The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo Flashcards
A liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared interests
“I had no affinity with anyone from that school so leaving the school was not a significant loss for me”
Turn of events
A change in what is happening
“I was in a state of dismay by the unexpected turn of events”
Up front
“Being up front with me is the least you can do”
Extremely hot or intense
“I feel a searing pain in my chest”
The power to make your own decisions
“I don’t think he quit the play at his own volition”
Tastelessly showy or loud in appearance
“His clothes do not strike me as sophisticated, but rather as brassy”
Someone who knows a lot about a particular subject
“My brother is a comic book buff”
Making a loud, confused noise; uproarious
“The tumultuous crowd overwhelmed me”
In a new or different way
“I wanted to start afresh”
Reduce the extent of (something) by removing superfluous or unwanted parts
“I’d suggest you prune your facetiousness during your date with her because she’s sensitive”
Incapable of producing any result; pointless
“Attending the meeting would be futile”
Shake the feeling
Lose, avoid or stop something
“I couldn’t shake the feeling that he might have other intentions behind dating me”
Give intense pleasure of joy to
“I was enraptured by your presence”
Refuse to give
“She’s probably withholding any information that could be used against her in the future”
Leave out or exclude
“The beacon writers love omitting context, so everything they write in the paper should be taken with a grain of salt”
Omit or decline to take
“I’ll forgo breakfast today”
Make a gesture with the hand, arm or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow
“During the Idan Raichel concert, he beckoned me to come up on stage to dance with him”
Equal footing
In conditions where everyone has an equal chance
“My competition for a position in the players club is not on an equal footing since most of the other applicants are friends with the players”
Stand the test of time
To continue to be important or respected
“His comedy won’t stand the test of time”
Understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed
“In hindsight, I probably should of taken the job”
False pretenses
Behavior intended to deceive others
“She had aroused my sympathy for her under false pretenses”
To say it briefly, fitting your points into one concise statement
“Her directions were succinct”
Having or showing a lack of sensitive understanding
“Your joke probably came across as indelicate”
Extremely distasteful; unacceptable
“The way he treated his parents was repugnant to me”
In the cold light of day
Dispassionately, unemotionally, rational understanding, especially at a later time
“As I woke up the next morning in the cold light of day, I realized that my behavior the night before had been irrational”
A loss or lack of some essential high quality of mind or spirit
“The ignoble feelings you carry about repel people”
Involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt
“Every affair is a sordid affair”
(Of a place) extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect
“I was appalled by their squalid working conditions”
Offense or annoyance
“If it is someone who wants to see you succeed, you should not take umbrage at their criticism”
The lay of the land
The current situation or state of affairs
“Tell me the lay of the land of your conversation with him so I can tell you what to do”
Lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined
“His behavior was vulgar”
To dance around something
To avoid providing a clear answer or statement
“He dances around questions about his stance on the war because he doesn’t want to risk offending people”
Spread throughout
“Antisemitic sentiment has been permeating our school ever since October 7th”
Showing a lack of proper concern; offhand
“When Beacon writers fail to include context in their articles, their cavalier disregard for facts is evident”
Increase very steeply or rapidly
“Her career as a professional actress skyrocketed after she was in a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio”
Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily
“I’m always reticent in the first session with a new therapist”
Gather or collect (something, especially information or approval)
“You should garner more evidence to bolster the validity of your claim”
Be on each or one side of
“In my Instagram profile, my name is flanked by an emoji of a Hamsa”
By any means
(Following a negative) in anyway; at all
“She was not popular by any means”
To air out their concerns
Express that someone has openly expressed their opinions, issues or worries
“I’m pretty sure she with give us the opportunity to air out our concerns during the meeting”
Making a high, rough noise while breathing because of breathing difficulty
“Her wheezy cry startled me”
(Of a person) easily made sick, faint or disgusted, especially by unpleasant images
“He is squeamish about needles”
Mince words
To be indirect
“Whenever I try to instigate a conversation with my crush, I mince words”
Bank on
To expect or relay with confidence on
“I’m banking on him to dispel any fictitious rumors that have been spread about me”
At the whim of others
A situation in which someone or something has to abide by the decisions of others without being able to influence the outcome
“I’m living my life at the whim of others”
Turn the tide
A reversal of fortune
“I’m pretty sure she has the authority to turn the tide of the situation”
Increasing in size or importance; leading up
“She is ascending my position at the firm”
Agitated, impatient, or restless
“As I struggled to fall asleep, I started getting antsy”
At each other’s throats
Arguing or fighting
“I always see them at each other’s throats”
Nothing other than
“I wish I had her sheer determination”
Cheerful and lively
“Her voice sounded chipper”
Arouse or inflame
“His story ignited my imagination”
Talk foolishly, mindlessly or extensively
“She would not quit blabbering about a boy that she’s never even talked to before”
Show someone up
To put (someone) to shame
“Our presentation will show them up”
A rising tide lifts all boats
Success benefits all those around it, just as a tide will lift all boats, not only one
“You are not the only person that will benefit from you going to therapy for a rising tide lifts all boats”
Match or surpass
“I don’t think she is capable of emulating her sister’s success”
Not friendly and reserved
“I don’t understand why you acted so aloof in front of them when you’re usually pretty outgoing”
Spread or smear (a substance) thickly or liberally
“I already slathered sunscreen all over my body a few minutes ago”
A person that believes that people are motivated purely by self interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons
“She strikes me as a cynic”
Played right into their hands
To make a foolish mistake or act in a way that someone wants you to act so that they gain an advantage over you or defeat you
“It is important not to react angrily to deliberate provocation in order to avoid playing into their hands”
(Of a design) carved, molded or stamped on the surface or object
“We should emboss it with an Israeli flag”
Bringing strong images, memories or feelings to mind
“His narrating was evocative”
The brink of a dangerous or potential disastrous situation
“She is on the precipice of losing everything”
Fall off a turnip truck
To be naive, uninformed or unsophisticated in a manner of a rustic person
“Does she think I just fell off a turnip truck”
Ready or prompt to help or obey like a servant or slave at the wish or command of another person, especially to gain a favor
“The waiter was overly obsequious in order to secure a good tip, which was uncomfortable for me”
Act in an obsequious way in order to obtain someone’s forgiveness or favor
“Don’t grovel to get her back, you will only appear desperate and she will become even less interested in you”
Flash in the pan
A thing or person whose sudden but brief success is not repeated or releasable
“I would not get caught up in his success, it is not going to last long, it is just a flash in the pan”
Hightail it
Travel fast
“She hightailed it to my school as soon as I told her that I forgot my meds”
Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
“I’d go with the more pragmatic plan”
Let on
Reveal or divulge information to someone
“He knows more than he will let on”
Similar in kind; related
“They are kindred topics”
The range or distance over which one can hear or be heard
“As long as he is within earshot of us, I will bite my tongue”
Cheap, shoddy or tasteless
“That was a tawdry laugh”
Badly made or done
“Fast fashion is shoddy”
An extremely enthusiastic recommendation or approval
“They were raving over your book”
Fever pitch
A state of extreme excitement; desperate
“The crowd was at fever pitch”
A success
“They have been doing a boffo business ever since the renovation was completed”
A success
“They have been doing a boffo business ever since the renovation was completed”
The quality of being important or significant
“She proved her substance to the director”
Walk with long, decisive steps in a specific direction
“Her confident stride intimidated me”
Stay in your lane
To mind your own business or to stick with what you know and are good at
“People who aren’t educated about the topic should stay in their lane when the topic is discussed”
Paint the town red
Go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly
“We really painted the town red last night”
In no uncertain terms
Clearly and forcefully
“She told me in no uncertain terms that no one in the friend group liked me”
Stiff upper lips
Does not show their feelings when they are upset
“A comment she made about his mother rendered him to lose his stiff upper lip and he went ape shit on her”
Respond with great physical or emotional discomfort
“I could tell that she was writhing in embarrassment”
Clear eyed
Having a shrewd understanding and no illusions
“She is clear eyed about the risks because she has experience”
A person used by others for their own purposes
“She allowed herself to be used as a pawn”
A casual romantic or sexual partner
“I’m not averse to an occasional dalliance”
New and original that it’s never been seen, used or even thought of before
“His comedy is rather novel”
High gear
In or into a state of great intense activity
“Whenever I am trying to fall asleep, my brain jumps into high gear of anxiety”
Fizzled out
To gradually become less successful and end in a disappointing way
“Our friendship fizzled out after I found out that she had been talking shit about me behind my back”
Come to a head
It becomes so bad that something must be done
“Her indolence came to a head when she failed all her classes”
Short shelf life
“I can’t rely on my good looks forever because beauty has a short shelf life”
Cause (someone) to become motionless with horror, wonder or astonishment
“I was transfixed by the tape”
Acceptable or satisfactory
“I don’t think it’s palatable to say that in this day and age”
Cause to be or to become; make
“I was rendered numb by the experience”
A state or experience of being carried away by overwhelming emotions
“I was sent into a rapture by the performance”
Having or expressing lively, cheerful and self confidence
“I love her jaunty energy”
Rude but in a charming way
“I’m into cheeky men”
Rude but in a charming way
“I’m into cheeky men”
(Of a girl or young woman) attractively lively or cheeky
“The character should be pert”
Hurl or launch (something) in a specific direction with or as if a catapult
“She catapulted to the top of her high school’s social hierarchy”
Done or shown openly, plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden
“Their campaign is overtly antisemitic”
Having an excessive interest in sex (of books, magazines, etc) erotic, bawdy or lewd
“I don’t like salacious humour”
(Especially of clothing or a color) not flattering
“That top looks unbecoming on her”
Consign or dismiss to inferior rank or position
“If I become a player, they may relegate my to boring tasks because almost all of them dislike me”
Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment
“In your eyes, forgiveness does not matter, only absolution does”
Formal release from guilt, obligation or punishment
“In your eyes, forgiveness does not matter, only absolution does”
High on the hog
Something is luxurious or that someone is affluent
“Everyone that attends GDS lives high on the hog”
Having an abundance of wealth, property or other material goods; prosperous; rich
“She lives an affluent lifestyle”
Very plentiful; abundant
“My school abounds with retards”
If the highest quality
“She gave a superlative performance”
Captured the fascinated attention of
“I was so enthralled by the way she delivered each line”
Adventurous or audaciously bold
“If I’m feeling daring”
The position of the greatest importance and prominence
“They are on the forefront of that struggle”
Push the envelope
Approach or extend the limits of what is possible
“His proposal pushed the envelope”
A feeling of doubt or apprehension about the outcome or consequences of something
“I have misgivings about applying to be a player”
Of such excellence, grandeur or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe
“His performance was sublime”
Elevate to a higher degree or moral or spiritual excellence
“Let your thoughts be sublimed by the spirit of G-d”
Rear it’s ugly head
Something bad or causes trouble usually after not occurring for a long time
“I knew that my winter depression would eventually rear it’s ugly head”
A person or thing that has been left out, excluded or left undone
“I was pleasantly surprised by his omission from the guest list”
A person or thing that has been left out, excluded or left undone
“I was pleasantly surprised by his omission from the guest list”
To try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject
“Many students at my school are grappling with the nuances of the war”
Rebuke or reprimand severely
“She takes pleasure in chastising me”