Cards On The Wall Flashcards
Likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing
“She isn’t very susceptible to flattery”
“I’m very susceptible to colds”
Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom or character
“The president was a venerable old man”
Having a harmful or destructive effect/threatening harm; menacing
“The way that they have gone about it has had baleful effects on the Jewish students”
“It had a baleful influence”
Restrain oneself from doing something
“I tried so hard to stifle my laughter so I would not hurt her feelings”
“Anything I do seems to be stifled by my anxiety”
Deriving ideas, style or taste from broad and diverse range sources
“The cast is made up of an eclectic group of people”
“I have an eclectic taste in music”
Mentally sharp or clever
“He is an astute observer of the current political climate”
Guilty of or involving betrayal and deception
“Of course condemn the treaterous people behind this campaign”
A hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties
“I try to avoid confrontation about the conflict with the kids that I go to school with”
Enough or more then enough; plentiful
“There is ample time for discussion”
“There is ample evidence that the intentions behind this campaign was not to share about Palestinian culture but to stir up hatred against Israel”
To improve it by making small changes
“I haven’t finished refining my plan yet”
“There is always room for refinement”
Having a false look of truth or genuineness
“He had some specious excuses”
Causing or likely to cause an argument
“This is a highly contentious issue”
In low spirits from loss of hope or courage
“I was despondent over losing him”
Cause to coexist in harmony, make or show to be compatible
“Until principle Brown intervenes, Arabs and Jews will never be able to reconcile”
Dark in color or tone; gloomy
“The somber clouds indicate that it’s going to rain soon”
Grossly unfair and morally wrong
“The fact that the Arabs are allowed to have a Campaign for Palestine but the Jews are not allowed to have a campaign for Israel proves just how iniquitous the school administration is”
Very old or old fashioned
“They need to update their archaic computer system”
“There archaic practices are advocated by people of limited outlook”
Delay or prevent
“It will impede the Jewish students security”
”It will impede my academic progress”
Heart Rending
Causing great sadness or distress
“It was a heart rending thought”
Express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their actions
“My lethargy in class drew a sharp rebuke from my teacher”
“There should be a public rebuke from the Jewish students”
Of a person unwilling or unable to believe something
“They are incredulous to the facts”
Have an effect or impact, especially a negative one
“Don’t let lowbrows impinge on your self esteem”
“My excessive schoolwork is starting to impinge on my social life”