The Spleen Flashcards
The main function of the spleen is to filter _______ blood.
The spleen plays an important role in the body’s defense against ______.
The spleen lies in the left __________ or in the ____.
hypochondrium, LUQ
The spleen is an ___________ organ.
The spleen is covered entirely in _________ except for small area at its hilum.
The spleen is variable in _____ and _______.
size and shape
The normal measurements of the spleen for an average adult are _____ long x _____ wide x ______ AP.
8-13 cm long x 7 cm wide x 3-4 cm AP
The enlargement of the spleen is called:
Splenomegaly is when the length of the spleen exceeds ______.
13 cm
The splenic artery branches into ____ smaller arteries.
The splenic arteries are subject to ______.
Infarction is an interruption in the ____ supply that may lead to ______ of the area.
blood, necrosis
There are ________ and ______ that travel along the course of the splenic artery.
lymph vessels and nerves
The splenic vein joins the ____ to create the portal vein.
The SMV returns _______ blood from the bowel.
The splenic vein travels along the _________ border of the pancreas.
The diaphragm, left pleura of left lung, and ribs 8-11 are _______ to the spleen.
The stomach and lesser sac are ________ to the spleen.
The fundus of the stomach may contain ____ or _____.
gas or fluid
If the stomach is fluid filled, the stomach may serve as a great window for the _____ of the ______.
tail of the pancreas
The left kidney lies ____ and _____ to the spleen.
inferior and medial
The _____ properties of the spleen allow it to distend as blood fills the venous sinus.
Within the lobules of the spleen are tissues called:
Two components of pulp are the:
red and white pulp
The white pulp consists of _______ corpuscles scattered throughout the spleen.
Malphighian corpuscles are referred to as:
lymphoid tissue
The white pulp contains a large number of _______.
The function of white pulp is to help defend the body against:
Red pulp contains capillaries that are _____.
Older, fragile red blood cells may rupture as the pass through capillaries which results in cellular debris being removed by _________ __________.
phagocytic macrophages
Phagocytic macrophages are located within the splenic _______.
_______ also engulf and destroy foreign particles, such as bacteria, that may be carried in the blood as it flows through the sinuses.
The spleen is part of the ______________ system.
The spleen produces _____ and ______ cells.
lymphocytes and plasma
The spleen aids in creation of ________.
The spleen stores _____ and other _______.
iron and other metabolites
The spleen is a _____ reservoir.
______ is the process by which the spleen removes abnormal RBCs.
______ is the process of removing the nuclei from the RBCs.
The spleen disposes abnormal ______.
The spleen has functions related to ______ and ______ lifespan.
platelet and leukocyte
The spleen contains ___-___ mL of RBCs.
______ indicates the percentage of RBCs per volume of blood.
Abnormally low hematocrit indicates _____ or _______ bleeding within the body.
hemorrhage or internal
______ indicates the presence of bacteria within the body.
The term ______ indicates bacteria in the bloodstream.
_______ is an abnormal decrease in platelets.
_______ is the increase in white cells present in the blood.
Leukocytosis is a typical finding of an _____.
______ is the abnormal decrease in white blood cells.
The normal parenchyma texture has a fine uniform homogeneous ___ to ___ level echo pattern.
mid to low
The spleen has a similar texture of the _______.
The splenic echotexture is considered _____ echogenic than the liver.
As the spleen enlarges, the echogenicity ______ further.
The nonvisualization of the spleen may indicate _____.
Chronic hemolytic anemias are known as ______ _____ ________.
sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia can result in an ______ spleen.
Advanced atrophy of the spleen is:
The complete absence of the spleen is called:
splenic agenesis
Splenic agenesis may occur as part of a _______ abnormality.
Two morphologic right lungs, midline location of the liver, reversed position of aorta and IVC, horseshoe kidneys are known as ___________.
bilateral right sideness
Condition in which there is more than one spleen:
Two morphologic left lungs, biliary atresia, absence of gallbladder, GI malrotation, cardiovascular abnormalities are known as ________.
bilateral left sideness
Anomalous placement of organs or major blood vessels:
visceral heterotaxis
normal arrangement of asymmetric body parts:
situs solitus
mirror image condition
situs inversus
describes anatomy that falls in between situs solitus and inversus:
situs ambiguous
An accessory spleen may be found in up to ___% of patients.
An accessory spleen appears as a _______ pattern similar to that of the spleen.
An accessory spleen is usually found near the _____ or _____ border.
hilum or inferior
An accessory spleen results from the failure of fusion of separate splenic masses during ________.
fetal development
A spleen that has migrated from its normal location in the LUQ:
wandering spleen
A wandering spleen results from an _______ anomaly when the spleen is without one or more of its supporting _________.
embryonic, ligaments
Symptoms of a wandering spleen may include an abdominal or pelvic mass, intermittent pain, and ________ (splenic torsion)
Most common disease process encountered by sonographers when evaluating the spleen:
Causes of splenomegaly include: ______ (new growth), ______disease, _______ (bacteria), _______ anemia, ________ hematopoiesis, ______ (accident), portal _________, liver _________, _________ (cancer of lymphatic system)
neoplasm, storage disease, infection, hemolytic anemia, extramedullary hematopoiesis, trauma, portal hypertension, liver disease, lymphoma
Occurs in response to or as a result of a diffuse enlargement of the spleen:
congestion of the spleen
Congestion of the spleen involves splenic ______ enlargement
Congestion of the spleen is most commonly caused by various forms of ______ of the liver.
A disease that occurs when amyloid proteins build up in the spleen:
an abnormal protein usually produced by cells in the bone marrow that can be deposited in any tissue or organ:
In amyloidosis, the spleen may be normal in size or _______.
There are two types of spleen involvements in amyloidosis:
nodular and diffuse
Hereditary form of anemia when the RBC’s are misshapen:
sickle cell anemia
In the early stages of sickle cell anemia, the spleen is ________.
In the advanced stages of sickle cell, the tissue degenerates itself known as:
Focal disease can be caused by non-traumatic events: _____ (growth), _____ (blood supply loss), _____ (infection), _____ (fluid-filled)
tumor, infarction, abscess, cyst
An uncommon condition that is caused by infection that is spread from either distant spaces in the abdomen or an inflammatory process that extends directly from adjacent organs:
splenic abscess
The sonographic appearance of a splenic abscess include ______ cystic to _____ echo pattern.
simple, mixed
The sonographic appearance of a splenic abscess include ______, ill-defined borders, _____ (enlarged spleen), lesion may be _____ often with _______ foci that represents debris or gas
irregular, splenomegaly, hypoechoic, hyperechoic
Splenic infections present with _____ (enlarged spleen), and appear with _______ masses within the spleen, the “_____________” pattern, a central ______ area, _______ (hypoechoic rim with a echogenic central core), hypoechoic/_______ nodule
splenomegaly, irregular, wheels within wheels, hypoechoic, Bull’s eye, hyperechoic
A splenic infarct most commonly caused by the occlusion of the major ____________.
splenic artery
Splenic infarct usually results from ______ that arise from the heart produced from thrombosis or vegetation due to endocarditis.
The sonographic appearance of a splenic infarct is a _____ echo.
Healed infarctions appear as echogenic, _______-shaped lesions.
Chronic infarction may contain __________.
Splenic trauma most commonly occurs due to blunt _____ trauma.
Intraparenchymal or subcapsular hematomas occur when the capsule remains ______.
Focal or free intraperitoneal hematomas occur when the capsule ____.
These four quadrants are examined in an emergent protocol:
- Morison’s pouch
- Subdiaphragmatic areas
- liver and splenic capsule
- Bladder and anterior rectal area
The entire emergent protocol should take less than ______.
5 minutes
A lacerated spleen appears with ________ (enlarged spleen), _____ splenic borders, ______ (blood filled), ________ and ________ fluid collections, free __________ blood, left _______ effusion.
splenomegaly, irregular, hematoma, subcapsular and pericapsular, free fluid collections, free intraperitoneal blood, and left pleural effusion
Fresh hemorrhage may appear ______.
Older hemorrhage may appear ______.
Splenic cysts may be classified as _____ or _______ in origin.
parasitic or nonparasitic
Most splenic cysts are secondary cysts caused by _____ (accident), _______ (bacteria), or _______ (lack of blood supply).
trauma, infection, infarction
_______ is the only parasite that forms splenic cysts.
The sonographic appearance of splenic cysts are anechoic lesions with possible _______ cells and _________.
daughter cells, calcification
Splenic cysts may be _____ masses with fine ______ echoes and poor distal _______.
solid, internal, enhancement
Becomes symptomatic when size of the spleen increases and compresses other organs:
splenic cavernous hemangioma
Sonographic appearance of splenic cavernous hemangioma is usually an _______, ________ (echotexture), echogenic mass with multiple small _______ areas.
isolated, heterogeneous, hypoechoic
Splenic cavernous hemangioma has a variable appearance from ____-defined echogenic appearance to a _____ mixed pattern.
well, complex
Benign malformation of lymphatic vessels, consisting of endothelium-line cystic spaces:
Cystic lymphangioma
The sonographic appearance of cystic lymphangioma appears as a mass with _______ cystic replacement of splenic parenchyma.
Cystic lymphangioma may have a multi-______ appearance.
Metastasis of the spleen is the _____ most common site for metastatic disease.
Patients may be _______ with spleen metastasis.
The sonographic appearance of splenic metastasis is variable and can have ______ diffuse lesions seen throughout.