The Soldier (Theme of War) Flashcards
Title - “The Soldier”
What does this suggest?
The definite article “the” suggests this soldier is representing all soldiers
“That there is some corner of a foreign field,
That is forever England”
What does “that is forever England” suggest?
“That is forever England” - This phrase is imperialistic suggests the soldier will ‘conquer’ foreign soil by being buried in it.
“In that rich a earth a richer dust concealed”
What does this suggest?
Suggests being English is best / Showing nationalistic pride
Rich - base adjective
Richer - comparative adjective
How is England personified in the poem?
“England bore, shaped, made aware”
“Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam”
English is personified as a woman and mother.
Highlights the narrators loyalty to England as well as his desire to defend and protect.
What does the repetition of “England” in this poem suggest?
“England bore, shaped, made aware”
“A body of England’s, breathing English air”
The repetition of England shows deep admiration and love for the country.
“And think, this heart, all evil shed away,”
”,” What does the caesura do to the pace of the poem?
The Caesura helps slow down the pace of the poem.
“And think, this heart, all evil shed away,”
”,” What does the caesura do to the pace of the poem?
The Caesura helps slow down the pace of the poem.
“In hearts at peace, under English heaven”
What does “Peace” contrast with?
“Peace” contrasts with the chaos of war.
How does this Poem present England?
The Poem presents England as a Eutopia. Using Phrases such as “richer dust”, “her flowers to love”, “her ways to roam” presents England as superior, pure, charm, peaceful.
What is the context of this poem?
Written by Rupert Brooke:
Enlisted to fight for WW1 when it broke out in 1914.
Brooke wrote a sequence of sonnets that collectively titled 1914
April 1915 - Brooke died from an infected mosquito bite
Never fought in the war (Important)
Themes Of The Soldier (Your opinion)
- Power
7.Man - Death
Key themes (In my opinion)
- War (Obviously)
- Love (The Love for England)
- War(A war poem yet he never fought in the war)
- Place (About England)
5.Man (About a Man’s relationship with his country)
- Death (The Preparation for death)
What is the structure of “The soldier”?
Traditional sonnet form emphasizes Romantic rather than realistic nature of poem.
England repeated gives a sense of patriotism
What does the Soldier tell us about the writer Brooke?
The Poem describes Brooke’s as overtly patriotic view that is a glorious and honourable sacrifice to die for your country.
“richer dust”
What does this suggest?
The word “richer dust” suggests the remains of his body is superior to the ground he lies in because he is English and not foreign.
“dust” relates to the religious idea of our bodies becoming dust when we die.
“A pulse in the eternal mind”
What does this suggest?
Suggest his presence in the soil of foreign land will always live on, making him immortal.
Final words - “under an English heaven”
What does this show?
Shows his pride in England as he is suggesting England is almost like paradise and to die in England’s name would bring him peace
Describe the structure of the soldier.
The poem begins with the idea of the anonymous soldier’s death and suggests his decomposing body will infused the ground around him with a little of his English values and ideals.
The middle of the poem personifies England and considers how beautiful and picturesque the countryside is.
The final stanza suggests that in death he will achieve some form of immortality under a “heaven” that is English even if the land he lays on is not.