The Specific Immune Response Flashcards
The specific immune response involves the coordinated action of a range of cells. This require cell communication. Cell signalling chemicals are called: cytokines.
Macrophages release monokines : stimulate B cells to differentiate.
T cells and macrophages release interleukins: stimulate clonal explanation and differentiation of T and B cells.
What is meant by CLONAL SELECTION?
an invading pathogen has specific antigens. In order to trigger the immune response these must be detected by T and B lymphocytes.
T and B lymphocytes carry a specific receptor complementary to that of the antigen.
In short: selection of specific B or T cell that is specific to the antigen on the pathogen.
What is meant by clonal expansion?
Clonal expansion is triggered by T cells or Macrophages which release interleukins.
Once correct lymphocyte selected it must be increased in number to be effective. This is achieved by motorists division.
Stimulated by Monokines help B cells differentiate or Interleukins which help B and T cells differentiate.
Clones of the lymphocytes differentiate into useful cells.
A T cell may differentiate into:
T➡️ T helper ( release cytokines such as interleukins which help B to divide.
Or a Th may further divide to Tmemory.
These provide long term immunity. Act as immunological memory.
T differentiates:
Attack and kill host body cells that display foreign antigens.
T killer
T regulator
Shut down the immune response after pathogen has been successfully removed. Prevents autoimmunity.
B memory cells
Remain in body for a long period of time. Provide immunological memory.
B cells can also differentiate into plasma cells.
Manufacture and release antibodies.