the state of relations between crown and parliament by 1629 and reaction of the political nation Flashcards
what did the petitions of rights fail to address?
customs duties, impositions or tonnage and poundage.
Charles favouring anti- Calvinists e.g. William Laud and Richard Montagu who were appointed as bishops in 1628.
what were the results of the petition of rights failing to address financial and religious tensions between crown and parliament?
Charles claimed he had not surrendered his right to claim e.g. T+P, customs duties and impositions.
Charles clearly indicts his support for Arminianism
in relation to the Petition of rights 1628-why did Parliament not trust Charles?
First, he did not reply to the petition in the proper legal way.
he got the royal printer to deface the statute number- so that there was doubt about its legality.
Parliament were concerned whether Charles could not be trusted with an ambiguous unwritten constitution. Should they try to limit his power in a more formal manner?
what was Charles response to the 3 Resolutions 1629?
Dissolved Parliament 2 days later
his leading critics- John Eliot, Holles and Valentine arrested for treason
Charles knew the 3 Res was a revolutionary act
governed the next 11yrs W/O calling parliament
how did radicals try to pass the 3 Resolutions?
Holles and Valentine Held the Speaker in his chair until he passed the resolutions before the royal order was read to suspend parliament. = condemn king’s conduct
what are all the possible causes of tension between Charles and the Political Nation?
Religion Ideology Charles Finance War Buckingham Functional reasons