The role of melatonin Flashcards
Check out diagram on page 151 on OCR GSCE psychology book
memories the structure
What is melatonin associated with??
sleep onset
What is melatonin and where is it located?
- natural hormone made by the pineal gland, Which is about the size of a pea and located just above the middle of the brain.
When is melatonin produced and when is it not produced?
During the day, the gland is inactive . At night, the pineal gland gets switched on by the SCN and starts to produce melatonin, which is released in the blood.
What happens when melatonin levels increase
we begin to feel less alert and drowsier, eventually having the urge to fall asleep.
how long do melatonin levels remain high??
for about12 hours, generally start of a new day, during the day its hard to detect any melatonin in the body
Define Pineal Gland
- An endocrine gland, found in the brain which produces melatonin