The Sexual Self And The Spiritual Self Flashcards
Refers to a broad spectrum of behaviors in which humans display their sexuality
Sexual Behavior
2 Core Fundamentals of Sexual Self
Sex and Gender
It is biological (male, female, also intersex).
It also refers to sexual acts, “having sex”.
It is generally considered as a socially constructed concept associated with a given sex (masculinity or feminity).
2 Reproductive Organs
Female and Male
4 factors that can cause HIV
Sexual Contact
Vertical Transmission
Needle Sharing
Blood Contamination
HIV means
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Means
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
7 that cannot cause HIV
Insect Bites
Sharing Food
5 that cannot prevent HIV
Washing after sex
Sex with a virgin
Pulling out method
Spells and herbal medicine
Using contraceptives pill
4 Ways To Prevent Transmission of STD
- Practice safe sex always
- Proper use of safe sex supplies such us condom
- Avoid having multiple sex partners
- Abstinence is 100% effective
12 Methods of Contraception
- Condom
- Female Condom
- Hormonal Ring
- Injection
- Surgical Sterilization
- Implant
- Coitus Interruptus
- Calendar Rhythm Method
- Patch
- Diaphragm
- Pill
5 Classifications of Contraception
- Natural Method
- Barrier Method
- Hormonal Method
- Reversible
- Sterilization
4 Natural Method
- Calendar Method
- Cervical Mucus Billing Method
- Coitus Interruptus Method
- Abstinence
5 Barrier Method
- Contraceptive Sponge
- Diaphragm
- Male Condom
- Cervical Cap
- Female Condom
Hormonal Method
- Hormonal Method
- Implantable Rods
- Transdermal Patch
- Shots
1 Reversible Method
Intra-Uterine Device