Latin Syntax - Grammar constructions Flashcards
Standard uses of cases: Nominative
Person doing the action
Standard uses of cases: Accusative
To speak directly to someone
Standard uses of cases: Genitive
expresses possession
Standard uses of cases: Dative
‘to’ or ‘for’
Standard uses of cases: Ablative
Expressions of time: Time ‘how long’
Expressions of time: Time ‘when’ or ‘within’
What are prepositions
Placed before a noun
To express movement or position in relation to it
Ways in which prepositions are used
Preposition + accusative noun = Motion towards
Preposition + ablative noun = position of rest/motion away
Direct Commands definition
Telling someone to do something
Direct commands: construction
Stem + imperative
Formation of imperatives
1st: sing = -a, pl = ate
2nd: sing = -e, pl = ete
3rd: sing = -e, pl = ite
4th: sing = -i, pl = ite
Negative direct commands: construction
sing = noli
pl = nolite
+ infinitive
Irregular imperatives
duc = say
dic = speak
fer = carry
fac = do
Direct Questions definition
Quotes the actual words of the speaker
Has question marks
Ways to introduce a question
Add -ne at the end of the first word
Use question word at the start
Question words
Cur = why?
quam = how?
quo modo = in what way?
ubi = where?
quo = where to?
unde = from where?
quis, quid = who? which? what?
quantus-a-um = how big?
quot = how many?
qualis-e = what sort of?
Participles definition
Describe a noun but are verbs
Verbal adjectives
Types of Participles
Present Active Participle
Perfect Passive Participle
Perfect Active Participle
Future Active Participle
Present Active Participle: Endings
-ans, -ens, -iens
-ant-, -ent-, -ient-
3rd dec
Perfect Passive Participle + Perfect Active Participle: Endings
-us, -a, -um
1st dec F, 2nd dec M + N
Future Active Participles: Formation
PPP stem + ‘ur’ + PPP ending
e.g. portatus -> portaturus
Gerundives: formation
Verb stem + ‘ndus’
Gerundives: translation
‘needing to be Xed’
Gerundives to express purpose
Ad + gerundive
Indirect Statements: definition
Reports someone’s actions
Indirect Statement: formation
Subject -> accusative
Verb -> infinitive
Indirect Command: definition
Reports a command
Indirect Command: formation
Command verb + ut + subjunctive
Command verbs
hortor = I encourage
moneo = I warn
oro = I beg
persuadeo = I persuade
rogo = I ask
Negative Indirect Command: formation
Command verb + ne + subjunctive
Indirect Question: definition
Reports a question
Verb: Direct -> indirect = shifts 1 tense back
Indirect Question: formation
Verb of asking + question word + subjunctive
Purpose Clauses: formation
ut + imperfect subjunctive = in order to
Negative purpose clause: formation
ne + imperfect subjunctive = in order not to
Fearing Clauses: formation
ne + imperfect subjunctive
Result Clauses: definition
The outcome of an action
Result Clauses: formation
Signpost word + ut + subjunctive = so…that
Negative Result Clause: formation
Signpost word + ut + non + subjunctive
Result Clauses: Signpost word
tam = so
Verb conjugations
- porto -> -are
- moneo -> -ere
- traho -> -ere
- Audio -> -ire
Ablative Absolute
Noun + participle
* Both in ablative
* Separated from sentence with commas
Ablative Absolute: Present Active Participle
With the ‘noun’ verb-ing
Ablative Absolute: Perfect Passive Participle
With the ‘noun’ having been verb-en
Ablative Absolute: Perfect Active Participle
With the ‘noun’ having verb-ed
Ablative Absolute: Future Active Participle
With the ‘noun’ about to verb
Forming adverbs
2-1-2 adjectives:
Remove -us from masc. nom. sing. and add -e
laetus -> laete
3rd dec adjectives:
Add -iter to stem
brevis -> breviter
Acception of adverbs
difficilis and facilis (3rd dec, but follow 2-1-2 rule)
Superlative adverbs
Remove -us from masc. nom. sing. superlative, then add -e
laetissimus -> laetissime
Quam + superlative adverb
As….as possible
Comparative Adjectives Definition
Used to compare 2 people or things
Comparative Adjectives Formation
Basic stem + ‘ior’ + 3rd dec ending
Sentences normally have quam = than in
Ablative of comparison
Take out quam and put 2nd noun in ablative.
Superlative Adjectives Definition
To say a person/thing has a quality to a greater extent than another.
Superlative Adjectives
Basic stem + ‘issim’ + 2-1-2 ending
Irregular 2-1-2 comparatives + adjectives
- miser
- pulcher
- celer
use - errimus
Irregular 3rd dec comparatives + adjectives
- facilis
- difficilis
- similis
use -illimus
Very irregular comparative + superlative adjectives
- bonus -> melior -> optimus
- malus -> peior -> pessimus
- magnus -> maior -> maximus
- parvus -> minor -> minimus
- multus -> plus -> plurimus
- multi -> plures -> plurimi
Words e.g. ‘I, she, they’ that stand in the place of a noun (avoids the need to repeat it)