The Social Group Flashcards
What is an entitativity group?
Perception by group members themselves or others that the people together are a group
Distinct units that are bound together
High entitativity: homogenous groups with clear structure, boundaries and purpose
What is an intimacy group?
e.g. family
entitativity is highest
groups that are closely tied together
What are task groups?
groups that come together temporarily to achieve a specific goal
entitativity is lower
What is a common bond group?
Members of the group have close bonds with other members in the group
Sense of belonging is found within these relationships
What is a common identity group?
Members have close ties with the group itself
Attachment to the group
What is Tuckman’s stage model?
Forming: Individuals hope to be accepted, learn about each other and the task, avoidance of conflict
Storming: everyone knows each other, conflict which may be suppressed for the interest of harmony, questioning roles and responsibilities
Norming: conflict addressed, people understand each other better and appreciate the skills, roles and responsibilities are established
Performing: not all groups reach this phase, roles change according to the needs, work interdependently
Adjourning: the task is completed, the group ends, this can happen when members lose motivation
What does Moreland and Levine’s group socialization model mean?
Group members come together to meet each other’s needs and accomplish goals
Individual and group evaluate each other, is it rewarding and worthwhile?
Members leaving and joining have a powerful influence on the group
5 membership phases:
1. investigation
2. socialization
3. maintenance
4. resocialization
5. remembrance
What is a limitation of Tuckland’s stage model?
Incomplete model because it doesn’t show how groups evolve over time because it doesn’t focus on the perspective of the individuals
What is the investigation phase in group socialization?
Prospective member
Level of commitment has to be met by both the group and individual wanting to join
High moral standing will enhance a groups sense of self worth
What is the socialization phase in group socialization?
Marginal member
Individual starts being accepted into the group
Distinct level of commitment
Investiture: embrace an individuals identity, boosted wellbeing and commitment
Divestiture: strip away an individuals identity which causes stress and uncertainty
What is the maintenance phase in group socialization?
Phase can last long Individual is now accepted
Commitment can fall on either sides
Role negotiation occurs for rewards
Group may not value or invest in members
These failures cause resocialization
What is the resocialization phase in group socialization?
Marginal member
Group reassimilates
If this is successful, commitment increases and convergence occurs. If not successful, the commitment falls further and the individual may leave
The individual is an ex member and the remembrance phase begins
Harsher and less forgiving towards old members that left than new members that wan to join
However, if the group and individual can negotiate and reconcile resocialization is possible
What is remembrance in the group socialization?
Ex member
Individual reminisces
Continued feelings of obligation and loyalty
What is an aggregate?
Share connections
No psychological value
What is a group?
Common fate
Perceive yourself as belonging to the group
Common goal
Structure of norms and rules
Influence each other
What is an ingroup and outgroup?
ingroup: groups we belong too
outgroup: groups we don’t belong too
What did Moreland and McGinn 1999 find?
Students put into groups and created art together
Groups were dissolved
Criticism of former group’s work by former members of the group vs non-members
Participants were more upset by and reject criticism of the groups work when it came from other members of the former group
The “remembrance” stage of socialisation – Ties that bind groups together, continue to influence people even after they are formally cut
What are intiation rites in group socialization?
Pleasant: includes ceremonies and gifts
Unpleasant: involve humiliation
Cognitive dissonance means people accept negative outcomes of rites
What did Aronson and Mills find in 1959?
Female participants recruited for group discussion on psychology of sex
First asked to read boring excerpt of discussion before joining discussion
Three groups:
Mild initiation task – read out five words with vague sexual meaning
Embarrassing initiation task – read out sexually explicit passages
Control: No task
Result: Participants in embarrassing initiation task rated discussion as much more interesting than participants in other two groups
What did Gerard and Mathewson 1966 find?
Replication of Aronson and Mills
The more unpleasant task (receiving a severe electric shock) was perceived as unrelated to later task
Evaluation of group was not affected in this condition because there was no dissonance
Not perceived as initiation ritual
Another version:
Ran different version of experience in which unpleasant task (severe electric shock) was perceived as initiation into group
Participants who received severe shock rated group as much more attractive, as result of cognitive dissonance
What is group cohesion?
The extent to which a group holds people to one another which gives unity and commonality
What predicts group cohesion?
Does the group satisfy the individuals goals?
Forces within the group
What did Festinger suggest about forces in group cohesion?
Forces: attractiveness of group members, attractiveness of group, interdependence, interaction
Forces act on an individual to make the group cohesive
Group cohesion affects the behaviour of the individual and if they will adhere to the groups standards
What are the limitations of group cohesion?
Difficult to measure
They measure attractiveness from the perspective of an individual, so they are examining interpersonal attractiveness, not a process unique to groups
Other structural features are important such as norms, roles and status