The Scientific Method Flashcards
What are the five steps of the scientific method?
- Observation and description of phenomena (ask a question)
- Hypothesis formulation
- Predict quantitative results of observations or existence of other phenomena
- Perform experimental tests of predictions
- Quantitative analysis and conclusion
What is the difference between the observational method and the experimental method?
Observational: observations are uncontrolled, relationships and hypothesis are formulated at the end. Investigator does not interfere.
Experimental: observations are controlled, hypothesis and relationships are formulated at the start. Investigator tries to control environment where the hypothesis is tested.
What are the pros of experimental studies?
They have more validity
Able to determine causality
Randomised and blinded - means a smaller chance of bias
What are the cons of experimental studies?
May require more resources (money and time)
Ethical concerns for some exposures
Difficult if outcome studied is rare
What are the pros of observational studies?
May need less resources (money and time)
Less ethical concerns (observing, not experimenting)
Good if outcome is rare
What are the cons of observational studies?
Less validity as difficult to determine causality
No randomisation or blinding
What are the steps of the experimental process?
- State the problem or question
- Choose which variables will be measured and/or manipulated, and the methods and instruments with which you’ll do it
- Determine the controls
- Design the experiment/study
- Collect data
- Analyse the data
What are the possible outcomes of research?
Theory or law of nature ‘created’.
Hypothesis needs to be modified or rejected.
Predictive power of the hypothesis/theory increases.
Theory is disproved.
New observation conflicts with long-standing theory.
What are the possible pitfalls of research?
Bias - preference for a particular outcome (must not affect results or their interpretation).
Hypothesis is confused with the explanation.
Data which doesn’t support the hypothesis is ignored/ruled out.
Systematic errors are not estimated quantitatively .
Sample is too small - leads to the experiment being underpowered (not reliable due to small size).
What is the definition of a hypothesis?
A limited statement of cause and effect in a specific situation. Can also refer to knowledge before experimental work has been performed.
What is the definition of a model?
Hypothesis with limited validity
What is a theory/law?
Hypothesis (or group of) which has been confirmed through repeated experimental tests
What is the null hypothesis?
A hypothesis which can be disproven (opposite to the hypothesis)
What is the difference between dependent and independent variables?
Dependent: response due to a change (behavioural, physiological or self-report [e.g. mood or satisfaction])
Independent: manipulated by experimenter (treatment type, treatment factors [e.g. length or location], experimental manipulations)
Why is the scientific method helpful?
Results should explain something (even if not what you were looking for).
Helps distinguish between correlation and causation.
Gives empiricism: knowledge is verified through evidence from observation.
Gives determinism: discovers laws and causes.
Allows for scepticism.
What is deductive reasoning?
Takes information from the general case to a specific case (e.g. all birds have feathered wings, sparrows have feathered wings, so sparrows are birds)
What is inductive reasoning?
Takes information from specific cases to a general principle (e.g. sparrows are birds, they have wings and can fly. Other types of birds have wings and can fly, so all types of birds can fly)
What is an inductive leap?
Generalisation made from many cases to saying that the observation is true in all cases (unlikely to be true)
When does the scientific method work best?
Phenomenon can be isolated by eliminating (or accounting for) extraneous factors, the system can be repeatedly tested after making small, controlled changes to it.