Hawk Roosting (Theme Of Power) Flashcards
“I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed”
How does “top of the wood” indicate power of the hawk?
Its physical position indicates power as it is on “top”
Title “Hawk Roosting”
What does the title suggest?
- The Noun “Hawk” suggests importance in the poem.
- “Roosting” means resting suggesting that it is comfortable / in control.
“Inaction, falsifying dream”
What does this tell us about the hawk?
Falsifying = fake
Suggests the hawk does not need dreams as its reality is perfect.
“Between my hooked head and hooked feet”
What does the repetition of “hooked” suggest?
The repetition of “hooked” emphasises the Hawks violence as “hooked” usually suggests piercing.
“In sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
Rhyming couplet emphasises idea the hawk’s kills are perfect.
“The convenience of the high trees!”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
The Hawk thinks that the natural world has been designed to suit it.
Showing the Hawk is arrogant.
“And the Earth’s face upward for my inspection”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
“Inspection” - Inspectors usually have power over things they inspect.
The earth has been personified suggesting the Hawk is above the hierarchy.
“My feet are locked upon the rough bark”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
“My feet are locked” makes the hawk appear sturdy (locks are symbols for security)
“Rough bark” emphasises hawks firm grip.
“It took the whole of creation,
to produce my foot, and each feather
Now i hold creation in my foot”
What does this suggest about the hawk?
“Creation” - reference to god
Hawk thinks that God took all his effort to make it, Hawk is arrogant.
“Or fly up and revolve it slowly”
What does this show about the Hawk?
Emphasises the Hawk’s arrogance as it thinks it can force creation to do what it wants.
“I kill where i please because it is all mine”
What does this suggest about the hawk?
Monosyllabic language suggests the Hawk is confident.
“My manners are tearing off heads”
What does this suggest about the hawk?
The juxtaposition between politeness and violence presents the hawk as a dictator like figure. (has absolute power / believes they do)
“The allotment of death”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
Allots - give out
Suggests the Hawk gives out death - emphasising Hawks power and god like status.
“The sun is behind me”
What does this suggest about the Hawk?
Personification suggests the sun supports the hawk, the hawk has a lot of power.
“Nothing has changed since i began”
What does this show about the Hawk?
Indicates the Hawks power / He has been all powerful since the beginning.
Give some context about the writer’s life.
Ted Hughs
Died 1998.
Spent most of his youth outdoors.
Fascinated by animals as a child.
Hughs writing is influence by his father who was a WW1 veteran.
What Themes does Hawk Roosting fill out?
- Power
- Nature
- Love
- War
- Time
- Place
- Man
- Death
- Religion
Themes of Hawk Roosting (In my opinion)
- Power (Indefinetly)
4.Religion (Uses God)