The Stomach and General Principles of Gastric Surgery Flashcards
Which organ is in close association with the cranial/ventral aspect of the stomach?
Which part of the stomach lies against the diaphragm?
Which structures form the lateral part of the abdominal wall on the right and left side of the normal stomach?
Costal arch
What structure attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach?
Greater omentum
Which structure lies immediately caudal to the stomach?
contact with the transverse colon which crosses the abdomen from right to left immediately caudal to the stomach
What side of the abdomen is the pylorus located on?
What is the cone shaped portion of the stomach that funnels gastric contents towards the pylorus?
Pyloric antrum
How to perform the gastric axis?
If you draw a line from the “top” to the “bottom” of the stomach on a lateral abdominal radiograph this gives you the gastric axis.
What does the gastric axis show us?
If the liver is normal in size the gastric axis should be roughly parallel to the ribs on a lateral abdominal radiograph.
What structure is cranial to and merges with the cardia?
What structure runs in the hepatoduodenal ligament?
Common bile duct
Which way does the transverse colon cross the abdo?
Right to left
Why is the stomach not palpable on CE?
Lies within costal arch
What lies immediately caudal to the body of the stomach on the left side of the abdomen?
Head of the spleen
What is the spleen attached to the stomach by?
Gastrosplenic ligament
What are the 5 areas of the stomach?
Pyloric antrum
Where is the cardia located cf to midline?
It is fixed/non-movable + located immediately where cf t diaphragm?
- Left
- Caudal
Which side is the fundus?
The cranial surface of the fundus pushes
Against the left upper part of the diaphragm.
What is the largest part of the stomach?
Body of the stomach:
A) Where does it join the fundus?
B) Where does it join the pyloric antrum?
A) Left
B) Right
What does the pyloric antrum connect?
Body to pylorus
Where is the pylorus located?
R ventral abdo
How many muscle layers is the pylorus?
Shape of greater curvature?
Shaper of lesser curvature?
What are the 2 leaves of omentum?
Ventral and dorsal
Where does the left limb of pancreas lie in the omentum?
Which ligament is formed by a portion of the lesser omentum?
The hepatogastric ligament merges with what and where?
Hepatoduodenal lig. on right
The hepatogastric ligament anchors what?
Stomach to liver in cranial abdo
What does the hepatogastric ligament anchor?
Pylorus and proximal duodenum to porta of the liver
Which ligament doe the common bile duct lie within?
Why is the lesser curvature difficult to access in surgery?
The short hepatogastric ligament
The arterial blood supply to the stomach originates from?
Celiac artery which is a direct branch from the aorta