not faithfully following the covenant God elected judges to judge the people until the people cry out to God and God delivers them> the cycle continues. Deuteronomy 28
Ruth : famine in the land because of Deteuronony 28. In the mist of that we have love and faithfulness. Ruth has the heart of a faithfulness the same faithfulness God wanted to see out of his people > genealogy of David
1 Samuel
2 Samuel
1 and 2nd Samuel: the rises of the kings. Saul was the first king was chosen by the people> didn’t work out to good. David the second king was chosen by God. David was a man after Gods own heart > Saul lied about his sins/David confesses his sin/he knew he was a sinner
Covenant king
Covenant king > 2 Samuel 7> God made a promise > David is good but there come a time when there will have to be a king of kings
Books of Poetry
The books of poetry: covenant worship > focuses on showing the people how to worship God.> David dies and Solomon became king> Solomon>wisdom > ask God for wisdom
After Solomon dies we have the split of the kingdoms>
The book is found in the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), and is the first of the Poetic Books in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.
The kingdom split
After Solomon’s death the northern kingdom ( retained the name Israel) went into captivity in 722( fell to Assyrians) B.C. Judah ( southern kingdom) fell to Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian military in 586 BC
Almost all the kings are bad
All the kings of the northern kingdom are bad
All but a few of the kings of the southern kingdom are bad
Minor and Major prophets
The message of the Prophets is “Repent!”
Out of Egypt coming out of a polytheistic culture while Moses was called to introduce them the Only One True God
Powerful Speaks Speak things into existence Highly creative Everything he creates is good
1–God is Creator
That is the central thesis
When satan wants to attack a system, he goes after “God is Creator”
Everything in the Bible points to God is Creator
2–what he creAtes is Good
3–Humanity created by God is very good > it is the pinnacle/climax of Gods creation
The author purposely break the pattern
It was good now it is very good
God chose to create as apposed of Not to. The cross was always plan A
Got rest> Genesis 2
God didn’t physically rest it is more of a figure of speech
It’s more of a reflection> he reflected on the things he created/ took a pause
Genesis 2 is a picture of perfection and of peace ( rabbi refers it at the garden If Shalom(peace)
Genesis 3
Serpent talk
Serpent seems to be upright
Because it’s punishment was to crawl on belly
Man rebel against God/ theirs eyes were open/they realized they were naked / they were ashamed/covers their nakedness with things from the Garden
Man knows it/ God knew it
The Curse
—God spoke to man first
Man was their first
His commandment was first to the man
Seems as if the man was to get the women up to speed
Or did God speaks to both at a later time
—Than the woman
—Than the serpent
The punishment
—serpent was punish first
Anytime a head is crush it leads to death/conquer
Genesis 3-11
Moment of Hope
One would come that will crush your head
The cover up with animal skin
Noah find Grace
Enock walk with God
Genesis 12 :1-3
When you think of covenant what do you think of? Contract Commitment Marriage Relationship
Gen 12:1-3
Focuses on covenant languages
There are two types of covenant> conditional and unconditional
A formal legally biding of declaration of benefits with or without conditions attached given by one party to another
The Bible has both conditional and unconditional covenant
Gen 12 :1-3 is an unconditional covenant
Genesis 12:1-3
Break into three distinct part
Through Abram there’s going to be a
— land (reside in)
—bring a world wide blessings
Vs 4 and lot went with him??? Abram did believe and was obedient but no one can do anything perfectly
Gen13: 14-18
Genesis 15
No children?
And getting older
Three parts of Genesis
—Gen 1 and 2
—Gen 3-11
—Gen 12-50
Using Macro Structure
The goal of this class
Gen 1> highlight
Gen 3> highlight
Abram>Isaac>Jacob >Joseph>famine in a land >Egypt >Joseph and brother reunited
The covenant Genesis 12:1-3 is pass on to Isaac to Jacob to his descendants from generation to generation
Genesis 12-50
Exodus Laws and laws The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) Leviticus Laws for the Priests (the tribe of Levi) Sacrificial System A Holy God cannot tolerate sin God stipulates that the penalty for sin is death God is willing to accept a temporary substitute for sin God’s grace allows judgment to be postponed until sin is dealt with in totality Numbers Generation #1 (Numbers 13–14) Generation #2 (Deuteronomy) Deuteronomy Blessings (Chapter 28): Crops and Kids Curses (Chapter 28): Confusion and Calamity
The Abrahamic Covenant was unconditional, but the Mosaic Covenant was conditional.
The gory details of the sacrificial system remind us that sin brings death.
Two generations of Israelites are described in Numbers. God keeps the first generation out of the Promised Land, but He allows the second one to enter.
Deuteronomy 28 mentions the blessings and curses of the covenant.
Davidic Covenant
Land mentioned in
Genesis 12 13 0r 15 17 23 26
Deteuroneum 29
Renewal of covenant
- Warning of blessings of cursing and blessings in result of Det28
31 Moses about to die
New leader
32 psalms of Moses
34. Showed Moses the land that is promised in Gen 12:1-3. Moses was able to see it but could not go in
Died there in Moab 120 years when died
40 years in Egypt
40 years in wilderness
40 years leading Israelites out of Egypt to the land
Joshua is about the land and conquest
Going to the land of promise back in Gen 12 1-3 to the forefathers Abraham>Isaac>Jacob >
Joshua 8 covenant renewal Joshua is about kings that are conquer Division of the 12 tribes End of Joshua Chapt 24 >Now in the land . … Joshua died 110 years Covenant renewal
Chapter 2 >the land. The people are in the land >do not break my covenant
Vs 10
2nd generation died> third generation don’t know the lord
Summary of judges
Every did what was right in their own eyes
\_\_Sin \_\_People are Oppressed [nation conquer and enslaved them] \_\_Repent [call out to God and repent of obedient to the mosaic covenant] \_\_delivery [God sends out a deliverer [judges]]
There’s tension between the Abrahamic covenant with NO CONDITIONS vs the Mosaic covenant with strings attached
Ruth> love story in the midst of a famine
Ruth a moabites( Gods enemy) had great faith in God
The faith that God wanted to see in his people
David God chosen king Man after Gods own heart Wanted to build God a House God made a covenant with him and his son
United Kingdom
When the kingdom was United/ was one/ before the split of the Kingdom
1st king of Israel
Chosen by the people
God told David it’s not you they’ve rejected it’s me
The placement of Saul as king was a direct rejection to God
God wanted to be their king
Saul reign started ok until Disobedience took place
1 Samuel 15
Was given instructions to eradicate a particular nation, the Malachi / get rid of them all
Saul> spare egad > king of the Malachi and the sheep/ lamb/ everything that was good
Make a monument for himself> glorify Of Self
When Samuel (God told Samuel of Saul disobedience) came to see Saul …tells him he has carried out all of God’s instructions > Lie
Saul start making excuses for himself when questions by Samuel
Told sheep was used for sacrifice unto the Lord
Samuel > the lord has rejected you as king / it’s better to obey than to sacrifice
Was until Saul was to face the consequences that he started repenting and still finding ways to put the blame on others
1 Samuel 31
Paul reign ended poorly
Saul rejection of the lord> God’s rejection of Saul>Saul takes his own life… took his sword and fell on it (his three sons and military( man) died there together on same day>phillistines caught of his head and strip him of his sword >body was burnt him and his sons and bones buried
Saul appointed David leader over his armies, but he became jealous and angry because of David’s success (God was with David and had left Saul) and sought to kill him.
Had great success because God was with David/ David trusted/believe in/faithfully following God
Man after God’s own heart
Defeated Goliath while no one else could
David could have killed Saul but believed Saul was in God’s hands and that he was forbidden to put Saul to death himself …ran away from him instead
2 Samuel 5
David moan for Saul/ his two sons
Anointed king of all Israelites/Anointed by God
Nation is still one
Davidic covenant
God promises a descendant of David to reign on the throne over the people of God.
Victory over victory
2Samuel 11
Story line changes
Power—abuse— consequences
Bathsheba >she became pregnant after David saw her bathing on a rooftop and had her brought to him.
David then ordered that uriah the hittite (the night before got him drunk) be moved to the front-line of a battle, where he was killed.
David murdered Uriah by proxy by ordering all of Uriah’s comrades to abandon him in the midst of battle, so that he ended up getting killed by an opposing army. Following Uriah’s death, David took Bathsheba as his eighth wife, the woman he impregnated
Nathan told David God despised him for what he did
David first response: Broke down and repented (while it took Saul three occasions to confess sin)
ConseQuence: you will not die but your son born to you will die
The sword that shall never depart from your house
David married the widowed Bathsheba, but their first child died as punishment from God for David’s adultery and murder of Uriah. David repented of his sins, and Bathsheba later gave birth to Solomon.
1 king 3 Wisdom Son a David Was anointed king/past down to him Give your servant a discerning heart to govern the great people of yours
I will give you both of what you have ask for ( discerning heart ) and what you have not ask
David and the two prostitutes
The Judgement of Solomon is a biblical tale from 1 Kings 3:16-28. It tells the story of two women who came to the King with two young babies- one alive and one dead. Both claimed that the living child was their own and that the other woman was only pretending to be the mother of the surviving infant. The wise king ordered that the baby be split in two, with one-half of the baby going to each mother.
The first mother’s position was to accept the king’s judgment as fair, and the second’s was to give the baby to the first. Whereupon the king determined that the infant son obviously belonged to the second, as evidenced by her willingness to sacrifice her own self-interest for the good of the child, as a true mother would. The wise king thus deployed a clever approach to discover the veracity of one party over the other.
1 king 10:2
Divided Kingdom/ United Monarchy
Cause: 1 Kings 10:14–29. ( description of Solomon reign and wealth) Richer than any other kings. 11: 1-7.
Loved many foreign women besides pharaoh’s daughter > was told not to marry any foreign/ will turn to other god> Solomon had 700 wives and 300 Cucubines ( ) a woman who lives with a man but has lower status than his wife or wives) > mistress> wives led him astray to follow after other gods > took horses from Egypt [Compare to Deuteronomy
17:14-20]. Not to go back to Egypt / not to take many wives or his heart will be led astray / not accumulate silver and gold ( Solomon accumulates 25 tons annually )
1 kings 11:9-13
Because of your sins I will tear the kingdom down and give it to your subordinate
I will give your son a portion because of your father David
Effect: 1 Kings 12—-2 Kings 25
Because of Solomon unfaithfulness to the covenant the kingdom split in TWO
Northern Kingdom: Israel (10 Tribes)—Samaria ( City Capital)> to the north
All the kings are evil
Southern Kingdom: Judah (2 Tribes) —Jerusalem (city capital) to the south
A few kings are good
There is a civil war that cause the split
Evil kings
Prophets : repent / judgment is coming
Judgement is coming but his faithful love is still present
Even in the midst of bad God is still at work
In the midst of Judgement God does not forget his promises
Captivity and Destruction
Israel (Northern Kingdom): Conquered in 722 B.C. by Assyrians
Cause to the split >2 kings 17: 7
Judah (Southern Kingdom): Conquered in 586 B.C. by Babylonians
2 kings 25:
Not wise in regards to covenant relationship
What do you think of when you think of the prophets?
Message of Hope
Messianic prophecies
Think of Daniel
Had three dominant positions
Pre exile > one kingdom/ when the kingdom was in unity
During exile > when the kingdom split
Post exile>after the split
The prophets message during that time was a message of
>Hope>covenant love
New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) 3 Components I will be your God You will be my people I will live among you Covenant Love (Example: 2 Kings 13:23)
Closing of book Malachi and Birth of Christ
Approximately 430 years occur/ exist between the closing of the book of Malachi and birth of Christ
Announcing the a straight path to the messiah
The United Kingdom that was once was divided into captivity > were release and established back in their home country
Not everyone went back
But Israel is still under captivity
The many of Israel that didn’t return home after the release are scattered throughout the Middle East. Persians ruled over Judah
When the Old Testament concludes the Persians is reigning over Israel the people that stayed
Asyrrians( ruled northern Kingdom)>babylions( ruled sorthern kingdom) when The kingdom(Israel ) splits in two > OTestament concludes with Persians reigning > than we have the intertestamental period when Greek empire reign and than Rome reign
Assyrian> Babylonians>Persians>Greek Empire>Rome
Rome owned everything during their reign. Their reign was immense(extremely large or great…..huge)
intertestamental period > The time between the last writings of the Old Testament and the appearance of Christ is known as the “intertestamental” (or “between the testaments”) period.
Even in that period God was at work/ even through Israel mess when some decide not to go home but spread out/ God was at work
It leads to the spread of synagogue throughout and the teachings of the Torah ( a group of people continued in God were call God Fearers)
There were a faithful remnant( small remaining quantity of something….scrap)as we move to the Old Testament anticipated the coming of the messiah
Now under Alexander the Great(Greek empire) >334bc
The are two projections of the messiah in the Old Testament
Of a conquering King /Davidic king that will physically reign eternally
And of a Suffering servant that will suffer for his people Isaiah 53
Testament means covenant. Therefore we have the old and new covenant
Because of that some group thought there would be two messiah
primarily Jewish identified Jesus as the Jewish king> goes to great lengths of showing Jesus is greater than Moses that he is the Jewish messiah> it’s like going back to Abraham/Moses
Mark> SERVE> one keyword that shows up mark gospel> the servant side of Jesus> didn’t come to be serve but to serve> to show us he came to go to the cross
Luke > MAN>shows us the humanity of Jesus> goes to great lengths to show that Jesus is a person like me > it’s like going back to Adam showing Jesus human side
John> GOD> showing us that man who became flesh is in fact God
The 4 gospels wrap the mystery up to show that there only ONE KING who came to SERVE and a MAN who is GOD
In the four gospels all covenant are fulfill by Jesus Christ by not all covenant has yet been fulfilled by Jesus Christ
- Messiah’s Earthly Message:
- A Call to the Kingdom of God
- “Reign of God over all creation—and especially His people.”
- Kingdom of God was present in Christ (Mt. 11:11-12; 18:1-5)
- One joins this Kingdom through repentance of sin and trust in Jesus
- Messiah’s Earthly Sacrifice and Messiah’s Resurrection
Acts> theological history > Luke part 2
Theo police> a person > likely a Roman official > likely came to believe in God as the Jewish messiah
Not a code name for secret lovers of God
Lesson 7: 6 +7
7 days pause before the flood
Great deep burst open
Could that be the same place where satan will be locked up for a 1000 years.
Post Ressurection
After sufferering ( crucifixion) Christ appears to Peter> rest of the 12> 500 more men> fellowship
Appear every 40 days > not there all the time
Baptism of Holy Spirit is on its way don’t leave Jerusalem > you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you
Acts > is all about the calling of the 12 to be witnessed of Christ. The Holy Spirit will empower them to be witnesses
Acts 1: 8 < could be viewed as the Thesis statement
Acts 1:10-11
And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Acts 2
The sign after the resurrection, the new era, is the Holy Spirit
There’s lot Old Testament texts connected to that
Questions throughout acts is do gentiles has to become Jews before becoming a Christian? No
The blessings are for all people
Significance passage in Acts:
Acts 2 > Acts 15 > Acts 17
* What is going on in the passage? (summarize the text)
* Are there direct Old Testament connections? (passages, references, )
* What are the connections to the Old Testament Master Narrative (Story!)