THE ROMANS IN BRITAIN: Roman Army Flashcards
PSB Source: Camp Layout - Roman Fort
Principia in centre
Barracks on either end
Main gate at front
Turrets/corner towers on border
Ditch around it
What were the barrack for in a Roman Fort?
Each contains 2 rooms
1 for socialising
1 for sleeping
Accomodates 8 men
Adaptations of Roman Fort booklet source
Good discipline
Self sufficient - everything they needed was inside the fort
Limitations of Roman Fort booklet source
Only 1 version of a fort
What features of a Roman fort were for protection?
Corner Tower
Adaptations of Booklet source of barrack block at Northumberland
Well built -> made of stone
Northumberland is windy (the Roman army were from Rome so would feel cold)
Limitations of Booklet source of barrack block at Northumberland
Only one photo
Picture is partial
PSB Source: Vegetius, extract from Epitoma
Training was intense
Like practicing with a shield double the weight of a normal one
PSB Source: Incscription in Chester
Training was dangerous
People could die when travelling between places (e.g. shipwreck), not just in war
What are ‘coloniae’
Roman towns initially set up for residence of ex - Roman legionaries
When Roman legionaries had worked for 25 years in the army, they could retire and were given land -> they ran out space in Italy so would give them in Britain
What are ‘municipa’
Highly ranked towns contain British and Roman people (with Latin citizenship)
What is a ‘civitas’
government centres where tax was collected
What were ‘legionary fortresses’?
Fortresses where the army stayed during war
What does Map of Roman Britain in source booklet show?
Good road network
South = more countryside
North = where wars + trade occurred
Limitations of Map of Roman Britain in source booklet?
Possible that some Roman roads are not marked, not found
Main Roman Roads in Britain
Ermine Street
Watling Street
Fosse Way
What were soldiers in legions called?
Had to be Romans
Had to serve for 25 years
Conditions for legionaries during their service?
Cannot get married
Can have affairs
Number of people in a Roman legion?
5000 soldiers
What were legionaries capable of doing?
Building forts, camps, and roads
What did a Roman legionaries staff include?
Recruitment of legionary
Interviewed to check if he was a Roman citizen
Given a medical examination
Source from Vegetius of how a Roman soldier should be
A young soldier should be broad -chested with powerful shoulders. […] All those who do the kind of jobs that women normally do should be kept away from the army. On the other hand, smiths, carpenters and hunters of deer and wild boar are the most suitable kind of recruit. […] You must choose men who are outstanding not only in body but also in mind.
Source from Vegetius about Roman Army training
They are taught not to cut with their swords but to thrust
What was a pilum
A roman javelin
What did Roman soldiers carry?
Rations of food
Equipment to make an overnight camp
What did the Roman Army spend the most time doing?
Building roads
Pay of a Roman Legionary
Same pay during wartime and not.
Legionaries paid for their own equipment + food
How many people were in a century?
How many centuries in a cohort?
What was each century commanded by?
A centurion, assisted by an optio
Who were centurions?
Has long experiences in the army.
Responsible for the training + discipline of their century
What each cohort have?
Signifer (standard-bearer)
Tesserarius - organised guards
Who were auxillaries?
Non - Roman citizens
Granted Roman citizenship after their service
Senior officer in the army
Who was the legatus
Officer commanding a roman legion. Member of the senate of Rome.
Did not have experience as a legionary, so guided by centurions.
Parts of a Legionary Fortress
Via praetoria
Via principalis
Barracks (containing 2 contubernium)
Bath House
Headquarters of a Roman Fortress
Living quarters of commanding officer
Street from main gate to principia’s main entrance
Via praetoria
Street from width from fort, passes principia
Via principalis
Where the commander works with his officers
Flag with eagle
Aquila, carried by aquilifer (eagle-bearer)
Where was the amphitheatre?
Used for training, ceremonial parades, occasional gladiatorial shows
What was the bath house used for?
Social centre for soldiers
How many cohorts in a legion?