The Social Security Act Flashcards
What it part of FDR’s first or second New Deal
Second; it was the center piece of FDR’s Second New Deal
What year was the Social Security Act
It embodied Roosevelt’s conviction…
that national government had the responsibility to ensure material well-being of ordinary Americans.
What did the Social security Act do?
It created a system of unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and aid to the disabled poor, and families with dependent children.
What did this begin?
launched the American version of the welfare state
______benefits system begins
permanent benefits instead of temporarily relief.
Mainly excluded who?
agricultural and Domestic workers based on contribution. As well as blacks in order to appease Southern Democrats.
How does the welfare state in America compare to that in with similar programs in Europe?
Americans welfare state has always been far more decentralized, involved lower levels of public spending, and covered fewer citizens.